Beyond the Uniform Episode 2: Developing Women for Leadership in the Military; the Power of Effective Mentorship
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Finding a mentor as a junior leader in the military can be a challenging task. For women in the military, there can be additional hurdles to overcome in seeking out positive mentors, to include additional responsibilities at home and caring for children. Knowing how to seek out positive mentors and knowing what healthy mentorship is can have a significant impact on career progression and professional development. In this episode, LTC (R) Wendy Perry shares her wisdom and expertise in leadership and military service to inform our listeners about how to seek out positive mentors and the importance of diversifying mentors to maximize growth and leadership development. LTC (R) Wendy Perry is a Registered Nurse and seasoned expert leader. During over 21 years of Army service, she held various leadership positions in the U.S. and abroad. Wendy is committed to mentoring aspiring leaders and, in particular, inspiring and empowering women in leadership. Wendy is a graduate of Prairie View AandM University, Prairie View, TX. She holds a Master of Science Degree from the University of Maryland, having earned post-Masters certificates in Health Services Leadership and Teaching in Nursing and Health Professions. She is a graduate of the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University’s Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (V-WISE) Program. She is also a graduate of The University of Georgia’s Center for Continuing Education Sherpa Executive Coaching Program. Wendy is the author of Pow(Her) Surge: Recognizing and Accessing Power Within. Email: [email protected]