What in your life is currently pushing you to your limits.  Testing you to see what you're made of? Creating the opportunity to stretch yourself and grow into a greater version of yourself?  What would life be like for you if you built the habit of showing up at your absolute best? Let's talk about it!
Published 01/28/19
Change is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics.  A lot of the time it's the way we're thinking about things that stops us from doing what we're supposed to.  Let's break down the the biggest obstacle in the game of being healthy so you can take control of how you look, feel, and perform!
Published 01/21/19
My most authentic podcast yet. Coming from a place of love but with pure intensity. It's time to listen to what you need to hear and not what you want to. 
Published 01/14/19
I love when a new insight pops into my mind.  As I continue to field the questions of how much time will it take and how much does it cost, I asked myself: "What's the real reason people are asking this question?"  The answer changed my perspective on change indefinitely.
Published 01/07/19
Our final podcast for 2018 brings some reflection for all the amazing things that's happened this year.  I invite you to reflect on your own accomplishments and use that as your momentum heading into 2019 as we continue to focus on the things we're wanting to create and the people we need to be in order to create them. 
Published 12/31/18
Many of us have one of these things at best and we wonder why we struggle to create the results we know we should have. Those that are playing this game of life at a high level...have all three!
Published 12/17/18
Have you ever set a goal for yourself and failed to achieve it? I know I have...many times! I repeated this pattern over and over again for years until I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. Have a listen as I share the 5 major mistakes people make with goal setting and how to avoid them so when you set an intention to create something for yourself it becomes your reality!
Published 12/11/18
Sometimes we need to practice a skill to get a handle on it and sometimes we can rely on natural talent...but what happens when we combine the two? This is where most people find their purpose.
Published 12/03/18
Your confidence is directly correlated to your ability to figure things out. What's your automatic response to something that's challenging to solve? Do you attempt to find the solution or do you default to these three words...
Published 11/18/18
If you ask all the CrossFit affiliate owners across the world we all have the same three fears that people have with starting our program. Let's discuss each one and see if these "fears" have any substance.
Published 11/12/18
In the 7 years I've been coaching I've picked up on a pattern that shows up with people that fail to create the changes they seek. Let's discuss the 3 shifts that you must make in order to succeed with achieving your desired results.
Published 11/03/18
How to use fear as your compass to build significant momentum in your life.
Published 10/22/18
You already know that practicing skills like discipline, patience, and appreciation will lead you closer to your desired outcomes. But do you realize that while you put those things off you're continuing to strengthen the skills that prevent you from developing them?
Published 10/21/18
So many of us are frustrated with certain aspects of our lives yet we have no clarity on what it is we actually want. The more specific you can be on what you're creating the more likely it is to become a reality.
Published 10/12/18
Have you ever committed to developing a skill or creating a change in your life? You're excited to start and you're doing all of the right things and then the life starts to show up and you slowly start to lose your rhythm. Let's talk about that.
Published 10/07/18
Many of us are putting too much emphasis on our physical fitness with the hopes that it will make us feel better about ourselves....how much effort are you spending training your mental fitness 🤔
Published 09/24/18