In this episode I address something that just happened this morning. I received a long voice note in one of my group chats actively throwing shade my way, and saying what I'm doing with this podcast is garbage. I'm turning it into a lesson for everyone to hear. If you want to check it out first hand you can go to my public Telegram station. (link here) I also want to say that 99.9% of the messages I receive from New Agers are positive, and I appreciate you so much! But there will ALWAYS be a...
Published 12/18/20
With literally EVERYONE staring at their smartphones these days, and with most of that time being spent on social media platforms, it's obvious why there's so much competition for consumer attention online. It's where the money is. It's where the fame is.  It's where the influence is. But most importantly, it's where the FREEDOM is. If you build up a solid presence and reputation online...it's much more likely you will be able to start living life on your own terms, in whatever capacity you...
Published 12/15/20
In this episode I celebrate 100 Interviews by outlining what I think are the MOST important qualities and mindsets which allow certain people to gain success. There are very specific reasons why the guests on this show have ascended to where they are, and my hope is that YOU can implement some of these thoughts into your own life, goals, and mind. Cheers to you New Agers! You are truly an inspiration.   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 12/03/20
In this episode I briefly introduce a new offering for podcasters. If you're curious you can check it out at newagepodcasters.com   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 11/19/20
Drinking and having fun with your inner circle of friends and family is a feeling unlike any other. We've all done it (some more than others haha) and we all understand the happiness it brings. There's nothing quite like having a good time with the people you trust and care about the most...no matter how ridiculous some of them might be. In this episode we are introduced to a set of brothers who took those happy feelings and displayed them on an Instagram page through a barrage of live...
Published 11/18/20
In this episode I discuss the most important question to ask yourself when figuring out what you want to do online. The answer to this question is all that matters. Everything else is white noise. Get this right and you'll be ahead of most...   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 11/12/20
Typically people pay attention to online content because they either want to entertained, educated, inspired, or can relate in some shape or form. And sometimes the content is a mix of all of them. Regardless, to capture attention online, it's important to understand WHY people will be attracted to your stuff. Danny Berk is a daredevil stuntman, prankster, and entertainer. He puts in consistent effort every single week to bring a smile to fan faces, and brighten their day, even if it's just...
Published 11/09/20
In this Thursday solo I briefly discuss why I took a 3 week break from posting episodes on this podcast. Also, I review my biggest takeaway after watching the popular documentary on Netflix called "The Social Dilemma". This takeaway is something everyone who owns a smartphone should be extremely conscious of.   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 10/29/20
Times are difficult right now. The pandemic has hit many of us very hard...whether it's financially, mentally, or physically. It's tough to look ahead in a positive light when it seems so many negative events are happening around the world. But if you can be a forward thinker, stay hopeful, and put in effort right NOW to better your life, you will thank yourself later on... Bianca, like those of us who are old enough to remember, went through a similar crisis back in 2008. She lost her...
Published 10/29/20
In this episode I discuss a simple hack that gets you more comments on your social posts and also helps strengthen the bond with the people you're connected to.   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 10/01/20
We are all constantly bombarded by posts, ads, products, services, videos, stories, brands, specials, etc. every single day...and we ignore MOST of them. BUT...sometimes we do in fact stop our scroll and pay attention. So what makes people stop the scroll? How can you stand out from all the other noise online? How can you separate yourself from "everyone else"? That's the question we answer in today's episode with bestselling author and entrepreneur Brendan Kane. In this episode Brendan...
Published 10/01/20
In this episode I discuss a very simple question you should be asking yourself every time before you post on social media...and how it's contributed to getting over 1.6 million views on one of my recent video posts...
Published 09/18/20
We all start somewhere. EVERYONE has a beginning. A beginning journey with no followers, no fans, no audience, no brand deals, no money, no respect, etc. Just a pure love for whatever it is you do. It's those that never stop that give themselves a chance to "make it". And the ones who would continue doing their thing even if they don't "make it" are the ones who usually end up winning in the long run. In this episode DJ Nicole Rose shares how she was doing her best to "adult" at a marketing...
Published 09/18/20
In this episode I discuss three updates and draw lessons from them. I talk about why I took a break last week from publishing an interview, why I'm bringing back the term New Agers, and what's happening with the New Age Lifestyle Academy.
Published 09/11/20
The thought process of "saving your money" until you're 65 is dead. No one wants to do JUST that anymore. When you're older you get tired, and you won't want to do the same things as your younger self once did. This mindset shift in our culture is made possible by technology. To live a life by design means you optimize your decades with the money you earn, and live with no regrets while getting true fulfillment from the memories you experience along the way. In this episode Bill Perkins,...
Published 09/11/20
In this episode I review common apps on my phone which I use on a regular basis for social media, editing, interaction, etc.   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 08/27/20
There are endless opportunities on social media for people to build personal brands for themselves and create true freedom with the internet. And this especially rings true for people of the creative arts. As long as you're willing to post your work/craft/hobby/interest for the world to see there's no reason why you can't go from "starving artist" to "in demand creator" In this episode Drew Forde, expert viola musician and social media maverick, details how he's leveraged the internet tools...
Published 08/27/20
In this episode I discuss why it's usually a bad idea to buy Instagram growth services and/or Instagram follower giveaways. I recount my experience in using an Instagram growth service several years ago for a couple month span, and why it was a mistake.   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 08/20/20
Why do some people rise to the top of their industry or niche? What makes them different? What do they do that most people don't?  In this episode Dara Hayes explains how she's become a household name in the DJ world. She recounts the beginning of her journey back when no one knew her, when people threw shade her way for being a "DJ Girl", and how she blasted through everything to become world famous DJ Tigerlily. We learn what actions she took to give herself opportunities, what resources...
Published 08/19/20
In this episode I review my second favorite way to build an online presence on social media. (I also mention my favorite way too).   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 08/13/20
We are all human and we are all fighting our own battles. It doesn't matter who we are, where we live, what we do, or who surrounds us....everyone goes through tough times at some point. But no matter what, the trick is to just keep going. In this episode Katie Hamilton, ex-wife of MLB All Star Josh Hamilton, now entrepreneur and podcaster, shares with us in detail her roller coaster journey of life thus far. She shares personal stories as well as important lessons she's learned from being...
Published 08/10/20
I quickly review my top three most important ingredients for true professional happiness in 2020 and beyond. I think many of you will feel the same way. They all begin with the letter F.   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 08/01/20
95% of the time the only thing holding someone back from going after what they want is limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs and limiting behaviors are also tricky, because most of the time people aren't even aware they exist. It's incredibly hard to change beliefs permanently...however, this is precisely why it's so important. If you want to create a 5% life you're going to have to adopt a 5% mindset. And many times that means unlearning widely accepted "regular society" behaviors. In this...
Published 07/31/20
This quick hit episode is for anyone who wants to create a long term digital income stream through content creation.   New Age Influencers: @newageinfluencerspodcast
Published 07/23/20
With the meteoric rise of the digital economy more and more people are starting to carve out their own little corners on the internet. It's more achievable than ever before to create a professional lifestyle that you're in control of, and one that you actually want to live. In this episode Jeff Sekinger describes how he left his safe corporate finance job for the unknown, but not without having to leap over several hurdles. It's a leap that many people want to make, but few ever take. If you...
Published 07/23/20