Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on “revealed." This episode is from young adult ministry coordinator, Gathering music director, superhuman, and our favorite musician: Becky Bliss!
Published 04/14/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on “revealed." This episode is from Rev. Hallie Hottle and Dr. Trenton Smith!
Published 04/13/20
We close our Holy "distance" week with a Good Friday meditation. We remember Good Friday as the story of God's love overcoming all distance to be close to you. Listen in, and remember.
Published 04/11/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on “distance." This episode is from the best barista and our own personal rap queen, Emily Mayfield!
Published 04/10/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on “distance." This episode comes to us from a distance, from young adult and current student at Princeton Seminary in NJ, Molly Ramsey. Molly has been social distancing longer than we have, in proximity to some of the hardest hit areas of our country. Listen in for this Maundy Thursday word.
Published 04/09/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on “distance." This episode is from young adult, Clare Stern-Burbano!
Published 04/08/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on “Distance." This episode is from young adult and super-human, Amelia Howard!
Published 04/07/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This word for this new Holy Week is, distance!
Published 04/06/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on “###." This episode is from young adult ministry leader, ###!
Published 04/03/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on "untied." This episode is from young adult ministry leader, Andrew Halsell!
Published 04/02/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on "untied." This episode is from young adult ministry leader, Abigail Silverwood!
Published 04/01/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on "stillness." This episode is from young adult ministry leader, Dr. Trenton Smith.
Published 03/31/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on "untied."
Published 03/30/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on "stillness." This episode is from young adult ministry leader and podcast extraordinaire, Andrea Chamblin!
Published 03/27/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on "stillness." This episode is from young adult ministry leaders, Kam and Mary Klimes. Find some donuts, and listen in!
Published 03/26/20
Word of the Week is our community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week, we reflect on "stillness." This episode is from young adult ministry leader and podcast extraordinaire, Matt LaMar!
Published 03/25/20
Our new community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days. This week's word, Stillness!
Published 03/25/20
Our new community and self centering experiment for these strange stay-at-home days.
Published 03/24/20
So, this is weird, right?
Published 03/16/20
We sat down with Lindsay Behgam with Voter to Voter to discuss the ins and outs of primary voting in MO and KS! Tune in, and go vote!
Published 03/05/20
We conclude our "Confessions" series with a new confession called the Sarasota Statement, and are joined by one of the authors and our Village on Antioch site pastor, the Rev. Dr. Brandon Frick! How do we confess what we believe in the chaos of our day? Join us as we talk to someone who has tried!
Published 12/11/19
We meet our site pastor from Village on Antioch, Rev. Dr. Frick! We discuss some really important things, like why in the world y'all say "out south" round these parts. Listen in!
Published 11/20/19
Rodger talks about Barmen and Belhar, and how he's inspired to remember that the Church needs courageous people to stand up and say -this is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. Are we at that time now? Listen in.
Published 11/07/19
We're getting to know our Pastor for Adult Faith Formation, the Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka! He's presbyterian-famous. But does he know he has a wikipedia page?
Published 10/29/19
The Rev. Tom Are joins us for conversation on the Book of Confessions! Question master Kam Klimes joins us to ask what you've been thinking.
Published 10/17/19