Do something you're passionate about.
Published 05/20/22
You can obtain a lot by wanting.
Published 05/19/22
We need to change ourselves in order to change our results.
Published 05/18/22
Wisdom is precious and so is your mind. Use them...
Published 05/17/22
It takes just a little action to reap a big reward at times.
Published 05/16/22
Same holds true for good overcoming evil.
Published 05/13/22
Encouragement can go a long way.
Published 05/12/22
Many people don't even know they're lost.
Published 05/10/22
If we all had a better relationship with God, then we'd have a better relationship with each other.
Published 05/09/22
We need to act on our ideas in order for success to blossom.
Published 05/06/22
Things we take for granted can stunt our growth in seeing.
Published 05/05/22
I bet you guessed wrong...just saying.
Published 05/04/22
If you can listen and understand what God is saying than you can truly have it all.
Published 05/03/22
Lots can be learned from our actions or lack thereof.
Published 05/02/22
If you want to get better, you must reach higher.
Published 04/28/22
This goes for mental and physical health...
Published 04/27/22
Parents feel that their words fall on deaf ears of their children, but they are listening.
Published 04/26/22
Yogi would tell you because he lived in the future for quite some time.
Published 04/25/22
Hopefully you got the joke...
Published 04/22/22
Don't let the start stop you.
Published 04/21/22
It's not what you accomplished but how you interacted with others.
Published 04/20/22
You must taste the adversity and drink from the cup of failure.
Published 04/19/22
As and you shall receive...
Published 04/18/22
Changing your direction usually involves changing your attitude.
Published 04/15/22
It's important that you're living for the rights reasons.
Published 04/14/22