For today's episode Leece has recently returned from a few days in Wellington with family. Naturally we discuss what this encompassed and how it is that we remember people. Clue: we remember people for how they make us feel and for who they are - our memories don't seem to be based around someone's looks. Somehow we then take this story of loss to our musings on diet culture and other motivation for exercise and movement. Movement doesn't have to be high intensity and extreme muscle soreness...
Published 02/07/24
So when we put it out to social media for topics to discuss on the podcast, this one stuck out. It went something like this - 'mum rage, and why do we feel like housekeepers and maids for our family?'. When this hit the inbox we knew we had to talk about it because quite frankly depending on the time of the month, this is an issue for us too (perhaps Jess more than zen-like-Leece these days!). We know we mention ebbs and flows a lot but when it comes to mum rage AND those feelings of being...
Published 01/31/24
Happy podcast day! Excited to be here. In today's episode we answer a few questions from the DMs. We had a tricky one come through which was: how do I ignore diet culture when I really need to lose weight? In answering this question we somehow find ourselves talking simultaneously about habits to help cement regular exercise, but also swing back to diet culture and what we can do to silence it (can we even? I don't think so). While we certainly don't have the answers and our chat takes a lot...
Published 01/24/24
We're back!! And what fun it is to be back on the mics for 2024! Two thousand and twenty four, or is it, twenty twenty four - which side are you on!? We start the podcast year by sitting side by side at our parents place recording our first episode of 2024. It was so fun to be together in the flesh after what has been nearly a year working apart. We were so lucky to have Leece in Christchurch in the New Year and so privileged to, as a result, see many of our community in person - what a total...
Published 01/17/24
The Sparkle Pod often ends up almost resembling some kind of big rocket fuel concoction, made up of all sorts that leaves you feeling, hmm... with a spring in your step? With sore cheeks from lolling? Feeling squeamish or perhaps better about yourself? Haha. However it leaves you, we are so grateful for your downloads, comments, DMs and love. I feel we say it often but it *really* does mean the absolute world to us that this podcast does something for you. That you keep coming back to us and...
Published 12/20/23
Hello guys! You're in for an assortment today with Leece hosting sissy Hobbs on the pod (for those that don't know, that's our sister in law/our brother's wife, Sarah). In today's episode they cover off an array of subjects, from Sarah's fertility journey and parenting one child, to schooling, oat milk coffee rigmaroles, supermarket trolley debate, book reviews and more. How fun to get Sarah back on the podcast - we hope you enjoy it. Hobbsy, thanks for your time - always a hoot.
Published 12/13/23
Many of you enjoyed (or squirmed) your way through our shower chat and also got a laugh out of the six fish 'ick' chat. Today, we continue in the same vein. We're already into school holidays for Leece so we begin with some insight into what she's termed her 'systems in place' for the next little while. Today, we otherwise hit a bit of everything - from six fish and safe to the current icks between ourselves and our partners - both from our side and theirs - (does anyone know the penis...
Published 12/06/23
Last weeks chat had some of you shook. Messages such as, 'nothing that goes on the bottom goes near the face', and so on. In short, MUCH of our listenership fronting up and feeding back some very divided routines and habits when it comes to shower etiquette. Isn't life funny? We connect with each other on so many levels (connection being one of the greatest feelings in the world), yet beneath the surface, particularly in the confines of our own homes, many of us are doing things very...
Published 11/29/23
Another Wednesday, another Sparkly Pod - you sure can count on the Move it Mama podcast to hit the big topics hard. In today's episode Leece has a moment in bed moaning to Dan about her hormone fluctuations, that have her pose the question: what do I do to look after you? What do we do to look after each other (i.e., our partners), given life can be tough for all of us, hormones or no hormones!? After dissecting this a little and Jess being somewhat unconvinced about the entire subject (lol),...
Published 11/22/23
A bit on this week, from why Santa is already present in the shopping malls of the Sunshine Coast, what's giving Leece the ick and what kind of assumptions Jess is putting upon random strangers just trying to take a romantic stroll. As always, it's great to be here. Today's theme is a bit like the story of the grinch that stole Christmas - there's lots we might feel we need or want in this life but at the end of the day what we really need and what matters most - is each other (and our health...
Published 11/15/23
Hello guys, available to your ears once more. This weeks episode is a mixture; from the outset we're very pleased with ourselves for aligning to our introduction LOL. First off, Leece asks the big question, "how often do you wash your bras?", after which we get into the nitty-gritty, current rigmaroles of *shock horror*, parenting . We deep dive into the new phase for Leece with her eldest son - how that's showing up and what the day to day struggles are. In chatting about this we also answer...
Published 11/08/23
Hello! A mix of things to climb into those pretty little earholes today - including our mother's voice!! So, welcome to the roundup of our musings from the past week, namely what we're listening to, learning and so on. Jess is on a semi-podcast buzz at the moment and discovered what she thought was an insightful episode of 'Diary of a CEO' (Steven Bartlett) with 'The Junk Food Doctor'. It's super interesting, but also pretty disappointing in ways, to learn the reality of the food industry....
Published 11/01/23
Hello beautiful listeners, we hope you're having a good week so far. Our second recording for the week and here we are. A frustrated and flat Jess who is dealing with quite a bit of shit at the moment - excuse the pun - that we take a bit of a deep dive into (and also push it to the side a bit because, perspective). We're talking about those tricky, prickly situations whereby you and your partner might find yourselves on totally different pages in relation to big ticket life decisions. The...
Published 10/25/23
Hello! Well, look at us sneaking in a second episode again, aye!? Just for you! Okay okay it's definitely for us, too, LOL. We're back to waffle into your ear holes about absolutely not much. Today's episode is our weekly catch up and to be honest doesn't cover that much but I'm sure you might get a recipe out of it at the very least. We're debriefing the week that was including Dan's trip (Leece's husband) back home, what that entailed - specifically in the kitchen - a bit about the...
Published 10/19/23
Hey guys, welcome back. Over the past year or so you'd have heard Jess talk about a client who enlisted her help in getting police college fit. This week, we introduce you to Kathie. In just a few days Kathie will find herself at police college, where she will spend more or less the next four months away from her home (and family) to become a cop. We know some of you have been following along with Kathie's progress and have been interested in her career change journey, and today we hear it...
Published 10/18/23
Hello! This felt overdue but that's because we're recording TODAY. Jess was sick a few days which threw out our schedules a bit but we're here. Last week Leece shared her very Professor-esq 'findings' on a podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz (referenced in the show notes of our last episode), and this week we dissect that a little more. Fast forward a week and Jess has listened to the episode mentioned and subsequently shares her thoughts, and we otherwise share further musings around the subject in...
Published 10/11/23
This podcast episode comes with a warning as we take a deep dive into nutrition, specifically around a book Leece is reading called 'Fast like a girl' by Mindy Pelz. If you suffer from any mental health conditions, especially eating disorders, body dysmorphia and poor body image, please consider whether you'd like to listen to this. To be honest, we're often reluctant to chat too much about diets and food 'fads', fasting included, because on the whole you know how we feel about 'diet...
Published 10/04/23
It's 6am in Queensland at the time of recording this weeks episode and both of us are quite proud of our understated tones lol. You know, as per the intro of this episode, when we meet our members or community in person it is the absolute best thing. It means so much to us and your messages about listening to our podcast feel just as good. Thank you for being here - we really mean that. In today's chat we're touching base on a number of topics from hormones to pilates, period discs and men...
Published 09/27/23
Sometimes we get messages asking for more than one podcast a week. This is absolutely something we'd love to do but also sometimes life won't allow it. BUT, where we can, SURPRISEEEEEE - we're here for a bonus. In today's episode we're discussing feedback on The MIA Tampon, we try a new segment where we've either 'had it' or would 'hit it', and we revisit Leece's pocket money/kids palaver. How we get to 55 minutes in and still feel the need to chat is beyond us but hey, we love it and hope...
Published 09/21/23
How much we love and adore Sarah Wallace and her gorgeous family is no secret - and we are excited to welcome her back to the pod. In June of this year, having pretty much never battled a flu, Sarah was knocked for six (an understatement) by what would become pneumonia and septicemia. She was very, very sick and it's been a slow and steady return to health for Sarah and the family, as their little family grows. With son Brando now 4.5 and twin girls Cosette and Sienna now 2.5, the Wallace's...
Published 09/20/23
Hello guys! Welcome back. It seems the end of last weeks pod left some of us shook lol. This week, things are little less shook-y. We chat about the week that has been, naturally a bit about fart etiquette, sheet cleaning and coffee (of course), and we also dissect our latest survey a little bit too. Towards the end we are discussing parenting because we all know what an absolute trip that sh*t is and more often than not that trip needs dissecting too. Thank you for being here and for your...
Published 09/13/23
This episode needs to come with a few warnings because things really took a turn or two. A bit to do with body hair and bodily functions and a bit to do with a lost tampon and a fair bit in between. So today's episode is actually our second recording of the week; the first one didn't make the cut and today's efforts we believe to be better, although perhaps in many cases, "TMI". But you know us by now and I'm sure you'll come to expect a bit of "TMI" from time to time. We chat lots of topics...
Published 09/06/23
As you'll no doubt know, Leece has always been one to wear her heart on her sleeve. One of those, "what you see is *definitely* what you get" sorts. So in today's episode we go into depth about her latest post to social media, the one where she has made 10 different vows to herself, concluding at number 10: 'Love my body. Love my mind. Love myself'. This vow something we know our community can relate to and would also like to be doing more of. Today, we go into detail about these commitments,...
Published 08/30/23
Hello, we're back. This week we sought some inspo from the DMs at the last minute, so, in a bid to talk about things other than poo and coffee we end up talking about... poo and coffee. No but after a fair bit of intro chat - which I'm sure you've come to expect - we get into a few different pieces. On what it is that keeps us regularly toileting (poo again, sorry), what we do or think about talking body positive in front of our kids and how to get your kid to sleep in their own bed, by...
Published 08/23/23
We've bitten off a little more than we can chew today. We begin feeling very excited about our new and agreed upon podcast structure, only to learn as the minutes go by that our structure won't really cut it. LOL - listen on to find out why. We're chatting today sans wardrobes (and sans Char sorry - she'll be here soon!) - and so apologise for the slightly more echoey tone. It's amazing right, the power of clothing draped from the humble hanger. Anyway, in today's episode we discuss our...
Published 08/16/23