Today's Topics: 1) Cardinal Gregory and the "dominant" rite https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/cardinal-gregory-and-dominant-rite/ 2) Choosing Between New and Old https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/choosing-between-new-and-old 3) Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (Luke 3.1-6) Necessity of Penance 4) A Catechism to Reclaim Catechisms https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/a-catechism-to-reclaim-catechisms
Published 12/20/23
Today's Topics: 1) Traditions of Advent 2)  Why Non-Catholics May Not Receive Catholic Communion 3) Biblical Guide to Mentoring (and Being Mentored) 4) The "O Antiphons"
Published 12/13/23
1, 2, 3, 4) What every Catholic Needs to Know About Evangelization
Published 12/06/23
Today's Topics: 1) On Temptation to Leave the Church 2) The Mystical Passion of the Church: Stripping of the Garments 3) GOSPEL1st Sunday of Advent – St. Luke 21.25-33 4) Eucharistic Revival: Four Radical Proposals
Published 11/29/23
Today's Topics: 1) New Priests are more conservative/orthodox, Saint Gertrude's Prayer for the Holy Souls 2) The Parable of the Cockle and the Wheat 3) The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven 4) Ten Ways to Avoid Purgatory
Published 11/15/23
Today's Topics: 1) Jesus Heals a Sick Woman and Raises a Dead Girl (Matthew 9:18-26) 2) 14 Questions and Answers About Forgiveness https://www.presentationministries.com/series/publications/publication-14Quest-247827 3) What Every Catholic Needs to Know About Relics 4) Is It Time to Stop Using the Label “Traditional Catholic”? https://www.crisismagazine.com/2021/is-it-time-to-stop-using-the-label-traditional-catholic
Published 11/08/23
Today's Topics: 1) Matthew 22: 34-46, The Greatest Commandment 2) Is it too late to get Vatican II right?  https://www.osvnews.com/2022/09/20/through-study-and-prayer-its-not-too-late-to-get-vatican-ii-right/ 3) A lesson from the Lone Ranger 4) More keys to effective prayer  https://guideposts.org/prayer/how-to-pray/30-ways-to-move-forward-in-faith/
Published 11/01/23
Today's Topics: 1) The Eucharistic Revival's Elephant in the Room 2, 3) Feast of Christ the King (John 18:33-37) 4) Some questions to enliven the Synod https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2023/10/18/questions-to-enliven-synod-2023/
Published 10/25/23
Today's Topics: 1) Heaven and Hell 2) Gospel for 21st Sunday after Pentecost (Matt.18.23-35) The Unforgiving Servant 3) How to put on "the Armor of God" (Eph. 6) 4) How to Avoid Distractions at Mass
Published 10/18/23
Today's Topics: 1) 2 Kings 5.14-17:  The Cure of Naaman 2) The Rosary: Five Reasons Mary Should Reign as the Queen of Your Heart https://www.churchpop.com/2018/08/22/5-reasons-mary-should-reign-as-the-queen-of-your-heart/ 3) Five Things Catholics Need to Take Seriously Again https://churchpop.com/2014/11/14/fundamentalists-right-things-catholics-seriously/ 4) Sunday Mass – Your Salvation Depends on...
Published 10/11/23
Today's Topics: 1) Medieval wisdom in Tertio Milenio Ineunte; Forgotten Endings 2) Interview with Dr. Cecelia Linton on her book The Knight Who Gave Us King Arthur 3) Gospel for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 22: 1–14), The Parable of the Marriage-Feast 4) Active Participation
Published 10/04/23
Today's Topics: 1) On Synods and Sedevacantism 2) Is the Real Problem with the Novus Ordo that it is simply "Too Long?" https://catholicreview.org/cardinal-dolan-are-sunday-masses-just-too-long/ 3) Gospel for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost (Matt. 9.1-8); Origin of the Rosary 4) Origin of the Rosary (cont.)
Published 09/27/23
Today's Topics: 1) The True Church 2) Love of God 3) Why the Latin Mass? 4) Synod on Synodality? Or Council on Conciliarism?
Published 09/20/23
Today's Topics: 1) Update on the Traditional Mass in the Diocese of Orange and the "doctrine of the Pope" 2) Marian Feasts of September 3) Interview with Michael Whitcraft on the new book: "The Synodal Process is a Pandora's Box" https://synod23.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/The-Synodal-Process-Is-a-Pandoras-Box.pdf 4) Marian Feasts of September (cont.); and Luke 7:11-16
Published 09/13/23
Today's Topics: 1) Persecution, Patience, and Perseverance 2) Some points on the Celebration of the New Mass 3) Evangelization and Conversion https://sjvlaydivision.org/debunking-myths-around-evangelization/ 4) A Personal Relationship with Je
Published 09/06/23
Today's Topics: 1) Can You Recognize Superstition? https://www.ncregister.com/blog/quiz-on-superstition 2) Modern Errors Catholics Should Know and Avoid https://www.ncregister.com/blog/8-modern-errors-every-catholic-should-know-and-avoid 3) Luke 17.11-19: Jesus Heals Ten Men with Leprosy 4) The "Tuppernacle" and the Abomination of Desolation https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/they-made-my-daughter-cry-at-world-youth-day
Published 08/23/23
Today's Topics: 1) Reflections for the Feast of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux 2) Matthew 5.13-19: The Salt of the Earth, the Light of the World, and The Fulfillment of the Law 3) Veritatis Splendor vs Amoris Laetitia  https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/veritatis-splendor-vs-amoris-laetitia 4) More on Monsignor Charles Pope’s article 8 Errors Catholics Should Know and Avoid  https://www.ncregister.com/blog/8-modern-errors-every-catholic-should-know-and-avoid
Published 08/16/23
Today's Topics: 1) To Deceive, if Possible, Even the Elect 2) Eucharistic Miracle & Eucharistic Sacrilege at WYD 3) Saint Lawrence & the Holy Grail; Modern Errors Catholics Must Avoid 4) Mark 7.31-37; Sacraments & Prayer
Published 08/09/23
Today's Topics: 1) True Friendship 2) Matthew 17.1-9, The Transfiguration 3) Is Ecumenism Solemn Nonsense? 4)  The flaw in the system
Published 08/02/23
Today's Topics: 1) Is criticizing the Pope "going against the Holy Spirit?" 2) The Traditional Mass, the Novus Ordo, and the "Reform of the Reform" 3) Saint Jude and the Holy Face 4) Neglect of God's Inspirations (Gospel for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost) Luke 19.41– 47
Published 07/26/23
Today's Topics: 1)  Does Cardinal-elect Fernandez really want to be taken seriously? 2) Farewell to Prince Charming 3) The Sad Story of Sister Smile 4) The Catholic Walking Dead
Published 07/19/23
Today's Topics: 1) Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth 2) Whatever happened to Indulgences? 3) From CDF to DDF a real change 4) Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Romans 6.19-23; Matthew 7.15-21
Published 07/13/23
Today's Topics: 1) Who needs a Synod on Synodality; Mark 10.15-21 2) Banned Books; the Instrumentum Laboris of the Synod 3) Protests and Boycotts; Q&A on the Synod on Synodality 4) Will the Synod "Change the Teaching of the Church?"
Published 07/05/23
Today's Topics: 1)  Rom 6:3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-42 2) Remove Stumbling Blocks from Your Life 3) Setting Boundaries 4) The Kingdom is Within You
Published 06/29/23
Today's Topics: 1) Romans 8:18-23; Luke 5:1-11 2) Is Traditionalist Catholicism a Sect? https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/is-traditionalist-catholicism-a-sect 3) Do We Need a Data-Driven Church? https://crisismagazine.com/opinion/do-we-need-a-data-driven-church 4) The World Meeting on Human Fraternity https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2023/06/15/the-world-meeting-on-human-fraternity-was-a-sad-exercise-in-soda-pop-solidarity/
Published 06/21/23