2021.01.13-My Dear Dad
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You're such a good example Of  What a Father Should be We always get along so well Even when we disagree 您是一个典范 一个合格父亲的典范 即便有时存在分歧 我们也能和谐相处 You're so patient And understanding And you don't ask for anything You're never demanding 您是如此循循善诱 如此善解人意 您任劳任怨 对我从不苛责 You're so quick to give And such a joy to be around You're such a good person You deserve a special crown 您一心奉献 总能带来欢声笑语 您是个太完美的人 再高的称赞也不为过 You have a good heart And you're honest and true You're the best dad And I really love you 您有一颗善良的心 真诚率性是您的品格 您是世间最好的父亲 我真的爱您
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You don't feel alone because you are alone. You feel alone because you aren't at peace with yourself. 你感到孤独,并不是因为你独自一人,而是因为你没有和自己达成和解。 You feel alone because you don't love yourself. 你感到孤独,是因为你不爱自己。 You feel alone because you've been conditioned to believe that you need another person to complete...
Published 01/15/24
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