My sleepwear business Lauren Curtis Lounge has been up and running since September 2018. It's my first business outside of YouTube, and while I knew it would be a challenging endeavour, I didn't realise just HOW challenging. Reece (my boyfriend and co-founder) and I have learnt SO. MANY. LESSONS. in the past year and a half (most of them the hard - and expensive - way), and so I wanted to share our experiences with you guys. Who knows, maybe you're thinking of starting a small business or...
Published 02/05/20
What's your relationship with money like? Do you struggle to save, wish you knew how to budget, or can't get yourself out of debt? Do you feel pressured to buy a house and stop renting? Do you regularly use Afterpay and UberEats? Do you understand what shares are, and the impact of smart investments? Or, do you just have limiting money beliefs that you want to conquer? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, this episode is for you. Victoria Devine from She's on the Money (listen...
Published 01/30/20
As many of you will know, I have been seeing Carmen McNamara aka The Skin Fairy for at least 4 or 5 years now. She's helped me tremendously throughout the years, but more so now since going off the contraceptive pill and experiencing hormonal breakouts. I have received so many messages asking if I could interview her and pick her brains, so that's exactly what I'm doing in this episode! I asked you guys what questions you'd like for her to answer, and then I picked the most commonly asked or...
Published 01/21/20
This episode is... mind blowing! I got goosebumps so many times and had to edit out my hundreds of "WOW" remarks (I couldn't help myself!). I really struggled to pick a title because nothing could succinctly summarise how interesting, engaging, informative, inspirational and truly unbelievable her story is. You've probably heard of The Quick Flick by now (winged eyeliner stamp for those who haven't), and maybe even her new venture Beauty Fridge. Iris Smit is only 24 and has managed to build a...
Published 01/14/20
Hellooo! By now, most of you will probably be familiar with my boyfriend of almost 5 years, Reece. He's the love of my life, my best friend and my soul mate. He's also super shy so it takes a bit of coercing to get him to agree to film a video or record a podcast hehehe but this particular Q&A (Q's asked by you guys) he really enjoyed and gave sooo many personal, insightful and helpful answers. It became quite an intimate discussion about almost everything in our lives (whether it be as a...
Published 11/27/19
Karissa Pukas and I have an interesting past. We first connected online back in 2011, and met in person in 2013. We filmed two videos together, one at my house in Perth and another in Sydney with Shannon, Chloe and myself (who remembers?!). All was well until it... wasn't. Something happened (tune in to find out what) and that was the end of our friendship. I blocked Karissa from everything and she unfollowed me right back. I'm a grudge holder, so I genuinely thought that was the end of that...
Published 11/20/19
From the moment I started my YouTube channel, the most common insults I would receive were to do with my appearance. People would call me fake any chance they could get. While the taboos surrounding plastic surgery and injectables have lessened slightly, the judgement people face whenever they're honest about getting work done, or even if they've never discussed it and people just think they've had something done, is immense. It's almost as if they feel superior to you, and they want to let...
Published 11/13/19
This episode might make some people uncomfortable because it goes against the saying "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life". I think that statement is very naive and ignorant to the reality of business and being your own boss, and gives people a false sense of hope that monetising your passions will always end well. The truth: it might have the opposite effect. In this episode I talk through why I feel that sometimes hobbies should be left as just that: hobbies, and why...
Published 11/07/19
The response to my first episode on the law of attraction was epic! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Many of you wanted a follow-up on what was discussed, so here it is! This is a foolproof guide to using the law of attraction, and what common mistakes you might be making that are sabotaging your results. I love discussing this stuff, so I hope you enjoy! Please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review if you haven't already - THANK YOU :) x
Published 10/24/19
I came across an Instagram post with a very insightful caption about dating and I wanted to talk through it with you guys!
Published 10/09/19
Of course we all know that every relationship (friendship or romantic) needs to be built on mutual loyalty to one another, but where do you draw the line? Is there a point at which you begin to give too much of yourself in order to be loyal to someone else, especially when they probably wouldn't do the same for you? I tend to be fiercely loyal, which I feel only really benefits the other person, and leaves me feeling a bit exhausted. It's been on my mind after seeing a meme about it on...
Published 10/02/19
The stigma around sponsored posts is still very much alive and thriving, and I almost think that might actually be a good thing. The social media industry is booming, influencers are cashing in, and a lot of the time they're not even disclosing their sponsorships. Many are banking cheques for promoting products they've barely used and it begs the question: who can you really trust? While I pride myself on being 100% honest 100% of the time, I know that many people can't say the same, and it's...
Published 09/23/19
How many times have you had an idea of how something would pan out, only to be left feeling disappointed and underwhelmed? You thought your boyfriend would be able to read your mind somehow and do all of the cute things you wanted him to, but when he didn't meet those expectations you became upset and an argument broke out. Perhaps you expected to be married with kids by now, and because you're not quite there, you feel like you've failed. Maybe you thought your business would be more...
Published 09/12/19
This episode is all about staying in your lane and running your own race. Too often we focus our attention on what everyone around us is doing, and use those observations as markers for success in our own lives. Do we even truly want that for ourselves? Do we feel ready for that? Do we need that? I think it's important to remind ourselves every now and then that life isn't a journey that looks the same for everyone. Stop looking at who's behind, alongside or in front of you - it doesn't...
Published 09/02/19
Perhaps you've heard about 'manifesting' or the 'law of attraction' and you're intrigued but not quite sure where to start. Perhaps you've had lots of experience with it and you just want to hear about someone else's experience. Or, perhaps you think it's some mumbo-jumbo hippie stuff and you're keen for a laugh. Regardless of what caused you to tune in, I'm here to share my 2 cents on what the law of attraction means to me and why I think it's so powerful. If you'd like a part two or have...
Published 08/26/19
Do I regret my plastic surgery? What advice would I give to a younger me? How would I overcome cheating? How do I stay motivated? How am I so happy all the time? These are just some of the questions I answered in today's Ask Lauren episode! If you enjoyed please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review - thank you so much! :) x
Published 08/15/19
How many times, as a woman, have you been asked when you are going to have kids? How many kids do you want? And if you don't want kids, why don't you want kids? Or when are you planning to get married? Do you want to get married? Why aren't you married? Or if you're in a social setting, why aren't you drinking? Why don't you drink? Oh come on, just have one! Ugh, it does my head in... but it's seriously worth talking about. Let me know your thoughts over at @lozcurtis and...
Published 08/06/19
Do you think Instagram has had a positive or negative effect on your life? Our feeds are full of beautiful, successful, wealthy, happy people whose lives seem to be perfect. That's great for them, but what does it mean for the rest of us leading normal, boring lives in comparison? How can we stop getting sucked into the comparison game - and why are we even sucked in in the first place? Listen to find out :) If you're enjoying this podcast please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!...
Published 07/30/19
In the last couple of years I've noticed that my attitude towards many different aspects of my life has completely changed. Things that used to absorb so much of my energy now don't seem to bother me at all, and everything seems so much simpler. It's almost is as my life has become more black and white, and it feels liberating! In today's episode I talk about many of the changes and what it's meant for all the different aspects of my life. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review if...
Published 07/17/19
Diet culture is a vulture that preys on the insecure, the unconfident and the naive. According to Google, it "worships thinness and equates it to health and moral virtue", and "oppresses people who don't match up with its supposed picture of 'health'". You might not know it yet, but your fears and insecurities are big business, and when money talks, do these companies you trust really have your best interests at heart? If you enjoyed, please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on...
Published 07/03/19
Do you have friends that never seem to be happy for you and your achievements? Do they talk behind your back and put no effort into the friendship? Do you wish you had friends but can't seem to meet new people or don't know how to? I asked my followers on Instagram (@lozcurtis) what they needed advice on and toxic friendships was the most common response. Tune in to listen to my take on personal questions asked by real people! For more, head to @lozcurtis, @mentalmakeoverpodcast or...
Published 06/27/19
Do you wish you were happier? Do you see other people living amazing, fulfilling lives and wonder what their secret is? Do you want that for yourself? In today's episode I explain why I firmly believe that happiness is a choice - one that needs to be chosen every. single. day. We all struggle, we all go through hardships and we've all faced difficulties in our lives. So what are the happy people doing differently? Tune in to find out :) If you enjoy the Mental Makeover podcast please don't...
Published 06/20/19
How do I know if he's into me? Does he see a future with me? Why doesn't he text me back? How soon is too soon to expect exclusivity? Should I leave him? Does he like me? Do I deserve better? Why do I always date losers? Why am I always getting cheated on? If you've ever asked yourself one of these questions (or maybe even all of them), this episode is for you - and I'll give it to you straight! Please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review if you enjoyed today's episode! It means that...
Published 06/11/19
Breakups can be soul-destroying, and sometimes it feels like there's no light at the end of the tunnel. I'm here to remind you that the light is most certainly there and it's not as far away as you think! I share all of the gritty details about my own breakup experience, and talk you through the tools I used that helped me come out on top, stronger than ever. I hope you enjoy; please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review so that anyone else who might be struggling through a breakup can...
Published 05/30/19
I have a love/hate relationship with Facetune. On one hand, I think it's largely responsible for so many people's body image issues, but on the other hand, I think it's a really handy tool to have. In today's episode, we dive deep into how people use it, why they use it, and what should be done about it going forward. Thanks for listening and please don't forget to subscribe, rate and review! x
Published 05/26/19