Foggy Dew Fungi
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Brendan Linnane started Foggy Dew Fungi with a similar sentiment to most emerging mycologically minded business owners. It comes in stages, first as a spark, the visual and written volumes of seemingly ancient information available on an entire kingdom you never learned about in school appearing like an apparition one day and turning into an obsession overnight. You chase down new texts and old, searching out the dusty, tiny “mycology/mushroom” sections in every used book store within driving distance. You get sucked into the abyss of the Shroomery late into each night. You begin foraging, taxonomically identifying and then swiftly eating rare and sought after fungal phenotypes from the forest floors and trees. By the time you’ve solidified in your mind the 3-4 sure ways to identify and devour Chanterelles, winter falls and as the wilds retreat you explore grocery stores for imports, dried options and freshly cultivated varieties. You identify the farms that are growing mushrooms you have only read about and soon you have a flow hood, agar and a Presto or All-American in your closet...If this describes you, you are sunk, you are Brendan, you are all of us, the ones who caught the dangerous combination bug that blends an endless thirst for mycological knowledge with a genetic predisposition for working for yourself, working for the Foggy Dew Fungi!
More Episodes
The age old tale, or so it seems in these fast moving times seems to be Mycelium vs. Fruitbodies ... but what if you simple added both into your products, built out and followed through with scientific studies for publication and actually collected data after proceeding to test, test and test...
Published 05/31/24
Published 05/31/24
Round about two years ago the entire Cap N’ Stem crew hosted a massive bonfire at our newly acquired property in Lewiston. Many joined in the insanity, many bailed, motorcycles broke down, did burnouts or wrecked into dark Maine gullies, but the fire raged on and the partying continued through to...
Published 04/26/24