EP2 Part 2 [快訊] - Community phylogenetics - 12.2020 - 環境梯度上的群落系統發育、 功能性狀
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Community phylogenetics - 12.2020 (Part 2) [4 環境梯度上的群落系統發育 COMMUNITY PHYLOGENETICS along ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS] 4-1 不同的環境驅動因素決定了附生地衣群落在跨歐洲梯度上的多樣性模式 doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8121913 Contrasting environmental drivers determine biodiversity patterns in epiphytic lichen communities along a European gradient 4-2 熱帶地區海拔梯度上驅動鳥類群落構建的生態因子 doi.org/10.1111/ecog.05379 Ecological drivers of avian community assembly along a tropical elevation gradient 4-3 地景異質性影響了巴西大西洋森林地景matrix中鳥類系統發育多樣性的格局 doi.org/10.1111/btp.12881 Landscape heterogeneity shapes bird phylogenetic responses at forest–matrix interfaces in Atlantic Forest, Brazil 4-4 形態和系統發育因子構成了亞馬遜河豆娘和蜻蜓物種沿環境梯度的分佈格局 doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107257 Morphological and phylogenetic factors structure the distribution of damselfly and dragonfly species (Odonata) along an environmental gradient in Amazonian streams 4-5 亞熱帶巴西大西洋森林中被子植物樹木系統發育多樣性沿海拔的變化 doi.org/10.1111/aec.12996 Elevational shifts in phylogenetic diversity of angiosperm trees across the subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forest 4-6 不同生態過濾過程驅動著新熱帶乾旱森林裡不同生活史階段的植物消長 doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118810 Differential ecological filtering across life cycle stages drive old-field succession in a neotropical dry forest [5 功能性狀 FUNCTIONAL TRAITS] 5-1 功能多樣性的概念及應用 doi.org/10.32942/osf.io/j64nt Concepts and applications in functional diversity 5-2 湖泊浮游植物的性狀趨同和特徵趨異反映了群落構建規則 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76645-7 Trait convergence and trait divergence in lake phytoplankton reflect community assembly rules 5-3 功能上的距離無法預測物種間的同步性,但是功能上的多樣性會直接影響群落的穩定性 doi.org/10.1016/j.limno.2020.125848 Functional distance does not predict interspecific synchrony, but functional diversity directly affects community stability 5-4 跨尺度上種內性狀的變異降低了灌木群落確定性的構建過程 doi.org/10.3390/d12120447 Intraspecific trait variation dilutes deterministic processes in community assembly of arid shrubs across multiple scales ... to be continued with 6 跨不同營養級的交互作用 MULTI-TROPHIC INTERACTIONS 7 巨觀生態學 MACROECOLOGY 8 宿主與微生物關係 HOST-MICROBIOME ASSOCIATIONS 9 R分析方法 ANALYTICAL TOOLS Powered by Firstory Hosting
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