When the path isn't clear it's time to cast a vision that both you and your spouse what to reach for together. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 11/01/18
The wedding ring is a circle which has no beginning or end and is therefore a symbol of infinity. It is endless, eternal, just the way love should be. And yet what happens when your spouse decides not to wear theirs. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 10/25/18
There is a lot that is going on that there are times when the brain has a hard time focusing in on the one next to you. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 10/18/18
What you use when having oral sex can help it make it more enjoyable or it can turn you off. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 10/11/18
The words you choose to use can have an impact on how your spouse responds to you.  Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 10/04/18
Not enough covers or to many covers can sometimes be a question you're asking each other. Especially when the two of you have different body temperature. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 09/27/18
Discussing the appearence of your spouse can be a touchy topic. We share how you can bring this up to your spouse without having hurt feelings or causing resentment. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 09/20/18
There may be times when your spouse doesn't know exactly what you want. Learn how to encourage him to show his love in creative ways. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 09/13/18
Body image isn’t just about what you see, it’s about how you feel about what you see. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 09/06/18
There are a lot of couples in the ONE family with different schedules. If this is your marriage we share what others have done to connect sexually with different work schedules. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/30/18
When it comes to morning sex make sure that you discuss what this looks like for you and for your spouse. What you know helps you both to make it happen. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/23/18
The process of becoming clean and sober and having a healthy marriage is just that, a process, but like all processes it needs a beginning. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/20/18
There can be a lot of reasons why the two of you aren’t talking and different seasons of life may lead to this time right now. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/17/18
The idea of falling out of love refers to love as a noun but love is a verb. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/16/18
The number one thing to keep in mind even from the earliest days is that your marriage is your child’s first model for what marriage looks like. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/15/18
Some people lie out of habit, what started out as "a little white lie" or difficult has now become routine. If this is the case in your marriage it may be time to seek outside help. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/14/18
Naughty is one of those words that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Sex was designed as a way for a husband and a wife to connect in way that they cannot do with anyone else. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/13/18
It might seem unusual for us to answer a question about how to find a man. We have a lot of folks in the ONE family who are divorced, who are single and wanting to know what to do to have an extraordinary marriage the next time. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/10/18
In dealing with infertility, sex can become a task. It can become all about timing and cycles and body temperature and ovulation. All about the data points and not about  the connection. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/09/18
You have made it clear that you would like to have more sex and yet your spouse isn't responding. It’s time to dig deeper into what the two of you envision for your sexual intimacy. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/08/18
Getting ready to have a baby is first and foremost about making your marriage relationship strong. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/07/18
When you are in a place where you feel you are far apart you may have to start at the beginning and truly get to know your spouse once again. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/06/18
Cleaning up after another person without any response/help or acknowledgement can easily lead to resentment. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/03/18
The most important part of any vacation is to discuss your expectations before you leave so you have an amazing time together. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/02/18
Learning to create your own family unit, with your own traditions, values and ideals is one of the most challenging things that a couple can do and yet one of the most necessary. Submit your question to [email protected] or call 858-883-8842 to leave a voice message.
Published 08/01/18