Thu Jul 4th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
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Hey there! Happy Independence Day! This is your weather for Thursday, July 4th, 2024, in the Big Apple, New York City. - Morning temperature around 71 degrees with 52% humidity - Skies will be quite cloudy at 97% cloudiness - Light rain expected, around one tenth of an inch - Daytime high of 85 degrees with persistent clouds and light rain - South-southeast winds at 5 mph, gusts up to 9 mph - Evening temperature will cool to 80 degrees - Clouds linger, rain easing up - Night temperature dropping to around 75 degrees with tapering off rain Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you have a fantastic and safe Independence Day! Remember, I'll be here for you tomorrow with more weather updates.
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Happy Sunday! This is your weather for Sunday, July 7th, 2024, in beautiful New York City - Morning: Pleasant 78 degrees, mostly clear skies - Daytime: High of 92 degrees, 38% humidity, great for outdoor activities - Evening: Cooler at 84 degrees, ideal for al fresco dining or riverside walks -...
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