When it comes to seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness we need to understand the meaning from a Christian perspectiveAs Christian believers what we are seeking is in Christ Jesus through Faith according to Colossians 1:13-14 and Philippians 3:10. We are not just saved by grace through Faith in Christ but we are to walk and live this Christian life by Faith in Christ Jesus in whom we have been translated into the kingdom of God and made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This...
Published 09/19/23
Matthew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also". Whatever you classify as a treasure to you is what your heart will always focus on. God desires that as a Christian believer, you make him your focus and top priority in your heart above your needs and desires, and as you do that not after you do it or before you do it but while you are doing that he promises to give your needs and desires of your heart. Matthew 6:33
Published 09/18/23
If we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness then what about our heart desires, needs, and wants? God is intentional about your needs, wants, and desires hence the reason why Jesus said in Matthew 6:32 "For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things". What this means is that God knows your needs even before you ever thought about your needs. This shows that God is a loving Father, a caring Father, and an all-knowing Father. Matthew 6:33
Published 09/13/23
God desires that we are not just hearers alone of God's word but also doers of God's word which involves obedience. The issue is not with how to apply the word of God in your day-to-day life but the main issue is that they do not know what to seek out in God's word. The Word of God contains Principles, Promises, and Prophecies for your life. Matthew 6:33
Published 09/12/23
Every material possession has an expiry date. Treasures upon the earth are victims of human interference and Natural inference Do not store up for yourself treasures on Earth but instead store up for yourself treasures in heaven. Focus on what is most important not what is less important What you value most on this planet Earth should be centered on God and not on Material possessions. Matthew 6:33
Published 09/08/23
God Almighty knows that we as Christian believers have needs. His eyes are not closed to our wants and needs. Matthew 6:32 Whatever you value most is what your focus would be fixed upon. Do not value material or physical possessions above the kingdom of God The love of money is the root of all evil which while some covet after they have erred from the Faith. Matthew 6:33
Published 09/07/23
The way we build our Faith is by engaging the spoken word of God. Romans 10:17 Man is always seeking to find satisfaction and peace of mind within. Unfortunately, the acquisition of material possessions does not satisfy the peace of mind within man due to the fact that material possessions have an expiry date. Christianity is not a license for Mediocrity. Matthew 6:33
Published 09/06/23
As a Christian believer, you need to be intentional about your decisions. It is very easy to be lazy but it is tough to be disciplined. As a Christian believer, you need to be intentional about your words. Your confession is a reflection of your mindset. It is God's desire for us to make him our first and only option and not our first among many options As a Christian believer, you need to know that God Almighty is your source, sustainer, and shield A successful life does not...
Published 09/05/23
You cannot live by someone else confession. Salvation is not a corporate experience but an individual experience. The fact that you are in the midst of Christian believers does not make you a Christian. Holding fast to the confession of your faith in Christ Jesus depicts a lifestyle where what you say on earth activates something in Heaven. Hebrews 10:23
Published 08/25/23
One of the ways we receive from God is when we embrace a belief mindset and let go of a doubting mentality When you pray BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE and on the basis of that YOU WILL HAVE WHATSOEVER YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED Hebrews 10:23
Published 08/17/23
The authority of the believer is activated with words. The creative dimension of God's power came forth through the spoken word of God in partnership with the Spirit of God For us to exercise our dominion mandate in Christ we have to engage the spoken word of God through our continuous confession. It is God's desire for us to experience the reality of the abundant life we have received in Christ Jesus Hebrews 10:23
Published 08/16/23
The proof of your believe is in your continuous confession of your redemption from Satan's dominion. Your confession makes you Jesus Christ conscious. It is our confession that enables and activates the ministry of Jesus as our high priest through Faith in him. Hebrews 3:1 On the basis of what Christ has done for us we are to stand on the reality of the victory that we have received in Christ Hebrews 10:23
Published 08/15/23
The foundation of our Salvation is in our confession of Jesus as our Lord and Saviour after we have believed. Romans 10:9-10 Meditation is what influences our belief and our belief is what influences our confession. It is necessary for you to know what God has done for you, what he has done in you, what he is doing for you and what he will do through you. This is the basis for us holding fast to the Confession of our Faith that we have believed. Hebrews 10:23
Published 08/14/23
For us to understand the Word of God, we must come to the knowledge that there are two different sides of redemption viz: Legal side and the Experiential side. Our redemption right has to become a living reality in our lives. That which the Lord has legally purchased, wrought and provided for us becomes ours experientially when we believe the word of God in our heart and confess with our mouth that it is ours. Your confession is Satan's defeat. Hebrews 10:23
Published 08/10/23
The Word of God has more to say about the positive side of confession than the negative side of confession. Never focus on the problem always focus on the solution in all of your endeavors. Holding Fast to the confession of your Faith is a continuous confession of your redemption from satan's dominion. Over victory in Christ is through the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony of what we have believed in the living word of God Confession means affirming something you believe. It also...
Published 08/09/23
We must realize that thoughts can come from 2 different sources. This means that the thoughts that come into our minds to influence our will, emotions, and intellect do not originate in our minds. This is very important because it changes your perspective on what we ought to be focusing on. The devil puts many thoughts in our minds from outside ourselves. The thoughts from God come from within us. From our spirit to mind. The key is to discern the source of our thoughts. Consistent prayer...
Published 08/07/23
The repetition of the truth of the gospel sponsors prompt obedience to God's word. As Christian believers, you should be sensitive enough to discern the words that are coming out of your mouth. Proverbs 18:2 Your consistent affirmation of what you believe will be a reflection of what you experience eventually. If you want to see the manifestation of God's word then you have to embrace confessing God's word as a lifestyle that affects the way you think, speak, and the things you do. What...
Published 08/04/23
God desires that we are rooted and established in the Faith that we have believed through the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:17-19). We ought to meditate on the promises of God's Word, the Principles of God's Word, and the Prophecies in God's Word. Humility does not mean having low self-esteem. The focus of every believer should be to love others the way they love themselves through the love of Christ that has been shed abroad in their...
Published 08/03/23
Prayer is more than just receiving from God alone. It also includes intimacy, intercession, and warfare as well. As believers in Christ, we need to move from the realm of asking what we want to ask for what God would have us do which is centered around seeking first the kingdom of God What prayer does for you is that you are transformed into the image of the one you seek to reflect his glory. 2Cor 3:19, Luke 9:29 1Corinthians 2:16
Published 08/02/23
The foundation through which your addiction influences your decision positively or negatively is your mind. God desires that we allow the Mind of Christ to influence the spirit of our mind. Meditating on God's word is the first step to engaging the Mind of Christ that we have received. God has not given us the spirit of fear or the spirit of addiction but he has given us the Spirit of love and sound mind in Christ. 1Corinthians 2:16
Published 08/01/23
As a Christian believer, the source of our mindset should be the Holy Spirit who is the Mind of the Spirit of God. It is through him that we can know what Christ wants us to think about daily, what Christ wants us to say daily, and what Christ wants us to do daily. The Mind of Christ that every believer has received is the Spirit of God within our spirit man. God intends that we allow the Mind of the Spirit of God to transform and renew our minds through the knowledge of Christ. Colossians...
Published 07/31/23
Is the mind of Christ limited to the realization of who we are in Christ and what we have in Christ? Does the Mind of Christ not expand to having access or knowing what Christ wants for us, like his thoughts and purposes for us(Jeremiah 29:11-13) 1 Cor 2:11 makes it clear that "No man knoweth the things of God including the mind of God EXCEPT BY the Spirit of God". This means that no one can know the Mind of the Lord WITHOUT the Spirit of God. Based on that truth; Paul says that every...
Published 07/26/23
1 Cor 2:16 is a quotation from the book of Isaiah 40:13 where Paul uses "Mind" for "Spirit"; and both are identical in God Almighty. The will of God, the ways of God, and the word of God are one No one can know the things of God including the mind of the Lord without the Spirit of God. As Christian believers, we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise which is the proof that we have the mind of Christ 1Corinthians 2:16
Published 07/25/23
When we receive the life of Christ Jesus(Eternal Life) and we surrender our life to Jesus i.e. making him our Lord and Saviour, the next question to ask is: WHAT NEXT? One of the ways the devil robs us of our IN-CHRIST REALITIES is through Ignorance of who we are in Christ and what we have in Christ. Who you are in Christ refers to your Identity in Christ Jesus, and What you have in Christ refers to your Inheritance in Christ Jesus. Who you are in Christ refers to your Position in Christ...
Published 07/21/23
One of the ways that we build up our Faith in God and in his Word is by listening to God's spoken word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. For you to grow in Faith, it needs a continuous hearing of the word of God being spoken to you. The Word of God has to be communicated to you either through the inspired word of God from the Holy Spirit, listening to the audio bible, or listening to the word of God in Church. What we hear affects what we believe and what we believe...
Published 07/20/23