Welcome back to another episode of Peak Performance Leadership! I'm your host, Scott McCarthy, and today we have a truly insightful guest joining us. His name is Brad McLain, and he is here to share his expertise on transformative leadership and the power of embracing risk and failure.  In this episode, Brad emphasizes the importance of taking a holistic approach to leadership, going beyond simply checking off tasks on a to-do list. He delves into the social and emotional aspects of leading...
Published 08/17/23
Welcome back to another episode of Peak Performance Leadership! In today's episode, we have the incredible Vanessa Vershaw joining us as our guest. Vanessa is a powerhouse when it comes to unleashing full potential and achieving remarkable results. With her expertise in leadership and a track record of driving change, she shares invaluable insights on how to embrace unreasonable ambition and pursue a higher calling. Vanessa begins by emphasizing the importance of having a "kill strategy"...
Published 08/10/23
On this episode of Peak Performance Leadership, join host Scott McCarthy as he delves into the topic of burnout and exploitation. Scott has extensively researched this issue and is passionate about finding solutions. Together with the audience, he aims to tackle this pervasive problem head-on. Scott begins by advising against abruptly quitting a job without communication. Instead, he suggests having a conversation with your supervisor to address concerns about time limitations and breaches...
Published 07/06/23
Rebecca has been in the business of building better talent and enabling awesome careers for over 25 years. She has led large teams and significant business units, won brilliant awards, and totally stuffed things up, just like others. Rebecca earned her stripes leading large teams in complex organizations and built quite a reputation for 'doing business differently.' She knows that without the B-Suite (or middle managers), businesses fail. She can proudly say that she is the best-selling...
Published 06/24/23
According to DDI’s 2023 global leadership forecast, the top skills of leaders who boost engagement, retain great employees and create cultures that thrive is interpersonal communication skills. When it comes to interpersonal communication skills, one of the most common questions we get asked is, “How do you balance kindness, care and concern with attention to outcomes?” Everyone struggles with this tension. Yet, it’s the holy grail for safe, thriving cultures. Here’s the conundrum. Compassion...
Published 06/15/23
Lots of programs and benefits most often don’t lead to a more well employee. However, when employers install a culture of health in the workplace, employees are more than twice as likely to reach their well-being goals than employees who are still subject to a workplace wellness model that formed more than 60 years ago. Richard Safeer, MD, earned his BS in Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University under the tutelage of T. Colin Campbell, author of the China Study, before attending...
Published 06/08/23
Burnout has become a pervasive and pressing problem in today's world. With increasing working hours, heightened expectations, and ever-present digital connectivity, people are finding it harder and harder to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Leaders and teams are no exception, as they experience heightened pressure to perform at their best on a consistent basis. Burnout is no longer just an individual issue, but has spread across industries and even whole societies. High levels of burnout...
Published 06/01/23
When productivity spiked during 2020 many thought that this trend would continue once life returned to a sense of normalcy. However, since returning to the office many businesses are seeing lower levels of productivity and profitability from their employees who are no longer have any happiness in their lives. So how do we combat this problem? The first solution we tend to leap towards is higher pay brackets. But after a certain level of income, this simply doesn’t work anymore. We have to...
Published 05/25/23
Welcome to this episode of the podcast, focused on personal and professional growth, leadership, and self-improvement. In this episode, we'll hear from a speaker who shares his experiences playing rugby league and arm wrestling, training in martial arts, and now using his platform to help others improve their vitality. We'll explore topics like the difference between leadership and coaching, the importance of constant change and improvement, and the power of celebrating wins, as well as the...
Published 05/18/23
The workplace of the future — the officeverse — will disrupt many of today’s organizational models. The future officeverse will be the anytime/anyplace world of where we will work, when we will work, and how we will work. It will consist of a network of networks, with tools that will shape us in surprising ways over the next decade and beyond. The officeverse will provide a more equitable, accessible, purposeful, climate-positive future for knowledge work. While it will bring many challenges,...
Published 05/11/23
On this episode of Peak Performance Leadership, I am doing a live Q&A in a Facebook group and answering questions about effective leadership. I tackle the challenge of showing appreciation to remote workers, motivating employees to care about their job, and improving punctuality. In addition, they explore whether discipline is effective in the workplace. I talk about how the three domains of leadership: Leading Yourself, Leading Your Team, and Leading Your Organization, and how excelling...
Published 05/04/23
On this episode of Peak Performance Leadership, we discuss the importance of effective planning practices and leadership strategies to improve productivity within a business or team. We explore how to effectively incorporate AI into processes, address employee concerns and trust, and build relationships among team members in both in-person and virtual settings. Our guest speaker shares the ten core areas of waste that hinder success and introduces his lean strategic planning technique as a...
Published 04/27/23
Naval fighter pilots are known for their unwavering commitment to excellence, exceptional decision-making skills, and expertise. These top performers offer valuable insights that can be applied in the business world. With decades of experience in stressful situations, they have mastered ten key leadership skills: staying calm under pressure, setting expectations, delegating tasks, building trust, giving feedback, evaluating risk, adapting to change, embracing failure, encouraging innovation,...
Published 04/20/23
Marc Lesser is a speaker, facilitator, workshop leader, and executive coach. He is known for his engaging, experiential presentations that integrate mindfulness and emotional intelligence practices and training. He is the author of 4 books, including Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lessons from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen, and CEO of ZBA Associates, an executive development and leadership consulting company. His podcast Zen Bones: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times features...
Published 04/13/23
Leadership is not just about commanding people and getting results. It’s also about the subtle nuances of influencing and manipulating one’s followers in order to achieve desired outcomes. The ability to effectively tap into the “psychological strings” of individuals, while at the same time establishing mutual trust and respect, can vastly increase a leader’s capabilities. However, it’s important to note that such strategies must be used carefully as any misuse could lead to fallouts or even...
Published 04/06/23
Accountability was once a concept associated primarily with punishment and failure. However, today it has become much more than that—it's seen as an essential part of any successful business. When practiced correctly, accountability has the power to create well-motivated teams who are actively engaged in their work and committed to success. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their actions and practice good communication and collaboration skills. By creating an environment...
Published 03/30/23
Gallup recently reported that only 15% of employees in the U.S. are truly engaged in their workplace. Yet nearly 70% of employees say they would work harder if they felt more appreciated. Over 90% of employees surveyed believed their leadership “lacked communication skills to lead.” The gloomy stories behind sobering statistics reveal employees’ disappointment with current leadership approaches. Leaders can do better. DeKoch, with over 40 years of diverse executive leadership experience,...
Published 03/23/23
It's no secret that companies today are struggling to secure top-tier talent. With the current labor shortage, competition for high-caliber candidates is at an all-time high, leaving recruiters looking for new ways to attract and retain the best of the best. However, finding and hiring 5 star candidates isn't as difficult as it may seem. With the right strategy and determination, recruiters can still identify, engage with, and hire outstanding talent — even in a competitive hiring market. By...
Published 03/16/23
In today's work culture, it can often be difficult to maintain a balance between managing the demands of our workload and building close relationships with our team members. While strong teamwork is essential for the overall success of a business or project, personal boundaries need to be established in order to ensure goals are met in a timely and efficient manner. The following quote is from Facebook Group Member Valarie and her question revolving around just this challenge: Knowing your...
Published 03/09/23
Leadership is a tricky but essential role; it requires both an intimate understanding of the team and organization and the ability to set and maintain clear expectations. When authorities don’t match responsibilities, it can lead to confusion, tension, and even disaster. Take, for example, the case of one of our audience members, Leticia. She was charged with leading a team but lacked clear authority in certain areas – a situation that could have been avoided if her assigned...
Published 02/23/23
Bringing together new teams of people can be challenging, especially if it requires managing disparate personalities, diverse backgrounds, and conflicting interests. However, with sustained effort, open communication, and effective problem-solving skills, successful team cohesion is within reach. Leaders need to take the time to get to know their team members individually, invest in building relationships of trust and mutual respect, motivate mild competition where appropriate, set clear...
Published 02/17/23
The job of a combat helicopter pilot isn't just stressful - it's life-or-death. And the leaders of these highly trained forces don't take the stress lightly, but instead double down on their commitment and drive those around them to extraordinary performance. The toughest test for any leader is to stay focused under intense pressure, and yet remain humble. They’re able to lead with great clarity and precision, inspiring teams in the heat of battle. It takes poise, courage, and strength of...
Published 02/09/23
In a world roiled by unprecedented change, effective leadership is becoming even more essential. No single approach will provide the ultimate solution to the challenges that change poses. Rather, it will be a confluence of ideas, strategies, and actions that will prove effective in managing and making the most of sweeping change. The world that existed yesterday will be decidedly different from that of tomorrow. It will take a complete and adaptable toolkit to cope effectively with that...
Published 02/02/23
It is not uncommon for many of us to set lofty goals and make ambitious New Year's resolutions at the start of every year. However, unfortunately, those resolutions are often doomed from the outset, as our expectations can be too difficult to live up to. Research has demonstrated that only 9% of us are actually successful in keeping their New Year’s resolutions and a staggering 81% quit before the second year even concludes. Shockingly, most people give up on their goals by February,...
Published 01/26/23
As a leader, it’s essential to recognize that people don’t leave their work issues at home nor do they leave personal issues at work. Instead, they bring these two lives together in a way some might refer to as “integrated life strategy.” Employees can’t afford to be distracted by personal worries while on the job and employees need comfort of family and friends after a rough day at work. Without the ability to let both work and home life blossom, employees often feel unhappy and...
Published 01/18/23