Death by Demography: How Population Changes Impact National Security
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Every day the news is littered with stories about the implications of profound demographic shifts faced by the world's states and regions.
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Scientists have long thought that the bizarre and fantastic world of non-locality, indeterminacy, and wave/particle duality that physicists discovered in the early 20th century was confined, for all practical purposes, to the sub-atomic level. At the macroscopic, human level it’s been assumed...
Published 05/22/18
Scientists have long thought that the bizarre and fantastic world of non-locality, indeterminacy, and wave/particle duality that physicists discovered in the early 20th century was confined, for all practical purposes, to the sub-atomic level. At the macroscopic, human level it’s been assumed...
Published 05/22/18
This conference is part of a series of national events examining the all-volunteer force and democracy in America. In April 2016, the Center for the Study of the U.S. Military at the University of Kansas in collaboration with the AVF Forum hosted the first symposium on the AVF. Military experts,...
Published 05/22/18