This is our gift to all the Moroccan and Arab Women...Happy Women's day!! The second part of our episode regarding "tips for pregnant Women" focuses on the labor journey and the first months after giving birth. We discussed with our generous guest Mrs Khadija Abamni some crazy labor myths and trends. Thank you for your loyalty. waiting for your feedback! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C'est notre cadeau à toutes les femmes...
Published 03/08/22
I was honored by the contribution of Mrs. Khadija Abamni in the Moroccan Mama Life podcast, Mrs. Abamni is active online via the instagram page @santebydouja. This first part of our episode is all about advice for pregnant women and new moms, focusing on pregnancy and the labor journey. Our guest was very generous, which is why you'll have to wait for part two of this episode, where we continue to discuss some crazy labor myths and trends. Thank you for your loyalty. waiting for your...
Published 03/01/22
In this second part of our episode we continue discussing Homeschooling, with real life examples presented by our guest Mrs "Oxygen". In collaboration with Mrs Latifa or Oxygen, the founder of @madsciencemaroc, we discovered the differences and common points between Homeschooling and unschooling. DO NOT HESITATE to give us your feedback, or share with us your experience commenting the episode or via our instagram page "Moroccan Mama...
Published 02/21/22
Our guest is called “oxygen” by small ones, she is an entrepreneur, and a mom, who took the journey of entrepreneurship, driving by her ambitions: science and children, to do so, she implemented a franchised concept and called it @madsciencemaroc to teach STEM in a funny way through a bunch of experiments. This is the first part of our episode, where we discussed her journey, tried to give real comments from a leader mom and we introduced the following concepts; homeschooling, coschooling and...
Published 02/15/22
This is the second part of the ninth episode with Mrs. Wissal Mirroch, parenting coach and mother of three children. By listening to this episode you will learn a lot about Breastfeeding, weaning and the life of a mom...this interview is living proof that being a mom is a source of enlightenment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C'est la deuxième partie du neuvième épisode avec Mme...
Published 02/07/22
This part is an introduction of the 9th episode. Our guest Mrs. Wissal Mirroch, parenting coach and mother of a little boy, reveals her old convictions as a pre-mother almost anti-breastfeeding, and her new convictions as an activist mother of the breastfeeding awareness movement and its benefits. For those interested, the breastfeeding group created by Mrs. Mirroch is on Facebook under the name "Guide De La Maman Marocaine (Allaitement Maternel)", where you can find recorded lives and posts,...
Published 02/01/22
As parents, we often have a classic conception of how lessons should be done, @adreamymom or Mrs. Hanane Abdelaoui explained to us how to combine joy with the learning process...Thank you to let us know what do you think of our episodes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comme parents, nous avons souvent une conception classique de la manière dont doivent être faits les leçons,...
Published 01/17/22
All about psychomotricity with Ms. Rania Soussi, psychomotor specialist... We discussed: ADHD, ASD, Trisomy and Dyslexia. Thanks for leaving your comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tout sur la psychomotricité avec Mme Rania Soussi, spécialiste en psychomotricité... Nous avons discuté : TDAH, TSA, Trisomie et Dyslexie. Merci de laisser vos feedback...
Published 01/10/22
An episode dedicated to our children's nutrition, your host Sabrina Guetibi and Doctor Ikram Tikour navigate between Pediatric feeding disorder, allergies, hypersensitivity and food selectivity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cet épisode est dédié à la nutrition de nos enfants, nous échangeons avec la généreuse Docteur Ikram Tikour les sujet suivant: troubles alimentaire, allergies,...
Published 12/30/21
This episode is about mothers and their feelings, inspired from a classic known in the world of education and childcare "Tout se joue avant 6 ans" Edition 1972; Yvon Geffray. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cet episode est en relation avec les mères et leurs sentiments, extrait d'un classique connu dans le monde de l'education et la puériculture "tout se joue avant 6 ans" Edition 1972;...
Published 12/14/21
More Than Mom is my first interview with the humble Ichraq Waslani, I will not say more click on listen. For more info, here is the insta account: maison_elysian_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plus qu'une Maman: est ma première interview avec la merveilleuse Ichraq Waslani, je n'en dirai pas plus cliquez sur écouter. Pour plus d'infos, voici le compte insta :...
Published 11/12/21
This episode is to invite you to have a look at my talk during the second track of Blablaconf days, you can visit and watch the whole talk on the following link from 01h 42min 30 seconds : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQIuFp4Izpg&t=6157s The talk title is: Can I be a Mom and have a career? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je vous invite à cheker mon intervention lors de la...
Published 11/04/21
This episode is to introduce the podcast concept, and why I had to publish the previous episode...all in moroccan dialecte, was kind of foggy to register the first audio, but it was a great enhance...please visit our website, you're all great and inspiring Mamas!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cet épisode est pour expliquer le concept de Moroccan Mama podcast, et pourquoi j'ai dû...
Published 10/04/21
Small Bio of a Moroccan Mammy trying to live life day by day … to rise her child as 100% of Moms internationally, and seeking for an exchange space. You can hear my child calling me while I'm recording my first episode, it was the first trial, and was kind of very professional, but I couldn't change or delete it, that was the real me...the real us and the real life... responsibilities calling while you're trying your hard to achieve your Goal or even complete a job task. This was my brief...
Published 09/24/21