This season of business has been so transformative for me in so many ways – I’m just coming off a hugely successful launch, we had an amazing in-person retreat in early January, and behind-the-scenes, my team has rapidly grown. I say all of this because there is a lot that goes on behind closed doors to make these big sprints and wins happen and I want to open that door up to you today so you can see what’s possible for you and your growth, too. So let’s talk about how to pick the right coach...
Published 01/31/24
This episode is a replay of the third day of The Money Masterclass Series with Jamie Berman, a 3-day event to help you transform your money mindset, feel more aligned in your business, and break through upper-income limits. On today’s call, Jamie dove into the energetics of money and MANIFESTATION! We talked about.... How the energy of money works and how to call in more of it!The law of giving and receiving and why you'll never have to worry about money again once you get this!The 3 pieces...
Published 01/26/24
This episode is a replay of the second day of The Money Masterclass Series with Jamie Berman, a 3-day event to help you transform your money mindset, feel more aligned in your business, and break through upper-income limits. On today’s call, Jamie dove into  What it means to be under-earning and how to shift that!How to expand your capacity to receive.Why it's a misconception that it's easier to sell cheap things, and how this will keep you stuck in business.Jamie's motto: "Free or Expensive"...
Published 01/26/24
This episode is a replay of the first day of The Money Masterclass Series with Jamie Berman, a 3-day event to help you transform your money mindset, feel more aligned in your business, and break through upper-income limits. On today’s call, Jamie dove into  The reason why so many people try to manifest money but get stuck with it.How to get UNSTUCK…and what it takes to actually manifest money.Why it’s super important to not let your current circumstances dictate what’s possible for youJamie...
Published 01/26/24
I have a super special guest that you're gonna love and learn so much from this week! I have Kim Severson here and I couldn’t wait to dive in with her because I have witnessed Kim go through such an amazing shift and transformation in what really does not feel like a very long time and her business. I asked her to come onto the podcast and share ALL the things – what's working, what shifts she made, what's allowed work and business and creating clients to feel easy, and the manifestation...
Published 01/24/24
Manifestation is not just about learning how to cultivate positive emotions. It’s deeply rooted in the willingness to sit with the uncomfortable ones. I know that when you want to launch a new offer in your business or change the modality of your coaching, it can feel safer to sit in analysis paralysis – but at some point, you have to move through it so that you can bring those big manifestations to life. In this live coaching episode with my client Erin, I’m coaching her through her...
Published 01/17/24
I have a special podcast for you as we head into the second week of 2024 while you may still be refining your manifestation habits that you want to take into the new year! I love this time of year because it is the best, most potent time to manifest and decide with purpose how you  want your life to look over these next few months. What is it you want to take from last year? What do you want to leave? What do you want to step into? January is a really good time to re-evaluate your life,...
Published 01/10/24
You are going to LOVE this episode with Alyssa Holbrook, Master Certified Real Estate Investment Coach. She focuses on strategy and mindset to help clients avoid potential setbacks and become more resilient, resourceful and successful. Alyssa started investing in real estate at the early age of 14 and is sharing the biggest lessons she’s learned along the way to massively increase her networth with EASE. I’m also sharing my own journey with real estate investing that really happened by...
Published 01/03/24
As I record this podcast episode, I am all cozied up, I’ve got my cup of tea and my big sweater on. It's raining here in LA and it just seems like the perfect time to record this episode for the end of the year, which to me, is the best time of year. I just love it because it is the time to celebrate. So today, I want to talk about a powerful ritual you can practice this time of year that will ensure that next year is even better, that you manifest even more magic in the new year – taking the...
Published 12/27/23
Hi friend, I have an extra special podcast episode coming to you today. It is going to be a Q&A session from listeners, from people in my community, and from people in my programs. I know that manifestation can bring up a lot of questions and sometimes what you learn within manifestation can feel like competing concepts, and you wonder how you can blend it all together. So for those of you who submitted questions, I am going to be answering all of them today. If you’re tuning in, I feel...
Published 12/20/23
Do you get triggered in your business when you hear a no? If so, this coaching episode is for you! Vanessa, a coach who empowers women to live audacious lives of joy, passion and purpose beyond burnout, joins me today to share what is currently holding her back from growing her income and business. She struggles with what so much of us do – confidently charging her worth and overcoming rejection. We dive into her past experiences that helped shape how she thinks about money and then I share a...
Published 12/13/23
On today's episode of Money, Mindset & Manifestation, I want to talk about attachment and why it's really helpful to let go of attachment whenever it comes to the things that we want to manifest and our goals that we have in our business. I talk a lot about the energy behind what we are doing and the energy behind what's driving us in our business and how that matters big time. Attachment is actually one of the energies that I see people, myself included, getting into that is just so not...
Published 12/06/23
All right, y'all, we're going to talk about launching and the practices that I utilized this past month to manifest a $160,000 launch. I just finished my Soulful Six Figure Mastermind launch and it went amazing. I love launching, and I want to tell you in this episode some of the reasons why I love it. I'm also going to give you a combination of some of the energetics that I practiced in order to manifest this $160,000 launch and some of the actions that I took. At this point, I have a number...
Published 11/29/23
Today on the newest episode of Monday, Manifestation & Business, I want to talk about letting go of investment shame because this is something that I see blocking so many entrepreneurs from moving forward and making the kind of money that they want to. Investment shame is when you are beating yourself up because you're not further along even though you've invested so much time and money into your business already, you're really not seeing the return that you'd hoped for. Maybe you have...
Published 11/22/23
I’m so, so excited for this episode today! I’m joined by Zayne Khan, a client of mine and friendship coach. Being in Zayne’s energy honestly just feels like a hug, but beyond that goodness, he’s also someone who has made some really massive shifts in his business (and his life!) since joining the Money Manifestation Movement. Unlike a lot of my clients, Zayne grew up with an abundance of money, but this negatively affected his outlook on values exchange and created a lack of agency. We get...
Published 11/15/23
I’m excited to bring another live coaching episode to you this week! My client, JD, joins me on the show to talk about creating BIG money and some of the feelings and obstacles that have come up for him around that. Like many people, JD wrestles with the thought of being able to have it all (without feeling guilt). We talk through that along with the importance of setting a specific money goal to take clear action on creating the life you desire. I’ve worked with JD for a little over a year...
Published 11/08/23
One of my favorite things to teach people is that they are in the driver’s seat when it comes to making money and that you don't have to wait on the future or on something happening in order to create money. Money is not something that happens to us, it's something that we absolutely can create. So on today’s episode of the podcast, I want to talk about the steps that you can take to create more money now and some of the obstacles that will show up for you and how to overcome them. I’ve got a...
Published 11/01/23
Over the last few episodes you've been hearing from my incredible clients from my Soulful Six Figure Mastermind and learning about their journeys and about their manifestation processes. Those interviews were so inspiring, if you haven't listened to them yet, go back and listen. I highly recommend it because there was so much gold and every single one of them. Today, what I wanted to reflect on is the journey that these clients of mine have gone through over the past five months in their...
Published 10/25/23
I’m really excited to bring another Soulful Six Figure Mastermind client on the podcast today. Dorothy AB Johnson, AKA “the breakup coach”, has created massive energy shifts in her business which eventually led to her creating a check for $100K+! This in and of itself is ironic because at the start of our work together, Dorothy wanted a tried and true strategy that she could implement, not a list of mindset shifts that she needed to create. I’ve learned so much from watching Dorothy over the...
Published 10/18/23
We have the amazing Jolene Winn with us today on Money, Mindset & Manifestation and I am so excited for this interview. Jolene is an amazing client who has been with me since what feels like almost the start of her business so I just feel so honored to have been her coach and be able to witness the incredible growth that has happened personally for her within her business and just seeing what she has created and manifested over the past couple of years because it is absolutely amazing. In...
Published 10/11/23
One of the best parts of coaching is seeing your clients’ transformations, I think we can all agree on that! This is why I’m so excited to have Whitney Uland on the show today as she shares how she moved from $2K months to consistent $25K+ months. Whitney has completely overhauled her relationship to debt, cultivated and crafted her money making skills, and stepped fully into her identity as a wealthy woman (and mama). This episode is full of so much inspiration and I can’t wait for you to...
Published 10/04/23
I'm going to consider this episode a part two of episode #3 of the podcast where I originally talked all things manifestation because I will tell you what, this is one of the foundations of manifesting that I didn't have enough time to pack into the original episode. So this is going to be a solo episode on one of the main foundations of manifestation. If your manifestation practice is like a beautiful tree, what we are going to talk about today are the roots. This is what keeps that tree...
Published 09/27/23
Today we are going to talk about one of the keys to manifesting an unbelievable life. I'm so excited for this episode because I feel like it's one that you're probably going to want to save and come back to time and time again as a reminder, because it's truly one of the foundations of the manifestation process. I've had a couple of years in my life where I've had quantum leaps, where the beginning of the year looked far different than the end of the year. I was looking at those instances and...
Published 09/20/23
Today’s podcast episode is going to be a little different because it is a coaching session between me and one of my clients, Crystal. I’ll do this  every couple of episodes with the intention to not only help the person that I’m on the call with, but with you, the listener. I believe magical things can happen when we listen to other people getting coached because it allows us to dig deeper and maybe uncover some beliefs that are currently holding us back.  In our conversation, Crystal and I...
Published 09/13/23
Today is the first ever guest episode of the Money, Manifestation & Business podcast and I couldn’t think of anyone better to have on than Danijela Fadera. Danijela and I were simultaneously manifesting our working relationship, and I can’t wait for you to hear more on that story. Fast forward and she eventually joined the Money Manifestation Movement and manifested a thriving business and over $200,000. I think her manifestation process is so unique and really makes this episode worth a...
Published 09/06/23