This page contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Miscarriage Hope Desk. In episode 140, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder talks about steps you can take to explore the causes of your pregnancy loss. From taking ownership over your lab work and testing after miscarriage to finding the right practitioner, these are tangible steps you can take. Topics Discussed: Testing after miscarriage, lab work, finding the right doctor LINKS IN THIS EPISODE: Proof:...
Published 05/22/23
“Don't do, just be.” In episode 139, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder Allison Schaaf talks about the importance of this phrase in the time following a pregnancy loss. As important as research and seeking expert advice are, listening to your own intuition is essential when deciding how to move forward. Journaling and meditation can be very helpful for this. Topics Discussed: Intuition, Journaling, Meditation LINKS IN THIS EPISODE: Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way:...
Published 05/15/23
Mother’s Day can be hard after experiencing pregnancy loss. Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares her thoughts on Mother’s Day after miscarriage, including things you can do to prepare. Some things to consider: 1. You can always say “no”. If you're invited to an event you know will be triggering, give yourself permission to say “no”. If you feel relieved when you consider declining, it’s likely the right choice. 2. Consider staying home. At many places, like churches or...
Published 05/08/23
In episode 137, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, talks about the importance of processing grief after miscarriage. She also shares specific things that have helped her through her grief journey. Topics Discussed: Grieving miscarriage, Processing grief, Resources for grief LINKS IN THIS EPISODE Devotional - Grieving the Child I Never Knew:...
Published 05/01/23
In episode 136, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares how she helped her two sons understand and process her recent miscarriage. What’s helped Allison: 1. Be honest. 2. Letting them know I’m sad and it’s okay to be sad. 3. Use books. 4. Encourage closure. 5. Be prepared for your child to bring it up unexpectedly. Topics Discussed: Miscarriage with kids, grieving miscarriage, explaining miscarriage to a child, books explaining miscarriage, closure after miscarriage ...
Published 04/24/23
In episode 135, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares all the details of her experience with Cytotec (also known as Misoprostol or medicated miscarriage). Topics Discussed: Miscarriage options, D&C, Cytotec, Misoprostol, second trimester miscarriage LINKS IN THIS EPISODE Episode 134 - Allison’s Most Recent Miscarriage: https://miscarriagehopedesk.com/ep134/ MISCARRIAGE HOPE DESK RESOURCES- Miscarriage Hope Desk aims to help women struggling with miscarriage, pregnancy...
Published 04/17/23
In episode 134, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares the story of her most recent miscarriage at 12 weeks pregnant. She shares what she did to try to become pregnant, early pregnancy symptoms and the experience of discovering the loss. Topics Discussed: Miscarriage experience, pregnancy after loss, miscarriage at 12 weeks LINKS IN THIS EPISODE: Allison’s Previous Experience with Loss: Part I Part II Part III Part IV Ovulation Tracking & Basal Body Temperature:...
Published 04/10/23
Miscarriage Hope Desk podcast host, Laura Bauder, shares a bit about her second pregnancy after loss. She talks about processing grief, what helped her cope with the anxiety associated with pregnancy after miscarriage, and how the Pregnancy After Loss program can help you experience the joyful pregnancy you deserve. Topics Discussed: pregnancy after loss, grief after miscarriage, processing grief LINKS IN THIS EPISODE: Pregnancy After Loss program- https://miscarriagehopedesk.com/pal/ ...
Published 04/03/23
Pregnancy journaling is especially helpful in pregnancy after loss. It can help you process emotions and find joy in an often anxious time. In episode 132, MHD founder Allison Schaaf continues the miniseries on pregnancy after loss with a focus on pregnancy journaling. Journaling is also extremely helpful with other stages of infertility and loss. An article from Positive Psychology stated benefits of journaling include reducing anxiety, breaking away from obsessive thinking, improving...
Published 03/27/23
Pregnancy after miscarriage can be emotionally challenging. The MHD Pregnancy After Loss program includes mentorship, which can really help. In episode 131, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares the inspiration for the Pregnancy After Loss mentorship program. Having support is so important in finding joy in pregnancy after miscarriage. There’s also so much healing in giving back and helping someone else struggling with infertility and loss. No matter how caring and...
Published 03/20/23
In episode #130, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf shares how mantras, meditation and breath work helped her prepare for pregnancy and find peace in pregnancy after loss. Meditation - I did a lot of meditation leading up to pregnancy. Several years ago, I did a training in transcendental meditation. I go back to this specific method from time to time but also find shorter meditation pockets to be more sustainable in busy seasons. I often do only 3-5 minutes and do more when I...
Published 03/13/23
In episode #129, Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares what’s coming up in 2023: More solo episodes from Allison - our regular host, Laura Bauder, is pregnant! She’ll be taking some time postpartum and I’m looking forward to recording some additional episodes while she’s taking time for her family. Pregnancy After Loss - We’ll be sharing a few episodes focused on pregnancy after loss. We have a brand new Pregnancy After Loss program. I designed this program when I was...
Published 03/06/23
In episode #128, Luvy shares her personal story of loss. She found out she was pregnant about a month before her wedding, and she and her now husband happily shared the news. When she began bleeding about an hour after landing in Mexico for the wedding, she rushed to a doctor who gave her progesterone. Luvy shares how she was able to lean on her support system and enjoy her wedding and honeymoon festivities despite the uncertainty with her pregnancy, as her miscarriage was not confirmed...
Published 02/27/23
In episode #127, Lauren shares her personal journey with infertility as well as her expertise as a certified nutrition coach. After about a year-and-a-half of struggling with infertility, she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and told she would need fertility treatments in order to get pregnant. While waiting to start her treatments, Lauren began to research how dietary changes could help heal PCOS symptoms and improve fertility. With nothing to lose, she began to make...
Published 02/20/23
Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares an exciting new program to support women through pregnancy after loss. Many women feel conflicting emotions during pregnancy after a miscarriage. There is often excitement, but also a lot of fear and anxiety. It can be hard to allow yourself to get excited, to feel that joy and hope associated with a long-awaited pregnancy. Allison has gathered all of the tools that have helped her personally navigate pregnancy after loss, as well as...
Published 02/14/23
In episode #125, Laura shares her personal story of loss as well as her expertise as a fertility, birth, and labor doula. After the birth of her first daughter, Laura experienced recurrent pregnancy loss. After years of research, consultations, and inaccurate diagnosis from 10 different specialists, Laura took control of her own fertility journey. Writing her book, The Grace in Grief, helped Laura to heal and also fulfilled a calling to help educate women around the world on the realities...
Published 02/06/23
In episode #124, Kendra shares her personal story of loss. Before conceiving, she was told that she had low progesterone and estrogen dominance - a hormone imbalance that could result in miscarriage. With no other information or assistance offered, Kendra and her husband tried to get pregnant for 16 long months. Shortly after they finally conceived, Kendra began experiencing pain and spotting. Medical professionals advised that it could be an ectopic pregnancy, but it was too early to know...
Published 01/30/23
In episode #123, Daphne shares her personal story of loss. When she miscarried 35 years ago, it was not something that anyone ever talked about. It was considered improper to mention it, and therefore no one knew you were grieving. As a result, Daphne repressed her feelings around her miscarriages for years. Ultimately, she realized that it was not healthy to repress these feelings. Talking to others is vital for processing emotions, and it is important to sit with your feelings. Forgiveness...
Published 01/23/23
In episode #122, Amy shares her personal story of loss. She has endometriosis, and conceived her son via IVF in 2017. When she and her husband decided to conceive a sibling for their son, they experienced recurrent loss in the form of non-viable embryos and repeated implantation failure (RIF). When she did become pregnant again, Amy experienced bleeding and found out she had a subchorionic hematoma. The bleeding worsened, and she was eventually put on a modified bed rest. At 12 weeks...
Published 01/16/23
In episode #121 Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares the exciting new things coming up in 2023. In addition to continuing the podcast, newsletter and Moving Forward course, we will be releasing many new research articles. Some topics will include more information on supplements like melatonin as it relates to pregnancy and miscarriage, male fertility and more diet & fertility articles. We are also excited to be gearing up for a brand new course: Pregnancy After...
Published 01/09/23
In episode #120, Miscarriage Hope Desk Founder, Allison Schaaf, is sharing the history of Miscarriage Hope Desk (MHD) and a recap of 2022. She also shares a comprehensive overview of all of the resources available to you through MHD. The goal of MHD is to be a resource for women going through recurrent miscarriage & recurring pregnancy loss (RPL). She talks about the podcast and gives tips for looking back and finding episodes specific to you. She also provides an overview of the website...
Published 01/02/23
In episode #119 Miscarriage Hope Desk founder, Allison Schaaf, shares 5 tips on handling the holidays after miscarriage. You Are Not Alone I know I felt alone when I first experienced pregnancy loss. That's one of the reasons I started Miscarriage Hope Desk. There is comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this struggle. There is a community here to support you and you likely have people in your real life who are there to support you too. Our Stories of Hope may be a helpful...
Published 12/19/22
In episode #118, Sarah Jane shares her personal story of loss, unexplained infertility, and ultimately a chronic illness that resulted in a hysterectomy. As an embodiment teacher and life coach, Sarah Jane discusses the importance of acknowledging your grief and giving it space. Self-compassion is such an important part of processing a childless life, especially when it was not the one you had planned. We also talk about how the message of never giving up trying for a child can be more...
Published 12/12/22
In episode #117, Dr. Sophie Keller shares her expertise as a positive and organizational psychologist. Dr. Keller is a social wellbeing commentator in the media, an entrepreneur, and a four-times bestselling author. She is a global leader in the happiness field. After losing a baby at over 5 months pregnant, Dr. Sophie used her expertise to heal her mind, body, and soul. Her After Miscarriage program features the same process she used to provide miscarriage support and a holistic recovery...
Published 12/05/22
In episode #116, Tatiana shares her story of personal loss. After a healthy first pregnancy, she was surprised when something didn't feel right during her second pregnancy. After several ultrasounds, it was determined that she had a blighted ovum. With very little information about what that meant, Tatiana had to do her own research. As a mental health provider herself (a licensed marriage and family therapist), Tatiana knew to ask for support even though it was not offered or readily...
Published 11/28/22