Mon Jul 1st, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
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Good morning, New York! This is your weather for Monday, July 1st, 2024. - Morning temperature: 62 degrees; clear skies - Daytime high: 75 degrees; clear skies; light north-northeast breeze at 8 mph; 40% humidity - Evening temperature: 79 degrees; clear skies; perfect for outdoor plans - Night temperature: 72 degrees; slight wind gusts up to 12 mph Thank you for tuning in today! Have an amazing day!
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Good morning! This is your weather for Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024, for New York City. I hope you're ready for a busy day in the Big Apple. - Morning temperature around 69 degrees with overcast skies - Daytime high of 80 degrees, remaining overcast - Humidity at 36%, southeast wind at 7 mph with...
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Published 07/03/24
Good morning! This is your weather for Tuesday, July 2, 2024, in New York City. - Morning temperature at 66 degrees - Daytime high of 83 degrees, perfect for outdoor activities - Evening temperature settles to 78 degrees, ideal for a night out - Clear skies all day, no rain expected - Nighttime...
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