What are we so afraid of? In this reflective conversation, Mosaic Lead Pastor Erwin McManus helps us unpack how fear impacts our lives and can paralyze us from stepping into the future we long for.  He encourages us to look at fear differently. What if our fear is not situational but simply a reality we have allowed to rule us from the inside-out? What if the things we are most afraid of are simply the objects we project our innermost fears onto? What if living courageously was a choice? In...
Published 12/04/23
"You cannot live the life you dreamed of of you don’t live a life of risk" - Erwin McManus Pastor and author Erwin McManus continues our journey with "Chasing Daylight". To seize divine moments, we must become free to risk. God does not call us to a safe faith and Pastor McManus reminds us that faith does not remove danger; faith makes us dangerous. Like Jonathan stepping boldly into battle against the Philistines, to live life to the fullest we must be willing to trust God and step into...
Published 11/27/23
"Everything you do is an act of influence." - Erwin McManus Pastor and author Erwin McManus continues our journey with "Chasing Daylight". We underestimate the importance of influence when we choose to prioritize gaining success, financial gain, or command. The power of our influence cannot hindered by a lack of resources or authority. Authority shapes what a person does, but not their character; authority does not equal influence and it does not have the same result. The more energy and...
Published 11/20/23
"Do not live a life that can be explained by you alone." - Erwin McManus "Chasing Daylight: Know That You Don't Know" message given by Erwin McManus at Mosaic Hollywood, 10/14/2018 at the 8pm gathering.
Published 11/13/23
Pastor Erwin McManus kicks off Generosity Month at Mosaic with a new message on how you can use your God-given ability to create wealth.   When we ask God to do more for us, he often responds by asking us to do more for others.   In Deuteronomy, God lays out a framework to help us understand our capacity to generate wealth and the  responsibility our wealth has to impact as many lives as possible.    When we position ourselves with a heart of generosity, there’s no limit to how God can...
Published 11/06/23
In the conclusion to the Mind Shift series, Pastor Erwin McManus challenges us to live a life of risk-taking, audacious faith and go where no one we know has gone before. Pastor Erwin shares that most often, people simply won’t understand our calling until we live it out. Sometimes we won’t even understand our calling until we step out in faith in response to God’s voice. Pastor Erwin reminds us that no one living in Jesus’ time understood why he chose to live and die as he did....
Published 10/30/23
In week four of the Mind Shift series, Pastor Erwin McManus reveals that what we find in the world around us is a direct reflection of who we are.   Pastor Erwin uses the story of Cain from Genesis as an example of this principle.  After Cain kills his brother out of jealousy, he lives in constant fear of being killed himself. Because he had been willing to commit murder, he saw murder in the heart of everyone around him.   Not only do you see in others what you hide in yourself, you...
Published 10/24/23
In week three of the Mind Shift series, Pastor Erwin McManus unpacked the importance of breaking through the internal ceilings that hold us back. In the book of Matthew, Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” However, we often believe we are walking in faith when we act passively, waiting for God to move on our behalf. Pastor Erwin challenged us to engage our faith by asking for big things and taking action...
Published 10/16/23
In week two of the Mind Shift series, Pastor Erwin McManus highlighted the importance of pursuing our personal callings in the midst of relational tension.  As Jesus shared a confronting message with a crowd in the book of John, many people left. Jesus then turned to his disciples and asked if they wanted to leave him too.  Jesus personally understood the reality of shifting relational dynamics when stepping into his intention.  Pastor Erwin emphasized that if people walked away from...
Published 10/10/23
Pastor Erwin McManus kicked off his new series Mind Shift with an incredible message on the power of our thinking to transform our lives.   As referenced in Proverbs 23, the way we think defines who we are and who we will become.   When we enter into a relationship with Jesus, our spirit is transformed. But we must do the necessary work to transform our lives by thinking differently.   The same way negative thinking sets us up for failure, aligning our thinking with Jesus' intention...
Published 10/03/23
Are you leveraging your God-given influence?   This weekend, Lead Pastor Erwin McManus delivered an eye-opening message on the importance of understanding our unique influence.    Sharing from Acts 25, he breaks down the story of Paul, a disciple of Jesus who was charged by the Jews for breaking the law.    In his response to his charges, Paul stated “I appeal to Caesar." As a Roman citizen, Paul knew he had unique influence in the Roman Empire and was unafraid to proclaim his faith in...
Published 09/25/23
"Chasing Daylight: Just Do Something" message given by Erwin McManus at Mosaic Hollywood, 10/07/2018 at the 12pm gathering.
Published 09/19/23
"Chasing Daylight: Choose To Live" message given by Erwin McManus at Mosaic Hollywood, 09/30/2018 at the 8pm gathering.
Published 09/14/23
Pastor Erwin McManus shared a brand new message on the power of embracing the life Jesus died to give us. He explained that a singularity is a future point in time when unforeseeable changes happen in human civilization due to technological growth. Based on Ephesians chapter 2, Pastor Erwin shared that the moment you give your life to Jesus — you become a singularity. As God brings your soul from death to life, he positions you in a limitless eternal reality. In this new reality,...
Published 09/05/23
Do you ever feel as if your future is already written? In this beautiful message from Mosaic Conference 2018, Pastor Erwin McManus reveals how all of us are co-authors of the future. The future is not a concrete reality, but history that is ready to be created. Out of 1 Corinthians 2, Pastor Erwin explains that we can have access to the story God is telling because we have the Spirit of God inside of us. In our connection to God, we are able to create history the way God intended: a history...
Published 08/21/23
Published 08/15/23
In a powerful, thought-provoking message from Mosaic Conference in 2018, Pastor Erwin McManus casts vision for the future of humanity. Based on Ezekiel 36, he highlights the promise God has for us as we take on the future: that our hearts of stone will be replaced with hearts of flesh. Pastor Erwin highlights that though at times he would rather have the heart of Iron Man instead of a heart of flesh, God doesn’t want to restore us to be hurt, but to bring us back to our original intent as...
Published 08/07/23
Impact - Seizing Your Divine Moment || From The Archives Live from Mosaic LA Feb 2001
Published 07/31/23
Pastor Erwin McManus brought an inspiring message this weekend as he showed us how we can have epiphanies in our lives.   In Greek mythology, often the gods are seen as the enemy of human innovation and imagination. Pastor Erwin teaches us that God is the opposite — He always leads us to become our most creative selves.   In Jeremiah 33 we discover that God wants to tell us “great and unsearchable things we do not know.”   Pastor Erwin explains that the four ingredients required for the...
Published 07/24/23
Are you ready to seize your divine moment?  Often when we think of following Jesus and taking hold of our divine moment, we don't recognize the suffering we must face to embrace God's work in us. Focusing on the life of Peter in Matthew 16, Pastor Erwin points out how Peter struggled with the reality that Jesus would have to suffer deeply to fulfill his calling. The crucifixion is a central piece of our faith, reminding us that there is no life without death. Peter became the...
Published 06/20/23