This week we just wanted to spend some time talking about our own dogs!!!
Published 03/23/20
Everyone is thinking about COVID-19 but what does it mean for our dogs. This week we talk about social distancing and how to keep training while you are isolating from others.
Published 03/18/20
Doodles are a bit of a touchy subject for us as trainers. We see so many of them. This week we talk about a recent experience.
Published 03/06/20
When it starts getting warm we start getting out more and find our dogs are leash reactive. This week we talk about how to cope with a leash reactive dog.
Published 03/01/20
Something that has been coming up a lot lately in our consultations is aggression. Today we discuss what to do about that.
Published 02/24/20
When people are looking for a trainer they ask us the same questions all the time. This week we take time to discuss those and also some questions we think you should be asking but maybe arent.
Published 02/17/20
In this episode of Dog Talk, Joe and Rebecca discuss training tools.
Published 02/12/20
Nutrition is a factor in many parts of your dog's health but it really has a big impact on training as well. Today we talk about how nutrition can affect your dog's training for better or worse.
Published 02/10/20
We are adding a new posting Wednesdays on our podcast channel....Dog Talk! This week we introduce our dog talk guest Rebecca!
Published 02/05/20
Sometimes when we are training our trainer asks us to do something difficult. Today we discuss why.
Published 02/03/20
Another tool owners sometimes have trouble with is the crate. This week we discuss how you should be using the crate.
Published 01/27/20
This week we want to introduce you to another amazing member of our Dog Training 360 Team, Jessica!
Published 01/20/20
We talk about having your dog attached to you by leash quite frequently. Our number one feedback is people want to do that but find it "just too hard". This week we discuss why you might feel that way but also why it's so important to just get over those feelings.
Published 01/13/20
It's a new year and we thought it would be fun to take a minute and tell you what we have going on with our dogs and what our plans are for 2020.
Published 01/06/20
We have spent the whole year discussing why it's important to train your dog. This week we talk about our online courses. Why you should train with them, why they are affordable to everyone, and why they are one of our favorite training methods!
Published 12/30/19
With the bustle of the holidays, we sometimes forget that our dogs still need attention from us. This week we discuss some tips on how to make time for your dogs with all that other holiday fun going on!
Published 12/23/19
Holidays can be an exciting time with lots of events that differ from the usual. This week we discuss how exciting and unusual events can influence your dog's behavior and what you need to do to stay consistent during the holidays!
Published 12/16/19
Last week we talked about getting a puppy for Christmas. This week we wanted to discuss how to find the right breeder or rescue if you are getting a dog. It's important to find a breeder that wants the dog to be successful in your home.
Published 12/09/19
We have been talking about being accountable to your dog. We know many people around this time of year are thinking about getting a puppy for Christmas. This week we discuss what you should expect to commit to before you get that puppy.
Published 12/02/19
When we get a dog we have certain obligations. Training is one of those. This week we discuss why you owe it to your dog to work on training.
Published 11/25/19
We recently read an article that people are opting to own dogs instead of having children. We want to discuss that!
Published 11/18/19
As you adventure and inevitably visit the veterinarian, we want you to know you should be empowered to make medical decisions for your dog. The veterinarian should help empower you. Listen as we discuss what this means.
Published 11/12/19
When you are out adventuring you always need to think about the weather. When the seasons change we get a lot of questions about what is safe for dogs. Today we discuss how to keep your dog healthy and happy during season changes and extreme weather conditions.
Published 11/04/19
When you are out adventuring you are going to encounter other dogs. Sometimes those encounters are not pleasant, sometimes the are all out attacks. This week we talk with the students of our Dog Trainers Course: Monica, Jamie, Josie and Jessica about our own experiences with dog attacks and what you should do if you find yourself in that situation.
Published 10/28/19
Your dog's health is important to consider while traveling. Accidents happen, elevated stress can cause digestive upsets, and encounters with other animals can spread disease. Are you prepared to keep your dog healthy as you adventure?
Published 10/21/19