Love it!
What a delight to listen. Good that you can be light and fun as well as serious. As a Parki myself with light symptoms I would love to join you to chat about …… drug trial I am in, cold showers and effects, how to judge effectiveness of drugs, linking up commonalities between parki people to see if we can start to make obvious connections on causes. I look forward to the new series of podcasts Patsy Patterson
Patsy1P via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 09/14/23
More reviews of Movers and Shakers
I never liked watching Jeremy Paxton because he was grumpy but since he has joined the Parkinson’s people he has made me feel better as I completely understand how he feels about his Parkinson’s miserable as I do about mine .
Well fed up 888 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 04/17/23
What a brilliant initiative! You deserve praise, congratulations and very best wishes from all listeners, especially other patients, friends and families of theirs for letting us listen to your thoughts, experiences and advice. Keep moving! Thank you all and good luck xx
Martifred via Apple Podcasts · Italy · 03/25/23
This podcast has been a revelation to me. When I got my diagnosis in 2017 that was all I got, apart from medication. I have to say the medication Co-careldoper was amazing from day one and gave me a new lease of life, although it is waining a bit now. I didn’t receive any advice at all, so I was...Read full review »
Mpa7986 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 07/24/23
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