This episode will show you that there comes time in our life when we are in trouble and then people with whom we have highest expectations leaves the first! Narration by Jayati Shukla.
Published 04/25/20
This episode will show you the mental turmoil faced by Ramanath. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/23/20
This episode will show you how Ramanath and Jalpa becomes each other's biggest weakness in all situations. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/21/20
This episode will show you how love prevails over conditions. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/19/20
Finally.... Chandrahaar! ♥️
Published 04/18/20
This episode will show you that there are times when a person is completely aware of what is right and what is wrong, but still love makes him completely blind. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/17/20
This episode will show you that a man who is in love with his wife gets into corruption to fulfill his wife's desires for jewellery, despite he never spends even a single penny unnecessarily on himself. Narration by Jayati Shukla.
Published 04/16/20
This episode will show you the joy of a. person after getting a job! Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/15/20
This episode on one side will show you the loneliness in the life of a man after his wife's death and on the other side the determination in the life of a man who is newly married. Narration by Jayati Shukla.
Published 04/15/20
This episode will show the lovely relationship between husband and wife, their cute fight and the 'ruthna-manana' sequence. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/13/20
This episode will show you that the childhood age is very much responsible in developing dreams and desires of a person. The games played in childhood are very important for development of a child but can also mould the child's perspective regarding material and feelings.
Published 04/13/20
This episode will show you that how Ramanath was going through a war of thoughts in his mind. He was not able to decide whether he should tell his wife the truth about his family's financial condition or he should steal his wife's jewellery. Listen the episode to know what he decides in the end. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/12/20
This episode will show you the relation between newly married couple in an arranged marriage and also show you the intensity of trust a wife has for her husband. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/12/20
This episode will show that it takes not only hundred lies to hide a lie, but sometimes it can also take a man's character!
Published 04/11/20
This episode will show you that it takes hundred lies to hide a lie... So true!
Published 04/11/20
This episode will tell you that in a marriage not only bride's parents face financial problems but groom's family too faces such situations. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/11/20
This episode will let you know about how a small girl starts building dreams about her marriage from a very early age and how her dreams become her desires.
Published 04/11/20
This episode will give you a picture about rituals of exchanging money and jewellery between two families. It will also make you think that whether the respect a person gets is just because of the money he owns or because of his virtues.
Published 04/09/20
This episode will make you think about how dowry is prevalent in our society from a very long time. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/09/20
The episode can give you imaginations about the innocence in a small girl's life, her desire for a necklace and her inner thoughts regarding her marriage. Narration by Jayati Shukla
Published 04/08/20