Today is the birthday of the Rebbe Maharash, Reb Shmuel, the fourth Chabad Rebbe. He taught us a new perspective of dealing with issues, or, more correctly, not dealing with them. "Lechatchilah Ariber!" How can you add positivity into your life today?
Published 05/03/22
The month of Iyar has a special Mitzvah of counting the days. As the Rebbe Rashab teaches in today's Hayom Yom, this includes the Avodah of making the days - each day! - count. How will you make today special?
Published 05/02/22
Today's Hayom Yom instructs us that, unlike Farbrengens of Shabbosos and special days that take place in Shul, the Farbrengen of Melave Malka should take place in one's individual house. Perhaps the reason is to ensure that one begins the week with inspiring one's own family before taking care of the entire community. What lesson or inspiration can you share with your family, inspiring them to serve Hashem better?
Published 05/01/22
Holiness. Not just doing Mitzvos, but, as the Alter Rebbe is quoted in today's Hayom Yom saying, doing everything with a G-dly purpose. What is something not clearly a Mitzvah that you can do today to serve Hashem?
Published 04/28/22
In today's Hayom Yom, the Rebbe Rashab explains the way a Yid approaches Davening. We must rinse off our habitual practices that are incongruent with a life of serving Hashem. What is a practice you can rinse yourself of before Davening today?
Published 04/27/22
Got talent? Use it! Today's Hayom Yom reminds us that we all have specific, unique talents, and to accomplish anything less than our full potential is a crime! What is your special talent, and how can you use it to serve Hashem?
Published 04/26/22
Priorities. We are constantly making choices in our lives, and must always align our short-term choices with our long-term priorities. Today's Hayom Yom tells us very clearly what Jewish priorities are and ought to be. What is a choice you can make today that, although harder, would be the right thing?
Published 04/10/22
An important line from Gemara is quoted by the Frierdiker Rebbe in today's Hayom Yom: Embrace with the right hand, while pushing away with the left. What quality of yours can you identify, and what can you work on today to improve?
Published 04/07/22
"A Jew does not find himself in a circumstance, a Jew creates the circumstance." In today's Hayom Yom, the Rebbe Maharash explains a line in Gemara as the guide to a Yid's perspective on life: we were sent to bring Hashem's Glory into every situation. How can you infuse Hashem into your current mood today?
Published 04/06/22
Torah life is an all-encompassing one. Today's Hayom Yom describes the two-fold Avodah of a businessman, and how he can infuse Torah into his workplace. How can you infuse Torah into your 'business' life?
Published 04/05/22
Today's Hayom Yom describes the Rebbe Rashab's intense daily learning schedule. This is the life of a Yid - Torah! In what way can you increase your Torah learning today?
Published 04/04/22
Today, Beis Nissan, marks the 102nd Yahrtzeit of the Rebbe Rashab. In addition to being one of the Chabad Rabeyim, the Rebbe Rashab's specific legacy was the founder of Tomchei Temimim. As Temimim, we holistically strive to spread the light of Chassidus. What can you do today to spread Hashem's Light in your environment?
Published 04/03/22
Our role in this world is one of partnership with Hashem, albeit one of 'undoing' Hashem's acts. Hashem created the world as something from nothing; we need to transform the 'something' to 'nothing', utilizing everything in this world to serve Hashem. How can you use your personality to serve Hashem today?
Published 04/01/22
Our life is inherently connected to Torah, already from a young age, as demonstrated by the Frierdiker Rebbe in today's Hayom Yom regarding a Bris. How can you demonstrate today that your life is one of Torah?
Published 03/31/22
"No!" A short, but powerful, answer to whatever logical calculation was contained in the question. Today's Hayom Yom explains the lesson learnt from Aharon's sons' mistake of entering the Holy of Holies without permission. Although they calculated righteously, they did not embrace the Authority of Hashem's Will. What is something that you can to today, submitting your will to Hashem's?
Published 03/30/22
Happy birthday! Today, 25 Adar, is the birthday of the Rebbe's wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. The celebration of a birthday, and of every day of life in general, is the recognition of the mission we are given here on this world. What can you do today to celebrate your gift of life from Hashem?
Published 03/28/22
A lofty Hayom Yom about Birchas Kohanim, it's connection to the day's Chumash, and the Rebbe's explanation on a puzzling Rashi, all coming together to teach us a powerful lesson in giving Brachos to a fellow Yid. How can you uplift someone else today?
Published 03/25/22
Today's Hayom Yom relates a powerful lesson taught to the Alter Rebbe by his teacher, the Mezritcher Maggid. Life's challenges can only truly be transformed by Hashem, but it is up to us to put in that little bit of effort. What is something you need help with from Hashem, and what can you do about it?
Published 03/23/22
In today's Hayom Yom, we are taught a fundamental of Chassidus. To control one's inclination using one's natural power of intellect. How can you control yourself today?
Published 03/22/22
The fusion of Gemara and Chassidus is once again highlighted in today's Hayom Yom. How can toy bring the awareness of Hashem into your learning of Gemara?
Published 03/21/22
Every word and vowel in Davening is precise, as emphasize in today's Hayom Yom. Why do you think it is so important to say every word correctly, and how can you improve in that?
Published 03/20/22
Today is Taanis Esther. We fast to commemorate the war against our enemies, with the victory achieved due to our enthusiastic connection with Hashem. Although fasting may he hard, let it not detract from the goal. What can you do today to increase your enthusiasm in learning or Davening?
Published 03/16/22
Unity: an integral message in Purim, and the message of today's Hayom Yom, "Chassidim do not say goodbye; we are always one family!" What can you do today to increase in your feelings of unity?
Published 03/13/22
Today's Hayom Yom is the clarion call to action! We are on Hashem's side, and therefore eternal! What will you do to help the global situation?
Published 03/11/22
Today is Zayin Adar, birthday and Yahrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, the embodiment of the Torah. Today's Hayom Yom reminds us of how the existence of a Yid is his constant connection to Torah. What can you do today to show how your existence is Torah-centered?
Published 03/10/22