There’s no time to waste so let’s dive right in and uncover one of the biggest myths around YouTube today, and one of the biggest reasons that keeps people from starting what could be really profitable YouTube channel. After all, if the believed barrier, or perceived level of success on YouTube is 100,000 or a million or 5 or 10 million subscribers it can feel kind of overwhelming, like why would I even start when the odds of success are so low. So let’s bust that myth now.
Published 07/07/20
In this video I’m going to show you my 5-step system and the most effective way I know to get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers fast. So my goal here today is to give you the tools and strategies you need so you can make sure your time here on YouTube is well spent and all that work you put into making great videos actually pays off. Let's dive in!
Published 07/05/20
In today’s hyper competitive business world it’s the business who understands their customer best, that wins. Making market research one of the most important, and profitable activities you can do. Let´s dive in
Published 07/03/20
When it comes to social media marketing there are 2 major issues I see most entrepreneurs and business owners making 1) Not having a clearly defined plan, strategy, or system which leads them to doing too many different things on too many different platforms 2) Getting stuck on the social media hamster wheel constantly needing to grind out more and more content to feed the beast, aka, the social media algorithms So let’s fix both of those right now.
Published 06/27/20
People don’t like doing business with businesses, they like doing business with people, so having a rock solid personal brand is incredibly important. With that said, let´s dive in!
Published 06/25/20
I remember when I first learned about marketing. I really had no idea what it was. Like not a clue. I thought it was maybe something to do with sales, or possibly advertising, but that was as far as my knowledge went. But over the years as I became addicted to the art and science of influence and persuasion I started to read, watch, and listen to anything and everything I could get my hands on. Well, nearly a decade later, with thousands of campaigns run, hundreds of thousands invested in...
Published 01/16/20
If your business is only using traditional marketing then you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to stand out and get more leads, customers, and sales. That’s why in this episode I’m going to be breaking down exactly what is guerrilla marketing, and how it works so your business can finally get the attention it deserves. Lets dive in!
Published 11/30/19
It’s no secret that the world of digital marketing changes fast – which is why in this episode I’m going to be breaking down 5 of the most important digital marketing skills you need to master for 2020 and beyond if you want to stay on top of your game.
Published 11/28/19
If you want to learn how to get truly get better results from your digital marketing then it’s not about the latest funnel, or advertising hack, or social media network. But the psychology behind them that’s what really matters.
Published 11/27/19
I want to share with you 7 of my top tips into what’s working right now, including an advanced tip right at the end that almost nobody is using, so make sure to stick around for that. Let´s get to it!
Published 11/26/19
Your ability, or inability, to sell is one of the single biggest predictors in the level of income you can generate. Which is why in this episode I want to share with you a new way of looking at the 4 P’s with strategies I’ve learned after decades of selling everything from hockey nets to business jets. Let’s get to it.
Published 11/23/19
I’m going to be sharing 5 incredibly important small business marketing tips that I’ve used to help my clients and students create thousands of profitable campaigns and generate millions and millions of dollars for their businesses.
Published 11/22/19
Social media is more competitive today than ever before which is why if you don’t follow the 5 tips I’m about to share with you, you might as well pack it in and give up now because you’re just going to be wasting your time, energy, and money. Let´s dive in!
Published 11/21/19
There are 4 key pillars, fundamentals, or essential pieces of the puzzle you must have in place if you want to be successful marketing your business today. And that's what this video is all about.
Published 11/20/19
In this episode I’m going to reveal 10 fundamental marketing basics you must know, learn, and live to love if you want to create profitable and effective marketing campaigns.
Published 11/19/19
In this episode I’m talking all about features vs benefits and I’m going to save you a ton of time, money, and energy, by breaking down one of the biggest reasons customers don’t buy from you so you can avoid this trap, and never make this mistake again. Let´s dive in!
Published 11/16/19
If you don’t properly identify your target market then none of your marketing will work. Period. Not your ads, not your content, not your website, not your social media, nothing. It will all fail miserably. And I don’t want that for you. So in this episode I’m going to be breaking down exactly how to identify your target market and give you a few examples of what that might look like for your business.
Published 11/15/19
If you try to market your service based business just like any other business you’re going to be disappointed. Because service based businesses require a unique and very different approach to generating more leads, clients, and sales. That’s why in this video I’m going to be sharing 5 things you need to know if you want to have success marketing your service business. Let’s get to it.
Published 11/14/19
In this episode I’m going to be sharing one of the most important lessons you could ever learn in business – how to get customers. Because without customers you don’t have a business, you just have a really expensive hobby. So let’s go get you those customers now.
Published 11/13/19
If you've got a small business then marketing is one of the single most important (if not THE single most important) things you need for business success. Which is why in this episode I'm breaking down 5 of my best social media marketing tips to help your small business generate more leads, customers, and sales. Let´s dive in!
Published 11/12/19
If you’ve ever wanted to know what marketing is? How it works? And how it applies to you and your business then stick with me, because in this episode I’m going to be breaking down exactly what marketing is, how it works, and why it’s such an important, if not THE most important element of business success. Let’s get to it.
Published 10/27/19
In this episode I’m going to pull back the curtains and show you exactly how the Instagram algorithm works so you can stop wasting time, money, and energy on bad advice and ineffective strategies and start using these proven principles to grow your brand and business with Instagram.
Published 10/26/19
“If you don’t understand this one simple thing about advertising your business you’re going to lose a lot of money very quickly.”
Published 10/25/19
Marketing cookies were created with the best of intentions when they first came onto the scene. They were a way to remember your previous selections. And have you ever been to a site and had to change what country you were in, or what language you wanted, or what page you wanted to default load to? But cookies can do so much more than that… but more on that in just a minute…
Published 10/24/19
Whether you’re brand new to Instagram ads or a seasoned advertising veteran you’re going to want to pay careful attention to this episode because in it I’m going to be breaking down 5 newbie Instagram advertising mistakes that can absolutely destroy any chance of success you may have with Instagram Ads.
Published 10/23/19