What are YOUR new year's resolutions? If you need some inspiration, just listen to what our favourite X-Files characters are resolving for the new year in this episode! (With a little bit of timey-wimey stuff mixed in.) Bye, 2020, hello 2021!  You can find all of our social media links, PLUS our new merch at http://linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod We'd also love for you to check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/notanotherxfpod
Published 01/01/21
The holidays come but once and year, and they are finally here! Welcome to the Annual Holiday Spectacular! This year, Carolyn and Vanessa are covering Netflix's "Operation Christmas Drop." We have it all - insightful and witty commentary, some of our classic NAXFPP antics, and a festive tune that will keep you rockin' through the holiday season!  So, grab your favorite tropical drink and a cozy blankie and join us!  Find us all over the interwebs at http://linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod
Published 12/17/20
Nothing Important Happened Today II. Too? Also. Something like that. Well, the most important thing to happen to you today is this podcast! (Come on, it’s 2020, let us have it, at least for the length of this episode.) In this episode, you’ll hear wild theories about super soldiers, how they factor into Scully’s birth, our wish for loose ends to be tied, and we ask if there even is an HR in this part of the FBI? It would be SO important to us if you would follow us on our social media! You...
Published 12/03/20
Dear Diary, something important happened today--we started Season Nine! Carolyn and Vanessa are so excited to embark on this journey. We've come a long way, Baby William! In this episode we will take you through the dizzying highs of ethereal postpartum Scully and also guide you through the deepest, most watery lows of Xena, Warrior Mermaid. Follow us on our social media and find our new merch at http://linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod
Published 11/19/20
It’s our 5th annual Halloween Spooktacular! Jeff Gulka is back to tell us all about what he’s been up to in the past 3 years (!!!) since we first had him on the podcast. He tells us his opinion of season 11 (it might surprise you), and then we dive into the witch’s cauldron and talk all things Halloween! Plus, spooky intermission music by Deuxvolt! For full shownotes & to follow us on social media visit http://linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod
Published 10/29/20
And just like that, season eight is over... Join Carolyn and Vanessa as we talk about this little show we, and others like us, call The X-Files. This week it's all about a deep dive on Krycek, whale songs, strong ladies out in the wilderness, the gifts of The Lonegumen, and the uwu moment that we can't stop talking about. The book our listener recommended (shout out to our Patron, Skye!) is Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm A. Kelleher. Check out the goodreads page here.
Published 10/15/20
In this, the essence of the X-Files, we find Mulder musing about the beginnings of life and an epic Stephen King assessment of the X-Files mythology. Carolyn serves the hot tea on baby showers, and no matter what Chris Carter says, Mulder cares for Scully. (Insert many heart emojis here, heehee!) Find us all over the web at http://linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod
Published 10/01/20
You're never "alone" when Carolyn and Vanessa are around! We're back and we have things to say about this "slithery" episode. Download now to get the answers to all your burning questions: For example, what is the connection between the salamander man and the fluke man? Which character has an "anger thing"? Who is "that guy"? And was it REALLY a UFO? Stay safe and healthy everyone and thanks for listening!  Find us on Patreon: patreon.com/notanotherxfpod
Published 09/17/20
The black oil is back, and spoiler alert, to no one’s surprise, we still don’t get it. Their eyes glow now? Oy vey. We also talk about other things, we swear - the Mulder and Doggett of it all, Sculltopsies, and mythology, plus…Baking with Carolyn and Vanessa! Follow us on social media & support our show on Patreon! Visit http://linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod
Published 09/03/20
We're back with another fiery hot episode! This week Carolyn and Vanessa have all the info you didn't know you wanted, as per usual. They talk behind-the-scenes gems, 90's moments, guest stars, Greek history, and ship to their hearts' content! Aren't you glad you downloaded?  Want more NAXFPP content? Check us out on Patreon at patreon.com/notanotherxfpod!
Published 08/06/20
We've got 3 words for you: David is Back! (Big time!) While Mulder and Doggett may not be getting along very well, don’t worry, Carolyn and Vanessa have nothing but love. We discuss the return of Scully's idiots, Mulder's disgruntled-but-here-for-it attitude, and who has a stick up their butt. Find us all over the web & support our show at http://linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod
Published 07/23/20
We're dead serious about bringing you the laughs this week! Carolyn and Vanessa welcome a fellow Phile, Livi,  on the 'cast this ep, and have a great time discussing shipping, Krybum, the adventures of "Skinny Dog" and so much more! Thank you for downloading and remember we "olive juice"! Check out Livi on Youtube here and follow her on Twitter @liv_iathan.
Published 07/07/20
But it IS happening, here on the podcast, where 90s moments abound, Carolyn tells us about how her hometown was the setting for this episode (and it's GREAT), and we go into a deep dive on Monica Reyes. That's really all you need to know - give it a listen! Find us online: www.linktr.ee/notanotherxfpod and support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/notanotherxfpod
Published 06/25/20
This week's episode is a mother! Carolyn and Vanessa have a great time talking about parenthood, both human and alien...and human/alien hybrid...or something along those lines. Highlights include: gushing over amazing guest stars, lots of alien babies in jars, a glimpse into V's X-Files future (don't fight it, V!) and the much anticipated and celebrated return of shipping Scullder (or is it Mully?). Download today and remember, the truth is in here! 
Published 06/11/20
Welcome to Boston! Carolyn and Vanessa are going on a Big Dig to join Doggett in the Boston Metro subway tunnels. Not only do we cover Boston accents and Scully’s callback to Fight the Future, but we also have a general bioluminescent glow about us as we do it! On your way out, don’t forget your doggy bag! Also, listen for the fan fiction we absolutely deserve. If you write it, we’ll read it. Find us online @notanotherxfpod
Published 05/28/20
Is it your birthday? Because Carolyn and Vanessa have a gift for you--NAXFPP, the gift that keeps on giving! This week's episode turned our stomachs, especially when talking about the barfy bits! Download now for the goods:  the introduction of "Inspector Vanessa," the return of our "Chris Carter yells a lot" segment, and some random talk about the monster of the week's amazing set of abs. Thanks for listening! 
Published 05/14/20
Who doesn't love a little Halloween in April? We reached into our vault and pulled out a "blast from the past" - our coverage of season 8, episode 10, "Badlaa," which we covered for our bonus Halloween Spooktacular in 2017! Enjoy all the "butt stuff" again! Find us online @notanotherxfpod and our patreon at www.patreon.com/notanotherxfpod to help support our show!
Published 04/30/20
This week, our intrepid co-hosts Vanessa and Carolyn embark on a discussion about Gulf War Syndrome right from the get-go, then launch into the lack of Scully's involvement in this episode and other fun topics such as what Carolyn would do if she turned into metal. Then this episode about an X-Files episode with a typical ending ends with a typical NAXFPP ending! Does that make sense? No? Well, we tried. Find us online @notanotherxfpod
Published 04/16/20
Socially isolate with us, this episode is a surekill for boredom! Carolyn and Vanessa welcome Kelly from the podcast "Wining about Herstory" to give her two cents on this creepy episode and she sure kills it! (see what we did there?) Join us as we talk about how The X-Files brings people together, stalker pads, an underutilized special guest star, and the King of Rock n' Roll. Thank you for joining us!  Check out Kelly's podcast "Wining About Herstory" at winingaboutherstory.com.
Published 04/09/20
Wash your hands! Practice social distancing! Stay home if you're sick! Now that we've gotten those very important reminders out of the way, Carolyn and Vanessa are walking the "negative way" this week! We gush about our favourite characters showing up again, talk all about conspiracy theories and psychedelics (because who doesn't love that type of dinnertime conversation?), and are really glad that this Corona virus pandemic isn’t an alien black oil pandemic…Find us online @notanotherxfpod
Published 03/25/20
Welcome, or should we say "Emoclew" to our backward episode! This week Carolyn and Vanessa try to keep our podcast moving forward while the episode we review moves backwards in time! Don't worry, we keep everything moving the right way, well, most of the time! Stay tuned for the return of "Fun facts with Vanessa" and a few impromptu musical parodies that you will have stuck in your head! So sit back and enjoy while we do what we do! 
Published 03/12/20
Vanessa and Carolyn are joined by Kate of the Pups n Pop Culture podcast! Kate is a longtime Phile and we can't believe she hasn't been a guest until now. You don't want to miss her Robert Patrick story, as well as the other fun topics we cover to try and keep this creepy episode light: Scully's quick switch from skeptic to believer, Doggett's interrogation tactics, how you can take blood samples from ghosts, and Fun True Crime Story Time with Carolyn! Find us online at notanotherxfpod
Published 02/27/20
Wile E. Coyote has nothing on our Roadrunners episode! This week Carolyn and Vanessa can't stop talking about a Banana Slug cult--just don't drink the koolaid! Also on the gooey, disgusting menu for this episode: Scully ditches, Doggett sass, parasites, and more cults.  
Published 02/13/20
It's the first episode without Mulder, and we're bummed about that, but we still try to make the most of it. Scully and Doggett are trying to figure out how they work together - and so are we. Amidst an X-File that didn't really entertain us that much, we talk about how Scully and Doggett's relationship is shaping up, whether or not Doggett is good looking (for some reason, we're not sure), and we talk a lot about bats! This episode sure is batty, so make sure to listen! Find us @notanotherxfpod
Published 01/30/20
Check out our new ep "without" limits! Ok, tbh, there may be a few limits to the amount of times we can handle the alien goo doing weird things. Carolyn and Vanessa are really excited to make a new year's resolution to bring you more X-Files love! This week we discuss new cast members, modern technological woes, our dream BFFs, finding shipping where there may or may not be any, and so much more. Download today and cozy up with beverage of your choosing for the first episode of 2020!
Published 01/15/20