Aideen is 38 and is living in Dublin. She has been alcohol-free since June 2020 over 3.5 years. For a long time she thought that alcohol was a big part of her identity but now as she reflects back, she realises that alcohol slowly chipped away at her confidence and self-belief. She credits giving up alcohol with unleashing a new perspective on her life and her abilities.  She has gained a new lease of life, oodles of self-belief and is here to tell us that giving up alcohol will only add to...
Published 01/01/24
Welcome to No More Booze, a podcast that explores our relationship with alcohol. In this podcast, we will explore the benefits of an alcohol free life by assessing it's role in our lives, making a decision based on the costs and benefits of it and how we go about removing it.  Our first guest is Áine O'Neill who has been alcohol-free for the past 14 months. Áine describes how much she has grown since giving you alcohol, accessing her true power and being comfortable in her own skin. This...
Published 12/27/23