Brooke Smith is a mindfulness expert and productivity coach with two degrees and a plethora of certifications. In today's episode, she is sharing with us the journey of becoming an overachiever from her experiences in college through working with the government, which led her to where she is today, coaching entrepreneurs to find the time they hoped and dreamed of when they started their business. Connect with Brooke here: drbrookesmith.com and get her free video series for taming your to-do...
Published 12/06/21
David Garofalo is a highly accomplished business owner who holds the title of the biggest merger in gold mining history of $32 billion. Growing up with immigrant parents who were anti-debt, David was well equipped to tackle entrepreneurship and adulthood with money habits that set him up for immense success. He immersed himself into financial education in college and worked in financial consulting and through that, he learned the money business from the ground up. Connect with David here:...
Published 12/02/21
Gemma Bonham-Carter is sharing a powerful piece of advice today in the High Impact Interview. She wants children to understand that you don't always need the shiny new material things in life, and through investing in assets, true wealth can accumulate. For her family, excitement doesn't come from purchasing a new car, rather investing in a piece of real estate. Today, when you have your money talk with your kids, Gemma has a fun little question you can ask your kids, and you might be...
Published 11/29/21
Tony is back with us in our High Impact series talking about what he heard as a child constantly that has drastically changed how he handles the mindset moving forward. He believes when you change your mindset and eliminate the negative descriptive words in your life, you can appreciate what you have and every day can be the best day of your life. Tony DUrso (D-yer-so) is one of the top podcasters in the country. He's the #1 talk show on VoiceAmerica and has 10 million downloads. Tony’s...
Published 11/24/21
Gemma is an online course strategist who has helped over 6,000 entrepreneurs launch and scale their businesses through digital courses and coaching. In today's episode, she is sharing her story of how she became an entrepreneur in the world of digital assets and course creation, and how her persistence led her to living a comfy financially secure life. If you want to learn about turning what you know into a business model, visit her at gemmabonhamcarter.com/class to get access to her...
Published 11/22/21
Tony DUrso (D-yer-so) is one of the top podcasters in the country. He's the #1 talk show on VoiceAmerica and has 10 million downloads. Tony’s shows have syndicated on Roku, Amazon Alexa & 16 AM/FM U.S. Radio Stations. He is an Amazon bestseller. Tony helps millions of entrepreneurs learn from the success of others. He teaches The Vision Map™, the testament to his success. In today's episode, Tony is talking about a variety of topics including how he believes money should be taught to...
Published 11/18/21
In today's High Impact Interview with Michael Keet, he's sharing a key concept seldom talked about on the podcast: how to empower children to make their money choices and develop their own opinion on money. When the financial decisions are in the hands of children, that's when they can start processing the choices for themselves. After being kicked out of school without a promising future on the horizon, Michael Keet allowed his brain to imaging his desired future. When that happened, he...
Published 11/16/21
After being kicked out of school without a promising future on the horizon, Michael Keet allowed his brain to imaging his desired future. When that happened, he let go of stress and anxiety, wrote down his goals, and found himself 9 years later, a finance director and business controller. He then turned to entrepreneurship and wrote the book Moneyfulness. Get his book on Amazon and connect with him here: https://moneyfulness.me/
Published 11/15/21
Yes... we said what we said. You can help your newborn baby become a millionaire by saving into a custodial IRA! Today we're with Sarah Shaw, talking about the importance of simply having financial conversations with our kids and how and how those conversations will lead to good choices. Connect with Sarah for her group coaching program here: sarahshawconulting.com
Published 11/12/21
Sarah Shaw is an entrepreneur who had the craziest luck when a woman spotted her handmade bag at a bar and told her it was a million dollar bag. From there, Sarah felt encouraged to take the leap into entrepreneurship to build her brand and learn the ins and outs of the fashion industry. Within three years, she had her bags in 1,200 different stores. 20 years later, Sarah helps women build their own businesses, with the best insights on how to launch their own line, how to get their products...
Published 11/11/21
Brent Kesler is sharing his advice to people looking to build wealth and how to help kids retain some of the financial tips you give them. His big advice to people: be careful who you get your financial education from. Brent Kesler was a Chiropractor and Chiropractic coach for over 14 years in what seems like a previous life at this point. After implementing The Money Multiplier (TMM) Method, he was able to pay off $984,711 in 3rd party debt in 39 months. He became so passionate about how...
Published 11/09/21
Money Multiplier System?! Don't we love the sound of that... Today we have Brent Kesler with us sharing his journey from Chiropractor to investor and financial genius coining his book title: "Mapping Out The Millionaire Mystery." Listen in on today's episode to hear how Brent paid almost a million dollars off in third party debt using his system and how he is teaching it to others. You can get his book on Amazon!
Published 11/08/21
Barry Brooksby is back with us for an episode in our High Impact series talking to us about the importance in supporting children in every single dream and ideas that they may have. He says the phrases, "don't get your hopes up," and, "you're not strong enough, or good enough," should be completely eliminated from conversation. Aside from basic realism, we should be encouraging to our children at all times. Connect with Barry here: focuswealthgroup.com and here: infinitebanking101.net
Published 11/05/21
Barry started out in financial planning but after years of dealing with market volatility and people losing money, he pivoted towards guarantees and tax free money for clients. As the CEO & Founder of Focus Wealth Group, he is now on a mission to help people find the truth about their money. Over the past 21 years in this career he has: Placed $2 billion in death benefit protection for clients, served clients in 49 states, and assisted 10,000+ across the country is an authorized infinite...
Published 11/04/21
In today's High Impact Interview with Rachel Richards, she is sharing how she would teach a child how to own a cash flowing asset. Rachel believes owning real estate in the form of rental properties is a wealth building journey every young person should learn to do. If you missed yesterday's episode, we have Rachel Richards, a retired Millennial who quit her job and lives off of $15,000/month in passive income. Rachel is the bestselling author of “Money Honey” and “Passive Income, Aggressive...
Published 11/02/21
At the age of 27, Rachel Richards quit her job and retired, living off $15,000 per month in passive income. Rachel is the bestselling author of “Money Honey” and “Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement.” She is a former financial advisor and a real estate investor with almost 40 rental units. By making the topic of money management fun, entertaining, and simple, Rachel has helped thousands of millennials work their way out of financial despair. In today's episode, Rachel is diving into how she...
Published 11/01/21
Studying finance in college, Shahar Abrams never learned about crypto, so this podcast episode serves to show the importance of teaching your children about crypto and having conversations about money and entrepreneurship at home. Boasting about transparency and earning money from your phone, Shahar loves how with crypto, the money you earn is for YOU, and only you. Taking education about money into your own hands is the first step. Here is his website https://www.roadtobabylon.org/ for...
Published 09/28/21
Shahar Abrams dove head first into the world of crypto currency, learning the ins and outs, and left his job as the leader of the enterprise blockchain deployment team at IBM at the age of 29! In this episode, Shahar discusses crypto currency, how it works, and provides advice on how to be successful using it. Visit https://www.roadtobabylon.org/ for more information and resources to start your crypto journey.
Published 09/27/21
If there's one thing you learn on your journey with The Money Talkers, it's that you have to take the first step no matter how imperfect it is. If you've got children at home, this is a great nugget to share with them at an early age. This is the foundational building block to a path of comfortable money talks and courageous steps into uncertain adult endeavors. Lorna Watkinson worked at Procter and Gamble for nearly 20 years. She was based in Newcastle but worked with teams in London and...
Published 09/24/21
It's pretty obvious through a quick browse online that people are feel emotions and make choices much differently online than they would in person. Lorna Helps is with us today talking about all the nuances that come with being in a huge virtual workplace. Because we often have built up animosities that usually wouldn't come up through in-person instruction, conference calls, or meetings, Lorna has invaluable content to help us all through this. Lorna Watkinson worked at Procter and Gamble...
Published 09/23/21
If you missed the full interview with health coach Tim James, you've got to go catch up before you listen to this one! We usually focus on entrepreneurship, real estate, investing and finance over here, but Tim is here to talk to us about the importance of fueling our bodies and our children's bodies with the right foods to give us all a clean bill of health which will allow us to have the energy and clarity to conquer our goals!
Published 09/21/21
When we dive into the world of financial freedom and entrepreneurship, we often focus on what we see as the foundational aspects: marketing, finances, brainstorming, development, etc., but rarely do we put any focus on the engine for the whole operation.... the body. Tim James is joining us today and he is the founder of Chemical Free Body and puts an emphasis on controlling the poisons we put into our body daily. Listen to today's episode to hear how Tim's best bud beat cancer for twelve...
Published 09/20/21
Pan Prime is with us for our High Impact interview sharing a lesson she learned when she was starting her family. She took an experience from a family tradition, and her choice to break it to utilize finances in a positive way going forward with her own children and grandchildren. If you missed yesterday's episode, go catch up! Pam is an advisement representative for an investment firm and retirement management firm. She focuses on female retirements and entrepreneurs! Visit Pam at...
Published 08/20/21
If there's one thing you learn from today's episode, it's to stop keeping money hush, hush! Pam Prine is sharing her story about how being uncomfortable talking about money effected her so deeply and how it shaped her future to avoid repeating the same problems. Today, she is an advisement representative for an investment firm and retirement management firm. She focuses on female retirements and entrepreneurs! Visit Pam at keystonegroupaz.com for educational tools and their podcast!
Published 08/19/21
Gabrielle Bosche is sharing advice with our young listeners on the track of developing a future. Gabrielle says the best thing someone can to find out what they want to do and how to be successful, is to stalk success. This is a great takeaway for parents with kids looking at what direction they want their life to go. Don't forget to listen to yesterday's episode wherever you get your podcasts! Connect with Gabrielle here: www.7figurepurpose.com which is a free resource for you! The Purpose...
Published 08/17/21