272: Angie Drobnic Holan (International Fact-Checking Network)
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Z dolgoletno odg. urednico Politifacta in zdaj direktorico Mednarodne mreže za preverjanje dejstev se pogovarjamo o strategijah in metodah boja proti dezinformacijam. Izvemo, kakšne so v tem pogledu razlike med državami po svetu, ugotavljamo, kolikšen je bil napredek v zadnjih letih in razmišljamo o koristnosti umetne inteligence pri iskanju in zatiranju dezinformacijskega plevela. #MetinČaj S11E13   ANGIE DROBNIC HOLAN – The director of the International Fact-Checking Network, which supports and promotes fact-checking worldwide. Before assuming that role in June 2023, Holan served as editor-in-chief of PolitiFact, the U.S. fact-checking site, for 10 years. She has extensive experience fact-checking the presidency, Congress and political campaigns, and was a reporter on the PolitiFact team that won the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. She served on the advisory board of the International Fact-Checking Network. Furthermore, she holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University and a master’s of library science from the University of South Florida. Her undergraduate degree is from the Plan II liberal arts program at the University of Texas at Austin. She is a native of Louisiana and attended the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts. (source) * 060: Angie Drobnic Holan (PolitiFact.com) – Liar, liar, pants on fire! * International Fact-Checking Network – Poynter * IFCN Code of Principles * PBS Newshour * Sarajevo, Rio de Janeiro selected to host the international fact-checking community’s largest summits in 2024 and 2025 * GlobalFact 11   Metin čaj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi živijo in o njih razmišljajo.  Gostitelja sta Nataša Briški (Metina lista) in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS). Komentarji in predlogi dobrodošli tudi na [email protected]. #MetinČaj
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