Story - Strict Religious Snob & Sorry Crooked Taxman - Acharei Mot Kedoshim Luke 18-20
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Yeshua's story about the strict religious snob and the sorry crooked taxman. God pays attention to prayer, accepts dirty hurting messed-up broken people when they apologize and ask for help. Poetry from a prophet about God being way up there and way down there with the guy in the gutter. God does takedowns on proud people. God offers a helping hand to the low. What we do in Yeshua's countercultural kingdom. Overview of Leviticus 16-20 and Luke 18-20. Lessons from Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. How is this faith different than all other faiths? Deep need in human psyche to be covered and cleansed. Paul and his apostolic team observed the Day of Atonement. How our culture worships. Banned sexual practices including incest, bestiality, and homosexuality. The practice of, the principle under, and the person behind the mitzvot. What, why, and who of Bible commands. Death penalties of the theocracy and the only good man who took your place.