EP2 Part 1 [快訊] - Community phylogenetics - 12.2020 - 土壤生態研究進展、土壤動物及微生物群落構建
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Community phylogenetics - 12.2020 (Part 1) [1 土壤生態研究進展 ADVANCES in SOIL ECOLOGY] 1-1 DNA metabarcoding是一個能打開土壤動物多樣性黑盒子的好方法 doi.org/10.1111/mec.15761 DNA metabarcoding illuminates the black box of soil animal biodiversity 1-2 物種體型大小影響了在大陸和全球尺度下土壤微生物和線蟲的群落構建 doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20271-4 Organism body size structures the soil microbial and nematode community assembly at a continental and global scale 中文介紹: mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PW4Sn6CSAJVAqMDOCG4EcQ 1-3 地形驅動了小尺度上熱帶山地森林樹木物種的細根性狀與功能多樣性 doi.org/10.1111/nph.17136 Topography as a factor driving small‐scale variation in tree fine root traits and root functional diversity in a species‐rich tropical montane forest [2 土壤動物群落構建過程 ASSEMBLY PROCESSES of SOIL ANIMALS] 在受管理草地中地表甲蟲的共存網絡 doi.org/10.1007/s42974-020-00034-3 Species co-occurrence networks of ground beetles in managed grasslands [3 土壤微生物群落構建 SOIL MICROBIOTA] 3-1 Metagenome的分析顯示了土壤生物可以在火山灰上快速發展 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78413-z Metagenomic analysis reveals rapid development of soil biota on fresh volcanic ash 3-2 作物根圈和根內層的微生物群落比土壤微生物群落對施肥的抵抗力更高 doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108113 Microbial communities in crop phyllosphere and root endosphere are more resistant than soil microbiota to fertilization 3-3 確定性的群落構建過程加強塑造了底土微生物的空間尺度格局 doi.org/10.1111/mec.15777 Steeper spatial scaling patterns of subsoil microbiota are shaped by deterministic assembly process 3-4 根圈微生物群落的消長和共存網絡與土壤中鎘/鋅的過度積累有關 doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108120 Succession of the composition and co-occurrence networks of rhizosphere microbiota is linked to Cd/Zn hyperaccumulation 3-5 十年跨緯度的土壤轉置實驗顯示了環境過濾對土壤固氮微生物群落的影響 doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108119 Increasing environmental filtering of diazotrophic communities with a decade of latitudinal soil transplantation ... to be continued with 4 環境梯度上的群落系統發育 COMMUNITY PHYLOGENETICS along ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS 5 功能性狀 FUNCTIONAL TRAITS 6 跨不同營養級的交互作用 MULTI-TROPHIC INTERACTIONS 7 巨觀生態學 MACROECOLOGY 8 宿主與微生物關係 HOST-MICROBIOME ASSOCIATIONS 9 R分析方法 ANALYTICAL TOOLS Powered by Firstory Hosting
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