God's Presence is the Answer to our Pain. Listen to this interview with Doug Rumbold about his book Presence Over Pain.
Published 02/14/23
Disciplemaking beats money, but handling money is important. This interview was recorded by some friends of mine who gave me permission to pass it on to you. It covers a variety of topics, starting with a clear conversation about using money in a missions context. They hit on some other key things by the end: disciple-making, strategy coordinators and how funding relates to each.
Published 02/08/23
In April 2015 there was a huge earthquake in Nepal... nearly 9000 people lost their lives... there were missionaries and locals there, on the ground, pursuing the multiplication of disciples and churches when that happened... how did they respond?
Published 02/01/23
Old Mindset: There is one “Christian way” to express worship and to be the church. It looks the same across all cultures. New Mindset: God is greatly glorified through authentic, indigenous, expressions of worship and of His body.
Published 01/25/23
Old Mindset: Individuals must make spiritual decisions for themselves. They need one-on-one discipleship to grow and become mature. New Mindset: In many cultures, decisions are generally made in groups. Jesus rarely trained individuals, but taught, modeled and trained in groups.
Published 01/12/23
Old Mindset: Training is an event you invite people to attend and complete. New Mindset: We train, follow up, coach, and filter, (and repeat) as we walk with people in their development. People mature as they serve.
Published 01/05/23
Old Mindset: Church Planters need years of seminary or other training to be successful, wise, and fruitful. New Mindset: “On the job” and “just-in-time” training, are simple Jesus-style means of training disciple-makers and leaders.
Published 12/29/22
Old Mindset: Full-time professionals are the primary church planters and ministers. New Mindset: As leaders, our job is to disciple disciple-makers and train trainers.
Published 12/22/22
Old Mindset: Local, common believers are NOT qualified and shouldn’t plant churches or do ministry until they are ordained. New Mindset: Every believer is commissioned by Jesus to make disciples and do the work of the ministry.
Published 12/09/22
Old Mindset: Trained experts, and mature, knowledgeable, Christians spread the gospel most effectively. New Mindset: The stories and message of Jesus spread most rapidly through those new to faith or exploring faith.
Published 12/02/22
Old Mindset: My people group or area is too resistant to see a movement. New Mindset: There are people who are ripe for harvest in every people group, geographical area, and sphere of society.
Published 11/25/22
Old Mindset: Prayer is important but is an extra “spiritual” thing I do before I start the real work of reaching people. New Mindset: Prayer itself is ministry. Investing time in extraordinary prayer is as important as anything else I do to reach the lost.
Published 11/18/22
We already have enough to see the greater multiplication of disciples. We may need to do things differently.
Published 11/11/22
God is starting Disciple-Making Movements through ordinary people, on many continents, and He will start more.
Published 11/04/22
Old Mindset: I must work hard for the lost to receive the gospel. New Mindset: God is already at work in my area. I must learn to partner with what he is doing.
Published 10/28/22
Jump in for a series of key mindset shifts we need to pursue movement.
Published 10/21/22
What does the Bible mean when it says 'all nations'? Matthew Hirt explains from his book People and Places.
Published 10/13/22
Check out empirical research on effective movement catalysts.
Published 09/14/22
Check out this longer interview for the questions and discussions that surround a growing movement.
Published 08/08/22
How did we get here? That's a pretty big existential question, but in this episode we're talking with Warrick Farah about how we got to the place in history where we are talking about and pursuing the multiplication of churches and disciples.
Published 08/01/22
What does it look like to walk the path towards reproducing disciples and churches?
Published 05/23/22
We check in with Ross at FBC Allen to see what he’s learning about engaging his church and other churches in the task of making disciples.
Published 04/11/22