Chas and Aimee talk to James Croft on a number of disparate topics. James is a doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where he studies the arts, human development, philosophy, and the humanities. He blogs at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/templeofthefuture/
Published 12/12/12
Chas and Aimee talk to Darrel Ray, author of The God Virus: How Religion Affects Our Lives and Culture (2009), Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality (2012), and founder of "Recovering Religionists" a national self-help group for those leaving their religious indoctrination
Published 12/02/12
Chas and Aimee talk to Matt Dillahunty, president of the Atheist Community of Austin. Matt hosts the live internet radio show "Non-Prophets Radio" and of the Austin-based public-access television show "The Atheist Experience" and he was one of the inaugural speakers at the first annual FreeOK.
Published 11/18/12
Every year Wilmont Place Baptist reaches out to the local community by putting on a morality play designed to demonstrate how religious belief is the only choice that really matters, and the local atheists send a delegation.
Published 10/28/12
Every year Wilmont Place Baptist reaches out to the local community by putting on a morality play designed to demonstrate how religious belief is the only choice that really matters, and the local atheists send a delegation.
Published 10/21/12
Damion and Chas talk to Justin about atheist activism and the skeptical movement
Published 10/14/12
Chas interviews Ed on the launch of a new network of skeptical bloggers
Published 10/07/12
CJ and Damion reply to Eric Reitan's reply to religion's cultured despisers. Book info here: http://www.amazon.com/Is-God-Delusion-Religions-Despisers/dp/1405183616
Published 09/23/12
James Morrow discusses some of his earlier novels
Published 09/16/12
James Morrow discusses some of his more recent novels
Published 09/09/12
Chas, Damion, and CJ analyze the new movement from both sides. Trigger warning for offensive slurs.
Published 09/02/12
The KJV gang takes a break from Bible podding for a bit of scandalous gossip and consideration of the ongoing relationship between feminism and skepticism
Published 08/26/12
Chas, Abbie, Shelly, and Damion check their privilege
Published 08/19/12
Spoken word artist speaks out on science, religion, and race
Published 07/29/12
Damion interviews Eric on his anti-New Atheist book entitled "Is God a Delusion?"
Published 06/08/12
Damion interviews Eric on his anti-New Atheist book entitled "Is God a Delusion?"
Published 06/01/12
The first annual audio food fight tackles the difficult issue of whether freethought communities should embrace or reject pork products and their associated memes.
Published 04/01/12