Hiring cybersecurity resources and the costs associated with it. What does the job description look like, and what are the responsibilities? Mike Stewart of Anchor Networks and I discuss the challenges and opportunities of hiring staff to help with cybersecurity. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 01/09/24
I have had multiple conversations around backup vendors and the shift to solutions that are direct to cloud and other feature requirements that we didn't even consider 6-10 years ago. Remember the world before the data actors started doing data exfiltration. Join me with Matt Horning of Blue Tree Technology as we explore everything from the 3, 2, 1 and other backup models as well as airgapping. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 01/02/24
As 2023 comes to a close and you I thought in traditional fashion, we share with you our outlook for 2024. Joshua Smith of Reliaquest and I have a few optimistic observations that might have been shadowed by some Sky Net references, but I think 2024 has a lot of potential. Enjoy the holidays and we will see you soon in 2024. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 12/26/23
CJ and Matt Lee of Pax8 discuss control 8, which pertains to audit logs. Some of the safeguards are easy to satisfy... just turn the logging function on and set to 90 days. Others will require more effort but all are reasonable for MSPs to pull off. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 12/19/23
From tools and breaches to LLM, IoT and OT we talk about it all. Where we have been and how far we have come with Charles Love of ShowTech Solutions, and Joshua Smith of Reliaquest. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 12/12/23
We all know the dangers of connecting to Airport Wifi... Join Sarah Goffman and I as we discuss the dangers of connecting even your cellphone to public wifi. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 12/05/23
What does future growth and sustainability look like in the MSP space? Acquisitions abound, SMBs and micro-SMBs bounce from one MSP to another... What is the future yield especially when we start discussing cybersecurity challenges and adopting even good cyber hygiene? I sit down with Eric Hanson of Inland Productivity to get his take on the future of client growth and where those net new clients might be. Whether with existing or new clients, they must recognize the need to improve their...
Published 11/28/23
Deep dive into control 7 with some influences of other controls. We know that OS patch management, change management, Third Party App management and third party app patching aren't always prioritized the way it should be considering today's threat landscape. Matt Lee is on a pedestal on this control so stay tuned through the end as we run a bit long on this one. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 11/21/23
I sat down with Matt Fisch of Fortmesa to discuss observations and highlights from ITN Connect. From new vendors in the pavilion tackling niche cybersecurity challenges to conversations with Solution providers that show our industry is maturing. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 11/14/23
Maybe we have talked about this before? At any rate Business email compromise is a constant threat. We do Phishing simulations and other security awareness training to help our staff and clients make good choices, but we aren't always perfect. I sit down with Dan Gilligan with Integra MSP to hear his journey in dealing with this issue and the tools and training that have changed over the years to keep up with this evolving threat. --- Support this podcast:...
Published 11/07/23
What are insider threats? Tim Schnurr and I discuss the importance of cybersecurity in protecting digital assets and preventing insider threats in organizations. There is a overwhelming need for employee education, the use of data classification tools, and the implementation of monitoring tools to track data flow. This is a great way to have open conversations with your employees and your clients as to why it is so important to think before you click on a link, hit send in an email, or...
Published 10/31/23
Thinking back ten-plus years on the industry conferences we have attended in person and online. With vendor mergers and acquisitions it is hard to determine which shows you should still attend and every day it seems there is a new road show, quarterly show or another membership conference. How do you make decisions to attend what is relevant? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 10/24/23
As we go through the CIS controls we try to stay in sequence but as a result of some discussions at recent events, we decided to jump to Malware Defenses. Hopefully, Matt Lee's insights and my humor will be enough for you to endure 30 minutes on what you should do in your journey to address Malware Defenses. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 10/17/23
We talk about frameworks, compliance, cybersecurity, and many things in between but we haven't discussed getting assessed against a framework or even the new CompTIA Cybersecurity Trustmark. I sat down with Omer Kasim Aslim of Lake Ridge to discuss assessments. How the different frameworks, whether prescriptive or not, are often looking for compliance to protect a specific type of data and not an organization's overall security. We go through several scenarios and Omer offers many tips and...
Published 10/10/23
In recent years we have seen Solution Providers begin offering services that are showing a shift in our industry around our client and client prospect needs. Five years ago very few solution providers would be comfortable talking about risk registers, GRC tools, PoAMs, and take a leadership role with our clients. Joine me as I sit down with Chad Holstead of BKS Group to talk about challenges, risks, and opportunities for positioning compliance as a service. --- Support this podcast:...
Published 10/03/23
From the trenches... I sit down with Jim Harryman of Kinetic Technology Group to discuss their progress through the new CompTIA Cybersecurity Trustmark. What are the significant challenges and what are the easy wins. A glipse into the journey that got Kinetic Technology Group to where they are today and preparing for their asessment at the end of the year. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 09/26/23
Fireside chat with Matt Lee brings us control 6. Access Management goes hand in hand with Account Management but if you have been following along we coverd control 5 last month. Join Matt Lee and I as we deep dive into each safeguard and discuss what you should be doing and then mapping it to the safeguards we cover. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 09/19/23
Each day we are bombarded by cybersecurity threats and this episode adds another vector you should be looking at as you address your asset inventory. Are you looking at the asset that controls your thermostat? How about the IP cameras you use to secure your office? These are just some of the many questions as I sit down with Huxley Barbee of Run Zero. It isn't all doom and gloom but the outlook is definitely scary if we don't start taking action to secure the devices that often are ignored...
Published 09/12/23
There is no question that CMMC is here to stay. It is a much-needed maturity model for measuring companies that cater to the Defense space and are doing what is needed to protect Confidential Unclassified Information (CUI). I sit down with Adam Duman of Vanta to discuss frameworks, contracts, cybersecurity challenges, and how all of these things impact a company looking to keep or add contracts within the defense space. --- Support this podcast:...
Published 09/05/23
In Cyber we often focus only on the events that come from the ether, the dark web, and we forget that disasters can come from all sorts of events. With a hurricane less than 24 hours from making landfall, I sit down with Charles Love of ShowTech Solutions to discuss their prep. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 08/29/23
I am a big fan of Scott Augenbaum's book, "The Secret to Cybersecurity." Specifically, the 4 truths that we talk about with Tye Male, Senior Pastor of Wellspring church. Suspicious email, inconvenient timing, stress-inducing, and when it is all said and done... it has the potential to damage your reputation. Listen in to hear what Tye learned as it pertains to being vigilant and communicating the cyber dangers with friends and loved ones. --- Support this podcast:...
Published 08/22/23
We are 1/3 of the way through the CIS Top 18 and I think Control 5 might be my favorite. Matt Lee joins me as we dive into all six safeguards and how important they are in the journey toward cyber resilience. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 08/15/23
I remember the days when Joshua Smith and I decided we should build our own MSP. It was simpler times and Cybersecurity was defined largely by firewalls and antivirus. Today starting an MSP or even being a small MSP trying to get arms around cybersecurity is a daunting task. I discuss with Dor Eisner to talk about why he decided to build Guardz. Why the desire to focus on a solution for the smaller MSP and his overall look at the threat landscape. Together we can we can make it more...
Published 08/08/23
There are lots of frameworks to choose from and some are more complicated than others. What is important is that you use some set of controls/safeguards or standards that are measurable and can be aligned with. I sit down with Alex Spigel to talk bout her approach to compliance and how things like responsibility matrixes can help. We are at channelcon23 and I hope to see many of you in person. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/msp1337/support
Published 08/01/23
Over the past few months we have spent time on policies, how to tackle controls and safeguards in CIS Top 18, and we have even pointed out cybersecurity areas that might be overlooked. In this episode, as we all look at maturing our cybersecurity practice we look at how one might show evidence to support all of the efforts in creating policies, processes, and procedures. Thanks to Chase Griffin for highlighting that sometimes you do need some tools. --- Support this podcast:...
Published 07/25/23