Suffering takes place when the tension, pressure, stress, and friction that is acting on all physical matter exceeds the ease, joy knowing, and liberation that naturally exudes from all living matter... ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself.- JOIN NOW -
Published 09/07/23
Nature is in an uproar because life has lost its balance. The effect is dry heat... Humans have contributed to the imbalance and we humans can help restore it. Our bodies are 70% water and if we bring the energy and influence of water to bear in our thoughts, in our feelings, in our projections, in our relations, then all of a sudden we become the solution. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like...
Published 09/07/23
Look into a portal to progressive, optimistic, high-minded, creation. Level up and out and awaken intuition and the next healing, benevolent idea for propelling life on Earth into a more healed reality. Awakening literally means, listening deeply to the universal instructions, recognizing the opportunity within a possibility, and fueling it with hopefulness and courage.  ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members...
Published 09/07/23
Sync the trinity of the lower three chakra; intention, motivation, and purpose, with the upper three chakra; faith and trust, passing through the heart-brain; courage, and create the yogic cross of inspiration and opportunity. Sync your cross with the electromagnetics of the moon and Earth and allow the courage of the heart to balance with the critical duality of the head. Fuel your dreams with the energy and remember; patience is not about waiting, it's about knowing. ** Join The 13 Moons...
Published 09/07/23
Sync the trinity of the lower three chakra; intention, motivation, and purpose, with the upper three chakra; faith and trust, passing through the heart-brain; courage, and create the yogic cross of inspiration and opportunity.  ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself.- JOIN NOW -
Published 08/09/23
The Earth's man-made routines are all logical and out of balance. In large part because we created and use, almost exclusively, the economic solar calendar in every part of life. But the maagic remains in play, always there in the rhythm of nature... When we tune our subtle bodies into the euphony of the natural world, we can bring some soothing balance to all the law-gic. In-joy a day out of time in your favorite nature spot, breathe, sing, dance, walk, and find your silence in the sound...
Published 08/09/23
Inspire every moment and bring balance to the logical and magical pieces of your being. Inspiring means taking in Spirit and it's important to use the breath as inspiration in our overly logical, patriarchal world. Use this set to integrate and coordinate the incredible inspiration of Spirit with the vital instrumentation of your body. The logical and Magical will blend and fold into each other, bringing balance and flow to your nervous system. Then adapting to these current times will be...
Published 08/09/23
How do we tap into and embrace the levity available to us in this finite reality? Through the energy~silence~vibration of our angels, guides, and ancestors. Move and breathe through this practice with the intention to observe the invisible, hear into the silence, and feel into the ephemeral. Acknowledge and bask in appreciation for our angelic force in the forms of angels, guides, power animals, and energies. Imagine the life you want in the dualistic reality of gravity and levity. ** Join...
Published 07/21/23
Harmony comes naturally when joyfully relaxed. Mastering the ability to breathe and connect to primal moments of success. When we have more ease in the body and our space, we access the space~equation of the Infinite Stranger - the sensation and knowing of our true selves -- a friend and ally. The Infinite Stranger is the breather and when fully accessed, we are the breathed through the Infinite Stranger. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation...
Published 07/21/23
Shift regret and stagnation into momentum and find balance and flow for the soul body within the physical body. The antidote to regret is trust. Immerse in curiosity about what transformation means... And utilize the power of posture to align mind, body, and spirit with the possibilities and opportunities that come through Life in this material form. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself. -...
Published 06/05/23
Get aligned in the higher frequencies of our full body-brain and sync up the lenses through which you view, review & engage with life. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself. - JOIN NOW - Connect with Guru Singh: Website I http://www.gurusingh.com Instagram I https://www.instagram.com/gurusinghyogi Facebook I https://www.facebook.com/gurusinghyogi Youtube I...
Published 06/02/23
When we lose the traditional mental constructs and restrictions -- the mind that patrols and controls all of what we experience through the filter of our bio-psychic and bio-emotional system -- we can transcend the five common senses. What does it mean to "transcend our common senses"? Essentially it's when we reconnect with ALL of life; nature, and operate from the body-brain; experiencing consciousness shifting at a visceral level. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and...
Published 06/02/23
The entire physical body prospers from self-respect.  When we disrespect ourselves or when we accept the impertinence and incivility of others, it weakens our finite vessel and creates discord in our personal sound vibration. Consider how life on the planet could change, if we humans release the sense of 'who we are = how we look' and instead embrace the notion of 'who we are = how strong and exalted our sound vibration radiates'.  ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and...
Published 06/02/23
Sense into the mitochondrial connection with all your ancestors and know the strength & power of your matriarchal lineages. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself. - JOIN NOW - Connect with Guru Singh: Website I http://www.gurusingh.com Instagram I https://www.instagram.com/gurusinghyogi Facebook I https://www.facebook.com/gurusinghyogi Youtube I...
Published 05/21/23
Mind over Matter is an expression that tries to define our ability to navigate this physical world. It programs humans to head-brain think their way through life. And it gets stuck in the fifth chakra, the throat. People tend to think with only two-dimensional, dualistic head-brain and speak from the same place... The lack of dimension in thoughts and words makes the physical world separate and dangerous. Listen in for more insight... ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and...
Published 05/12/23
Rewire the sensations in the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Reinstall hope, humility, latitude & liberation in thoughts and words. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself. - JOIN NOW - Connect with Guru Singh: Website I http://www.gurusingh.com Instagram I https://www.instagram.com/gurusinghyogi Facebook I https://www.facebook.com/gurusinghyogi Youtube I...
Published 05/06/23
Massaging, bowing, purifying, and aligning the three brains on the lateral plane. Ease the sensory system into joy and liberation. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself. - JOIN NOW - Connect with Guru Singh: Website I http://www.gurusingh.com Instagram I https://www.instagram.com/gurusinghyogi Facebook I https://www.facebook.com/gurusinghyogi Youtube I...
Published 05/06/23
Four hundred miles below the surface of the Earth is an ocean of fresh water that is three times larger in volume than all the water [salt and fresh] on the surface of the Earth. This reservoir of water -- hidden in the Earth's mantle -- is like our vestibular mechanism in the inner ear. It’s the balancer of this planet as it spins and orbits in free space. Earth is a living creature with Soul and with lungs that breathe, just like all of the life that exists on her. The human body has up to...
Published 04/30/23
Listen in for insight on the recent new moon/eclipse. It's potent and brings a dramatic close to the fire(Aries) season. Our only choice is to leave the past in the past and embrace the present and future that we want to create. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself. - JOIN NOW - Connect with Guru Singh: Website I http://www.gurusingh.com Instagram I...
Published 04/30/23
Within a holographic nature, you have the opportunity of anything being everything. It’s only the opinions and attitudes that limit and hold it back, or release and set it free...any limitation originates from falsehoods. Remember, when you have an opinion of yourself, or anyone else, you're only experiencing a sliver of what is, because every moment and point in space contains everything. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey...
Published 04/28/23
The power of prayer, meditation, contemplative intuition, and insight are all powers of devotion. If life were a film in the theater of this world, devotion would be the power to access the projector room and alter the ultra-high-density hologram that’s on the film of existence before it’s shown. In this way devotions alter the light that constructs the projection of life into spacetime... actually changes the sensations of time within the illusions of space. ** Join The 13 Moons Community...
Published 04/28/23
As we transition into the Spring and Autumn seasons, the elements of both fire and water are active within us and all of Nature. This energy offers us cleansing from old beliefs and habits that we have grown out of. As well as burning through worn-out baggage. For new energy and opportunities to enter life with this new moon, we need to become conscious of how we have limited ourselves. This cleaning and clearing energy support doing this. ** Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and...
Published 04/28/23
Equinox is a time to get ready for action. Tap into balance & equilibrium, then act within the planet’s creative collective.  Like the construction of a web, the more aware the lives are that join forces to serve, the more this collective’s woven energy prospers and succeeds. When gathered together into a fabric of spacetime: it’s maagic within logic; it’s water within the air, and it’s the light within the darkness; it’s natural. In critical times such as now, solutions are contained...
Published 04/27/23
Harmony comes joyfully when we are naturally relaxed... And when we are confident that the Infinite will take care of it...at last. Join The 13 Moons Community with Guru Singh and practice the new 28-Day Meditation Journey alongside heart-led members like yourself. - JOIN NOW -Connect with Guru Singh: Website I http://www.gurusingh.com
Published 03/24/23
It’s the season for new beginnings… This practice is designed intentionally for making shifts, increasing vitality, strength, and clarity, and springing forward into new opportunities. It’s time to develop unity between the belly-brain and head-brain, in tandem with the lower plexus of energy, and initiate the changes necessary for clarity to shine through. Whether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere, move and shift from one season to another in joy; the key to creating new...
Published 03/12/23