Curry Russell is a Diamond with LiveGood, and in this podcast episode, Curry and I talk about why he joined this particular opportunity. At first glance, it may seem like just another health and wellness company, but this is not the case. In fact, LiveGood is not a health and wellness company at all. Curry talks about how he, just like I did, initially overlooked the opportunity that LiveGood presents. However, after taking a closer look, he realized that LiveGood is one of the best online...
Published 08/01/23
If you’re an entrepreneur, including a network or affiliate marketer, your goal is to make money, right? Well…maybe not. In this podcast episode, I’m talking with Bob Burg. For over 30 years Bob has been successfully showing entrepreneurs, leaders, and sales professionals how to communicate their value and accelerate their business growth. And he has co-authored the book, The Go-Giver Way.  In it, and in this podcast, you’ll learn how to get extraordinary results in your business by NOT...
Published 07/18/23
According to a recent survey, the average American swipes their debit card around 18 times per day.  And with TranzactCard, you can earn a dollar for every dollar you spend. That's right – you can get paid to swipe your card.  Imagine earning cashback every time you go grocery shopping or fill up your gas tank. It's a game-changer for anyone looking to earn extra money with minimal effort. In this podcast episode, Jon McKillip, the Managing Director of Tranzact Card, provides an exciting...
Published 07/05/23
My goal is to help you become your own boss and achieve financial success.  That's why I just have to share this with you. It's easy to overlook the potential of this business opportunity.  I did!  I didn't get it at first!  But I do now and you need to hear about it! In this podcast, I will provide an in-depth explanation of the LiveGood business opportunity and the compensation plan for 2023.  From my years of experience, I can confidently say that LiveGood is one of the best online...
Published 06/20/23
Join me as I interview Danielle Matthews.  She has a fascinating story! She went from a having a Traumatic Brain Injury where she could no longer work as a biologist and she had no plan B. She turned to Network Marketing and had in $2.2 million in sales in a year. In this interview, she shares 3 necessary shifts she made (and she recommends you make) to become a success in this industry.  Listen in! And...you can follow her on instagram @_daniellematthews_ (Here's the direct link). If...
Published 06/06/23
Laura Bender is my guest on this week's podcast episode. Laura is a history maker in mind/body fitness, dream-building and relationship coaching. A childhood of observing her mother stand up for human rights and champion the causes of low income women left Laura with a burning desire to help women discover their passion and purpose. Using her unique strategies, she has dedicated her life to coaching high achieving women unleash their true genius, reclaim their power and lead with love....
Published 05/23/23
In this podcast episode, Tere Kampe and I share Xtreme Travel Ai, which we believe is the best travel ai marketplace out there.  Not only can you save bucketloads of money on your own travel…. You EARN MONEY too! Listen in as Tere and I discuss this great opportunity. This is, in my opinion and experience, the best way to SAVE MONEY on travel... AND... Amongst the best online opportunities to make money right now.  ********************************************* If you're ready to start...
Published 05/09/23
Are you working harder than you ever have and still aren’t having success in your business? I have bad news for you… Simply working harder does not always produce the 6-figure success you want.  There’s more to it… In this podcast episode, I’m talking with Kathi Reuter who started her entrepreneurial journey in 2014.  She quickly rose to a 6-figure producing network marketing business with over 1000 partners in her first 11 months in business. And then… She stopped growing and started...
Published 04/25/23
As a network and affiliate marketing mentor, I get asked how one can quit their job and start or expand their online business quite often. One way to do that is to get into the RIGHT opportunity at the RIGHT time. Opportunities with a high-income potential and low-cost entry are my favorites!  In this podcast episode, I am sharing key points to look for in an online business opportunity!  ********************************************** And if you're looking for a lucrative online business...
Published 04/11/23
As an affiliate marketing and network marketing mentor, I see it as part of my job to know what's out there and stay updated on all the opportunities out there.  One thing I have learned the hard way is that not all affiliate programs are created equal! Some affiliate programs are absolutely horrible.  I look deeply into an affiliate program before recommending it to others...High-income potential and very low-cost entry options are my favorites!  In this podcast episode, I share what is, in...
Published 03/28/23
The #1 topic people discuss right now is the high price of gasoline and diesel. Not only does MPG Xtreme have the solution for us, but you can earn an extra income from it and save on your own usage.  In my latest podcast episode, I interview Jim Denzine.   Jim is a veteran Network Marketer and colleague of mine in MPG Xtreme. In the interview, he reveals the Top 3 Reasons everyone should join MPG Xtreme. Listen...
Published 03/14/23
I'm often asked what to consider when choosing a MLM opportunity. In this podcast, I'm taking it one step farther and sharing why I joined MPG Xtreme. My friend and colleague, Debbie Morton is joining me. Together, Debbie Morton and I have over 40 years of experience in the affiliate and network marketing industry.  We discuss why we think MPG Xtreme is among the best opportunities right now. **************************************************************************************** And...if...
Published 02/28/23
The #1 topic people discuss right now is the high price of gasoline and diesel, and not only does MPG Xtreme have the solution for us, but you can earn an extra income from it and save on your own usage.  What makes MPG Xtreme such a great opportunity?  If you have asked yourself this... then this is for you. In this MPG Xtreme review, I interview top earner and industry original (OG), Byron. You'll learn why Byron considers this the best business opportunity right now. If you're ready: 👉 ...
Published 02/14/23
I recently became a part of something really special.  And if you follow me at all, I'm sure you've heard about MPG Xtreme. The #1 topic people are discussing right now is the high price of gasoline and diesel... And not only does MPG Xtreme have the solution for us, but you can earn an extra income from it and save on your own usage.  Here's what I get asked on a daily basis... But does MPG Xtreme really work?  I sat down with Todd Skelton, who is part of MPGX but is also a race car...
Published 01/31/23
I'm talking about something new and different in this episode. We all know that gas is expensive these days. How does saving money AND making money by helping others save on gas sound? If that sounds of interest to you, you must watch this Extreme Success Opportunity podcast.   The #1 topic people discuss right now is the high price of gasoline and diesel, and not only does MPG Xtreme have the solution for us, but you can earn an extra income from it as well as save on your own...
Published 01/17/23
The World of Network Marketing and MLMs is rapidly changing....yet sometimes feels like it isn't keeping up in this technology world. In this podcast episode, Patrick Shaw and I have a candid conversation about how to navigate the current and future of the industry. Patrick is the CEO of RapidFunnel. The RapidFunnel App has built a reputation for being the most simple and duplicatable tool around for prospecting and follow-up. Listen in and learn: ☀️The biggest challenges MLM companies...
Published 12/20/22
Merit Kahn started learning sales lessons early in life... Starting with her lil' grandma, the AVON lady! Now she’s CEO of SELLect Sales Development, helping other entrepreneurs get and grow sales for more than two decades. Her work is based on The Open for Business Framework which consists of the three elements of success. Listen in to learn what those elements are and they can help you ROCK your business....
Published 12/06/22
If you've felt discouraged and have never had the results in your business you've dreamed of... Then you MUST listen to the really great conversation I had recently with Barbara Daoust. Barbara is a Certified Facilitator with the Proctor/Gallagher Institute as well as an Author, Speaker, Success Coach and Business Growth Accelerator.  As a certified “Thinking into Results” consultant with the Proctor/Gallagher Institute, Barbara shows entrepreneurs, small business owners, and leaders how to...
Published 11/22/22
My friend and colleague, Debbie Morton is a #1 Earner and Top Networker... And she's had MAJOR change and disruption in her life and business recently. In my latest podcast episode, I had a down-to-earth, heart-to-heart conversation with Debbie. You're going to want to listen in because we have a very candid discussion about the ups and downs of business and life, including... How you make it through the tough timesHow you change directionLessons learnedAnd MUCH more! And you can find out...
Published 11/08/22
If you have a website or promote your business on social media (and who doesn’t these days?!)... You absolutely NEED to understand and work with Search Engine Optimization. That’s what Eric Seropyan and I talk about in this week's podcast.  Join us to learn how to give your business a boost! Eric is President and founder of a digital marketing agency and helps businesses/people gain exposure online with a variety of digital marketing strategies, including...
Published 10/25/22
If you’ve been an entrepreneur for more than a month, you know that it can be a real mind game. Imposter syndrome, self-doubt, putting yourself out there, rejection and the like are very common issues facing business owners. According to my guest, Adrian Moreno, it's not because business requires you to suffer… Instead, it's because business brings up parts of ourselves that we're ignoring. And THAT causes the conflict. AND…. There is a way to break free from these inner...
Published 10/11/22
Do you inwardly cringe at the thought of doing live video? Or any video at all? I know so many of my clients and customers have trouble with creating video. Or being confident on video. Emmy Wu, video and story strategist, knows exactly what makes you shine on video.   And how you can create a story for video, which makes it all less intimidating! Emmy has over 2 decades of storytelling experience from the Hollywood film industry. She has helped thousands of business owners hit record or 'go...
Published 09/27/22
WOW! What a success story! From an ordinary affiliate to the owner of multiple Network Marketing companies. Join me as I interview this VERY special guest, Dan Putnam, to hear about his journey. AND... What he's doing now to shake up the industry. ALL New & Exciting! And to learn more about Against All Odds or to sign up, go to www.GloriaMacDonald.com/AAO
Published 09/13/22
If you’re a digital or online marketer, it’s important to stay on the trends. You have to know what is working and what isn’t. What’s new. What’s changing…and so much more! I’m interviewing digital marketing expert, Brandon Leibowitz.  Brandon helps small and medium-sized companies get ranked at the top of Google by using search engine optimization techniques and bringing in traffic via social media, ads and more.  Join in and listen to what Brandon will share with us!  Get Brandon's free...
Published 08/30/22
The only thing that’s constant is change. And being a network marketer is no different. What worked even a year ago, doesn’t work today. Tiffany Wynn knows that firsthand.  In this podcast episode, I talk with Tiffany about doing things differently and Disrupting The Network Marketing Industry. You won’t want to miss this.  Listen in. And... To learn more and follow Tiffany, you can find her on Instagram @thetiffanywynn and you can join her Facebook group by going to tiffanywynnvip.com And...
Published 08/16/22