Today’s Question: The ever changing clinic schedules for school! It makes it hard when you work
Published 02/17/16
Today’s Question: “Teacher says we need to read entire book but there is absolutely no questions from the book. How do we suppose to study”
Published 02/15/16
Today’s Question: I have passed every class. I’m a 2nd semester junior in med surg. Just having doubts. I feel like they haven’t taught me much and they expect us to know everything and be independent in clinical when we … Continued
Published 02/10/16
Today’s Question: “The pace has definitely picked up and I’m nervous I can’t think like a nurse :(“
Published 02/08/16
Today’s Question: I’m either “ALL WORK NO PLAY” or “ALL PLAY NO WORK.” I have to find that perfect balance.
Published 02/04/16
Today’s question: “My biggest issue right now is overcoming my crippling anxiety that I get before an exam or test. I wake up completely nauseous from it.”
Published 02/04/16
Sorry to interrupt your regular programming ; ) But I just wanted to make you aware of our other Nursing School/Nursing Podcast Shows: NRSNG Show: Interviews, motivation, A&P MedMaster Show: Nursing Pharmacology NCLEX® Question of the Day: Show NCLEX Question … Continued
Published 02/03/16
@somellin asks: I came from a 8 hours NCLEX review. What in the f world are they trying to ask in that type of questions?????? ???? I’m feeling frustrated AND @giuliapilato asks: Nervous to start my clinical soon! I just … Continued
Published 01/27/16
@mackenziekatherine_ I just started nursing school last week!! I’m extremely nervous for exams and validations! AND @loraynegon asks: I learn from powerpoints..professors stand there and read the damn powerpoints..i can read..teach me how to learn it..
Published 01/20/16
Many future nursing students stress about the HESI exam . . . in this episode we discuss the HESI and answer your questions.
Published 01/17/16
@bx_chic_u8eno says: I’m taking my A&p 1 class and I’m 6 months pregnant, what kind of advice can someone give me that took this class? What are effective ways to pass this class? AND @futurecrna_ says: No social life. Gained … Continued
Published 01/17/16