Soil Sista Saturday Episode #5 | September 18, 2021 | Where the seedlings are -
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Hey everyone. This is JackieMarie Beyer. Your hosts here to help inspire you on your journey to create, grow, and enjoy a green, organic oasis. So let's get growing. 3m 58s JackieMarie Welcome to the GREEN Organic Garden. It is Saturday, September 18th, 2021. And I am back on the line with my cohost Aileen Catrone our golden listener of 2020, who inspires all of us and just is so amazing. And welcome to the show Aileen! 4m 22s Aileen Jackie, thank you. 4m 24s JackieMarie You're going to come up with like a special intro for just for our Soil Sistas Saturday. How's it going in New Jersey today? We're going to get rain. What are you guys getting? 4m 34s Aileen Oh, listen, this rain has to go away. It's been nothing but rain here. Very Misty, very humid. It's it's been terrible. It's terrible for the garden because I'm totally, my challenge, this couple of weeks has been powdery, mildew and blight all over the place. So I've been trying to keep up with it, take the leaves off, destroyed them. But Yes, it's on the squash. It's on the cucumber that I have this mosaic. I mean, things that I've read about and seen, I think I have every kind of fungus and I'm just hoping it's not bacteria. 5m 21s Aileen A lot of things. I mean, I think blight might be a bedtime, not a hundred percent, but it's really taken a toll on this garden because it has been so wet, so humid and so windy at times. So it just spreads like wildfire through the garden. So I'm going to have to turn over some things cause they can put the fall vegetables and all the things I've been growing in this mess, you know? So I'm going to have to do some overhauling, so we'll have to get, that's definitely going to be my challenge in the next couple of weeks. 5m 57s JackieMarie And how about you over there? We have had just the most beautiful weather and then it's going to rain today. But rain for us usually means it's cleaning everything. Plus we had our first frost yesterday, almost 32 the other day. And then it got down to 30. So what does it say Saturday? So Friday, Thursday night, Friday morning, it got down to 30, but we had gone and put row cover down. So that saved pretty much everything. And we are just in harvest central. I mean, Mike has canned 30 something quarts of pickles. 6m 40s JackieMarie Plus we still have two comers coming at our kazoo. We gave him money to my Mike stepson and his wife to can like a whole five gallon bucket full I just like five gallon bucket full of our own. Now I think he did say pretty much the cucumbers are done. Like he's gotten everything that's down there, but I don't know. Every time I go down, like I think there's no more because I planted a couple of cucumbers for that lady that I was doing that landscaping kind of garden job for in they're planted in my house. Cause she's still not into her property. And I thought I had gotten all the slicing cucumbers off. The one point I go down there the other day and they're six inches long, beautiful, perfect slicing cucumbers that I never saw grow. 7m 26s JackieMarie Never saw them start. And all of a sudden I'm harvesting them such as her. Those yesterday took her a bunch of celery, which has been fun to grow like fresh homegirl and celery is a completely different thing from the store. Now my stocks aren't getting as big as they could be, but that's probably more me not tending and not picking them enough. I think if I was harvesting more along the lines, they would be doing good, but I brought her a bunch of celery, my kale, you know, how he covered the kale with the row cover finally. So I wouldn't get the bugs in there growing. And somehow some bugs got in there. Like I think I lifted it off one night and then I covered it and the bugs were in there. 8m 9s JackieMarie And so Mike Hill is like the worst it's ever been. Like I could barely pick her 12 pieces of kale yesterday that did not have bug bites in it. And