Nieslychane proroctwa / Amazing prophecies
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Program poswiecony biblijnym proroctwom. W programie studium Ksiegi Daniela i Ksiegi Apokalipsy w odniesieniu do wspolczesnych wydarzen na swiecie. / Program dedicated to biblical prophecies. Program includes the study of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation in relation to contemporary events in the world.
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Program dziekczynno-patriotyczny z okazji 100-lecia odzyskania przez Polske niepodleglosci oraz 130-lecia adwentyzmu na ziemiach polskich. / A patriotic thanksgiving program on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland and 130 years of Adventism on Polish soil.
Published 12/02/18
Relacja z nabozenstwa pamiatki Wieczerzy Panskiej / z warszawskiego zboru Kosciola Adwentystow Dnia Siodmego. / Refleksje biblijna wyglasza pastor Krzysztof Romanowski./A Communion service from the Seventh-day Adventist church in Warsaw. Bible study by pastor Krzysztof Romanowski.
Published 11/04/18
Program poswiecony biblijnym proroctwom. W programie studium Ksiegi Daniela i Ksiegi Apokalipsy w odniesieniu do wspolczesnych wydarzen na swiecie. / Program dedicated to biblical prophecies. Program includes the study of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation in relation to contemporary...
Published 10/07/18