Angie Colee is a leadership and communication coach. She believes that people (NOT profits or processes) are the most important part of business and helps creative service providers and founders become the leaders their business needs to thrive. Prepare for some unfiltered conversation! Angie and I talked about fear, taking action, and not waiting for permission to live the life we want. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Episode Quotes: "I was passing out fliers at 5AM scared of...
Published 11/27/23
Tyler Wittkofsky is an Award-Winning Marketing & Communications Professional, Mental Health & Travel Blogger, Entrepreneur, Publisher, Multi-Genre Author, Podcaster Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Episode Quotes: "I had a great job. It was remote and what I thought was everything I wanted. Then one day I decided it was time to live my life the way I wanted to." -Tyler Wittkofsky "At the end of the day, we all want to make an impact." -Amber Fuhriman "I was adamant that I was...
Published 11/20/23
Kevin Hanegan is a senior leader who likes to use data and analytics to transform, innovate, and continuously improve organizations to make them the best they can be. His passion is the intersection of business, technology, learning, and psychology. Kevin believes the world is constantly evolving and we should always be evolving and improving ourselves in business and in our personal life. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Episode Quotes: "We educate people so they become...
Published 11/13/23
Zehra Mahoon’s mission is to guide others to stop making the mistakes that are preventing them from their success and ultimate joy by teaching them the power of the Law of Attraction based on her signature Heart and Mind Alignment Method. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Episode Quotes: "In the sales sphere; any vibration of fear presents as a lack in confidence. A good salesperson is confident in their product and in themselves." -Zehra Mahoon "COVID was a game changer. Many of...
Published 11/06/23
Erik DaRosa is a mental health advocate and author of Scars to Stars: Stories of Vulnerability, Resilience and Overcoming Adversity. This was a fabulous conversation about what we put first in life. Erik's insight is so important and often overlooked during entrepreneurial journeys. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Episode Quotes: "People often think, because you can do one thing really well, that you should be able to do anything else you set your mind to at the same level;...
Published 10/30/23
Chris Miles is the CEO/Founder of Money Ripples, an organization dedicated to getting your money unlocked and putting it to work for you. In this episode, Chris and I discuss his unfulfilling career finance, the money struggles in his own family, and how he retired at 39. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Episode Quotes: "I came to a point where I either had to put my integrity aside, or leave the financial industry." -Chris Miles "We think we have time. It's our default thought that...
Published 10/23/23
Josh Parish is joining me to discuss the science of sales, being a resource, and pivoting when you need to. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Episode Quotes: "Early on I used to think you had to be manipulative to be a good salesperson... I've come to discover the main thing you need is effective communication." -Josh Parish "I have 8 coaches all helping me in the area of their expertise. They all bring unique value."-Amber Fuhriman "I've always been able to get people to open up....
Published 10/16/23
This one is years in the making! Fredrick Douglas Bussey is an author, serial entrepreneur, and his book “Breaking Orbit: Rip Out of the Regular By Unearthing the Power Within”, is a must read for everyone looking to level up. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Find Amber on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberraefuhriman Fredrick Douglas Bussey: Get Fredrick's Book on AMAZON...
Published 10/09/23
Todd Giannattasio is the definition of entrepreneurial grit. This was a great conversation about Todd's beginnings in business, his setbacks, and how he's evolved over the years. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Find Amber on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberraefuhriman Todd Giannattasio: https://thegrowthsuite.com/free https://toddg.me https://www.instagram.com/itstoddg If you are interested in connecting with Amber, send an email to [email protected]. Connect with...
Published 10/02/23
I'm excited to introduce my first guest since the rebrand! Nick Scarabosio is an executive coach and co-founder of Culture to Clash, a business coaching & consulting firm specializes in helping ambitious business owners double their company's productivity in 18 months or less. This was a great conversation and I can't wait to get your feedback on it! Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Find Amber on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberraefuhriman Nick...
Published 08/07/23
The prison we build in our minds is 1000x stronger than any physical prison we can find ourselves in. Is it even possible to combat and defeat our own limiting beliefs? Let's talk about it! Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Find Amber on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberraefuhriman If you are interested in connecting with Amber, send an email to [email protected]. Connect with other incredible people looking to break out of the corporate mindset by joining the Facebook...
Published 07/24/23
Who are you? How do you answer that question. You may not know it, but how you answer this question affects your life in a BIG way. Let's talk about it. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes FInd Amber on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberraefuhriman If you are interested in connecting with Amber, send an email to [email protected]. Connect with other incredible people looking to break out of the corporate mindset by joining the Facebook Success Center:...
Published 07/12/23
A new beginning. We're entering a new outlook. Excuses are not tolerated. Results are earned. I can't tell you how excited I am for this journey! Welcome to the Break Your Bullsh*t Box Podcast! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes "I got to a point where I wasn't sure who I was if I wasn't an attorney." -Amber Fuhriman "Anything that you believe holds you back... is an excuse." -Amber Fuhriman "When faced with adversity, we reach into our Bullsh*t Box to find an excuse. To find a reason we...
Published 07/03/23
Today's guests: Lisa Chastain For over 20 years, Lisa Chastain has been offering independent advice, mentoring and coaching with the aim of helping her clients create success that’s balanced. As a business owner, Lisa makes use of the KISS system to teach her clients how they can know their money, invest wisely, save and make smart choices so that they can attain their ideal lifestyle. Her areas of expertise include personal finance and money mindset coaching, career development, leadership...
Published 04/03/23
On this episode: Success is not a word with the same definition for everyone. I believe we build our own definition. Let's get in to this topic! Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes "Humans have this ability to believe they are the only ones dealing with a particular set of struggles." -Amber Fuhriman "Assumptions prevent us from making true connections with people." -Amber Fuhriman "Comparison is dangerous." -Amber Fuhriman If you are interested in connecting with...
Published 03/27/23
Hi all! This is highlight reel of 3 of my favorite solo episodes. Please reach out after listening and tell me what you think! -Amber Episodes Featured: #39: Stop Comparing Yourself #45: Life Won't Get Better Unless You Get Better #53: Attention Management If you are interested in connecting with Amber, send an email to [email protected]. Connect with other incredible people looking to break out of the corporate mindset by joining the More Than Corporate Facebook group:...
Published 03/06/23
On this episode: A longtime listener requested that I share my thoughts on one of the main things that, not just entrepreneurs but all people in generally, struggle with. Planning and task management. In my opinion, at the core of this critical skillset.. is the acceptance of the fact that the work is constant. Hope you all find this one beneficial and as always... thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes "There is no cookie-cutter approach to setting up your task management...
Published 02/27/23
On this episode: Hi! I've been thinking about this topic for a long time and struggled finding an avenue to address my issue with it. I thought back to how many times I've changed my approach, my method of communication, and other things... simply because I was the only person doing it the way I was. Unique can be a good thing. We should embrace it. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes "We all want to attract clients that relate to our message and the problems we help to...
Published 02/20/23
On this episode: One of the biggest boulders we tend to put in the middle of our path to success is the opinions of others. We obsess over them. We fear them. Contrarily, we spend very little time considering what we think about ourselves. What are we capable of? I hope you enjoy my 2 cents on this topic. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes "Doing things that scare you is critical in shaping who you want to become." -Amber Fuhriman "My favorite experiences happened...
Published 02/13/23
On this episode: Hi! I'm telling a story of realization in this episode. Moments of growth sometimes spawn unexpectedly simply because we put ourselves out there. You're going to love this one. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes "We never open our compartmentalization boxes. We tell ourselves the things we put in that box... will magically disappear someday." -Amber Fuhriman "Eventually we have to trust ourselves enough to know we can adjust and adapt to everything...
Published 02/06/23
On this episode: Happy New year! Today's episode focuses on a frustrating topic for most people... and I'm no exception. I can't even tell you how many times I've made the same health-related "New Year" resolution. Every year, I wonder if this year will be the one that I stay consistent. Today we're talking about all of it. The fad diets, the meal prepping, and what role physical health plays into success. Thank you for listening! -Amber Fuhriman Tweetable Quotes "How many times have you...
Published 01/09/23
Today's guests: Tom Jackobs To say Tom has been through a few things in his 30+ years of being an entrepreneur is an understatement. He’s had more failures than successes, but wouldn’t have it any other way. In 2017 he sold his fitness business which he owned for 9 years to become the Impact Pilot, helping entrepreneurs generate more income through better sales conversion strategy and using stories to sell. Tom has a BFA Degree in Theatre from DePaul University in Chicago and holds his...
Published 12/26/22
Today's guests: Donnie Boivin Donnie Boivin is an entrepreneur and serves as CEO and Founder of Success Champions and Success Champion Networking. Donnie is considered one of the leading global minds on sales, business development, and business growth. He is the first person to make sales and business development relatable and human. Donnie is a community builder at heart — he builds champions. Today he helps small business owners leverage sales and business development to grow and then scale...
Published 12/12/22
Today's guests: Zack A Knight Zack’s focus in his life and his business has always been leadership and service. He began his career as a metro-Atlanta police officer then infantry leader in the Army. Since leaving active duty, he has carried those principles into his business life where he continues to help his clients to protect and grow their businesses. Zack began building his first business while in basic training, knowing he wanted to give more. Over the last 6 years, Zack has used his...
Published 12/05/22
On this episode: This is such an important topic we're diving into today on the podcast. Organization, planning, and follow up have been a struggle for me since well before I became an entrepreneur. I can now say with FULL confidence that all of those things play a huge part in your success. I hope you fine this information valuable and as always, thank you for listening! -Amber Tweetable Quotes "Days will get away from you. Life will not always go as planned. A large part of success is how...
Published 11/28/22