I'd be angrier if this episode called itself "Jadzia," because that would have been misleading. We learn a lot about Curzon here, but very little about Jadzia. Also, where's our feminist compass for this episode? Bashir is clearly creepy for not taking an explicit "no" as a "yes," but his refusal to hit someone (ostensibly) because they're a woman? How the story makes it good that he follows Jadzia? That Sisko wants to punch Curzon, but doesn't punch Jadzia, but only because she's a woman?...
Published 10/12/20
At least we learned the very important lesson that uh...uh...damn. So we learned nothing, underused John de Lancie, and made an episode that would taste like vanilla frozen yogurt, if you could order a "mild" vanilla frozen yogurt. At least we can all agree this is the worst Q episode right? Even the one where the asks [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] him isn't as bad or the time where he uses the USS [REDACTED] as a boarding [REDACTED]. Nine Deeps of Space is a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine...
Published 09/24/20
New life forms and new civilizations? Check. O'Brien suffers a bit? Check. Needlessly mysterious aliens? Double-check. Strong, moral idea at its core? ...uh-oh. There's a lot to be said for this week's aliens. Like, "Is there a planet full of filthy gym socks in this universe?" and "Can those aliens go and suffocate in its core?" It's fun, but I feel like we stretch a bit to get the story beats we want and it's ultimately unsatisfying. Am I being too harsh? Should we just accept Sisko's...
Published 09/17/20
Hey, so between the police brutality and the pandemic, I'm checking to see if there's few DS9 Season 1 episodes where maybe there's a forest fire and then a smoothly run election and then everything is fine forever. Obviously, DS9 isn't prescient--not any more than it was in 2019--it's just that Star Trek covers a LOT of different threats and the civilian angle of Deep Space Nine means that we see more social and cultural effects we recognize in the world around us.  Derek and I talk a bit...
Published 09/14/20
HIS WHOLE DEAL IS THAT HE'S TRICKING KIRA, right? She wants to see the best in him and, yeah, it's a flaw, but she doesn't get to see the scenes that we see where he's doing bad stuff when he's alone. I don't get Derek not getting Kira in this episode. I feel like this is DS9 showcasing its intrigue chops. We did a little in the pilot, and the show dang well intends to do it more and "Past Prologue" shows that. It's a little simplistic because the twist is "terrorist bad," but I Kira's...
Published 09/10/20
WAIT! Before you watch the episode, read below. So Derek and I disagree on the facts that happen in this episode. In editing, I checked the script at chakoteya.net. Then I thought they may have shot those scenes different from the script so I checked the episode. Derek and I were BOTH wrong. In this episode, Keiko: A) comes up with the idea of a school and B) volunteers herself to be the teacher at it. So either Derek and I suddenly got BAD at watching television or we didn't listen to...
Published 08/23/20
Deep Space Nine is a completely different Star Trek. Our non-human character still feels feelings, but just Isn't Like Us, a native of those planets with those stupid people and their idiotic ways is a part of the crew, our commanding officer is neither a paragon nor a captain. It is the boldest Star Trek idea after "Star Trek."  Anyway, "Emissary" is a episode which sets up our challenges, our foils, and our heroes very well and gives us everything we need going forward. Gul Dukat is a...
Published 08/14/20