Today I wanted to offer you a womb healing practice. Our womb space is where we deposit a lot of our hurt, a lot of our pain, a lot of our suffering. I know usually when we think of the womb, we only think of women, but a womb space, or if you will, our sacral space is something that everyone has. And so I invite you, whoever you are to do a healing with me today. #wombhealing #sacralchakra #guidedmeditation To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation - - - - ...
Published 07/30/23
Today I wanted to do a special journey with your guardian angel. Each and every single one of you has a guardian angel that you have been assigned prior to your birth. That will remain with you until you draw your last breath, and even afterwards as you cross over to the other side. Your guardian angel is in full awareness of the path that you came here to walk. Your guardian angel also knows your limitations, your gifts, everything that you are struggling with. Your guardian angel is your...
Published 07/23/23
Today I am going to offer you a journey to help ease your worry, any symptoms around anxiety or overwhelm you may be experiencing. All of these conditions are a byproduct of an excessive amount of heat or fire in your body. And so today I will offer you a reprieve from those raging fire energies, something that you can do when you are feeling taken over by those energies. #anxiety #anxietymeditation #anxietyrelief To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation - - ...
Published 07/16/23
Today we're gonna be visiting the Sapphire Temple that would help us heal your throat Chakra. Today is going to be all about healing your communication, your expression, your center of truth, your center of karma, so that you could live a life feeling more on the path, feeling more liberated, feeling heard, feeling seen, and feeling like your truth matters. #throatchakrahealing #throatchakra #vishuddha To support my work, donate here https://bit.ly/thisismariya_donation - - - - - - ...
Published 07/09/23
Today, I have a very special journey for you. We are gonna be working with your intention, planting the seeds of your intention so that new things can grow out of these little seeds, so that you could experience surreal change for better in your life. And we're gonna be amplifying the power of those intentions in your life. For this experience, you may focus on any intention, any wish, any dream or any desire that you have, whether that is in the field of health, relationships, career, it...
Published 07/02/23
Today you are going to be reconnecting with your wisdom, the seven aspects of your wisdom. We're gonna be working with the energy of Kundalini, with a great Shakti rising in your body. Today we're gonna be working with the large majestic black cobra energy, an aspect of the divine feminine that is rising in you. #kundalini #shakti #guidedmeditation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GET A FREE GUIDED MEDITATION:...
Published 06/23/23
Today, I have a color healing meditation for you. There are many ways to do color healing journeys. Today we're gonna do one with a help of the clouds, so this is going to be very light, fun and airy, but also healing meditation. #colortheraphy #energyhealing #guidedmeditation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GET A FREE GUIDED MEDITATION: https://www.thisismariya.com/freeguidedmeditations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Published 06/11/23
Today I have a very special healing journey for you. We're gonna go deep into the core of our beautiful planet. And work with the crystals and crystal and grids that dwell there. There is so much goodness and inherent healing that is available to us through the grace of Mother Gaia, and today's experience is going to be just that tapping into her energy. #guidedmeditation #crystalhealing #meditation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GET A FREE GUIDED...
Published 06/04/23
Today, I have prepared a special journey for you and it will be focused on helping you amplify your potential, helping you upgrade in life, helping you move beyond some of your current limitations, and enabling your body and your energy body, to contain more energy within it so that you could move with more momentum in life, so that you could experience more flow. So that you could experience more of the thriving and a lot less of the suffering. Today is gonna be a journey into your greatest...
Published 05/29/23
Today, I wanted to take you through a journey that would enable you to better receive the upgrades from the sun. Our local sun is going through a lot of shifts. It is undergoing a personal transformation. You may have noticed that the solar activity has been heightened lately. It will remain to be heightened as such. The codes that are coming through from our local sun onto the planet Earth and into our bodies has really shifted over the past few months, and it's going to continue to shift....
Published 05/21/23
Today's journey is called the four knights. In this journey we are going to be aligning you with your most optimal future. In order to align ourselves with our most optimal future, we need to work with the four directions, the four cardinal directions, the north, the south, the east and the west, so that we can align our bodies for what's coming. Today's session is going to help you move into your ideal future with much more momentum, and release some of the things that may be holding you...
Published 05/14/23
Today, we're going to be working with the power of the Scorpion. Scorpions are nature's healers. Despite the fact that they're venomous they are powerful magical creatures. They have an uncanny ability to sense any energy distortions in other beings. Our Divine Mother works a lot with the energy of the scorpion. She uses them as healers and today I figured that we would use this very unique, uncanny ability of the scorpion to do energy healing in our journey. #guidedmeditation #healing...
Published 05/07/23
Today, I wanted to offer you a journey that would replenish your energy body, if you have been feeling that you have low energy, if you have been feeling under the weather, or you're not fully plugged into the resource, if you get tired easily. Today, we're gonna be leveraging the sacred space of the Fay Lands or the land of fairy. I find that space extremely healing and nurturing, and I am excited to be your guide. #guidedmeditation #meditation #spirituality - - - - - - - - - -...
Published 04/30/23
In this episode, we are going to work on decluttering your mind, helping you get rid of those busy thoughts, those thoughts that may be keeping you up at night, those thoughts that are no longer serving you. This meditation will help you to feel more liberated, so you could bring more space into your life, into your world, so that new things can come and fill in the space that is gonna be freed up by the thoughts that are gonna be departing. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Published 04/23/23
Today, I will give you a meditation that will allow you to handle deep and ongoing emotional rollercoaster. Anytime when you feel your emotions are taking the better of you or your emotional state or mood state is unstable you can use this meditation. If you're experiencing mood swings, this is a really good meditation to help you harmonize your inner waters, your inner emotional state to enable more serenity in your life. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...
Published 04/09/23
Today we're going to be working on opening up your third eye, which shall enable you to better see things. It will pave the path to true clairvoyance for you. It would enhance the quality of your meditation. It will connect you to the larger informational field of the universe, the akasha records. It would enhance your intuition and enable you to live life more aligned to your perfect blueprint.
Published 04/01/23
In today's episode, we're gonna be working on a physical pain or discomfort that you are experiencing. We're gonna be diving deep into the message that that discomfort holds in your life, and we are going to be able to diminish and minimize the physical symptoms of that pain.
Published 03/26/23
Today, I wanted to offer you a journey into the heart of the pink flame. The pink flame is a flame of our higher heart, It is the flame of cosmic level love and wisdom, it is a flame of harmony. It is a flame of beauty. It is one of the Venusian flames, it's related to planet Venus. It is a high vibrational, high frequency flame, and it has only been available in planet Earth fairly recently. So it is one of the newer flames that has been integrated.
Published 03/18/23
Today, what wants to come through me is an inner child meditation. Each of us has a part or parts rather that live inside of us that could be dubbed the inner child. Specifically today, we are going to be working with that female inner child inside of you and the male inner child inside of you, little boy and the little girl that live inside of you and govern your life subconsciously. There's a lot of healing that needs to come through this space today for those parts, those aspects of...
Published 03/12/23
Today, I wanted to offer you a journey into the temple of the blue flame so that you could get some much needed healing of your mental space so that we could reset some of your negative thinking patterns, so that we could align you towards your path so that you could get reconnected back to your personal truth and your perfect self-expression.
Published 03/04/23
Today we're gonna do a restorative practice, a practice that is going to help you to replenish your energy resource. A practice that would enable you to optimize your energy levels. This is gonna be helpful to you if you have been feeling a little bit under the weather or suboptimal in terms of your energy. Maybe if you've been feeling sleepy or if you feel like you need a lot more than usual to get you going, if you feel a little bit unmotivated. Your energy can be shifted and adjusted...
Published 02/20/23
Today we are going to be journeying to the underworld. So that we can release anything that no longer serves us, so that we could go through a quick self-induced process of death and rebirth so that we can remerge on the other side as the stronger version of ourselves, as the more energized version of ourselves, a more enlightened version of ourselves. Right now we're still in the winter in the northern hemisphere, which means it is perfect timing for us to do the tally of all that was and...
Published 02/11/23
Today I want to offer you a journey that would help you anchor the new solar codes that are coming down onto the face of planet. We did a solar meditation last year at some point, but the codes that are coming through right now are qualitatively very different. It is a big upgrade, and planet Earth is being showered with these codes right now, and I find that humanity in general is struggling to receive all of the incoming information, all of the incoming goodness. And so today I wanted to...
Published 02/04/23
Today we are going to be doing a very deep healing exercise. Today we are going to call upon the power of water, the power of our Divine Mother to heal our bodies, to rid them of darkness, toxicity, stuck emotions, negative thinking so that all our systems can be reset and ready to go, ready to wire up on all cylinders. Today we are going to be working with the different facets of water, we are gonna be working with low dimensional water, mid-dimensional water, and high-dimensional water....
Published 01/16/23
Today I have a very special journey for you. As we have entered the new year I’m feeling a lot of uncertainty from humanity. The vibration of uncertainty is one of the most primary vibrations of the collective right now. I figured today I would offer you a meditation to help you come back into your fullness, to help you feel sturdy on your feet, to help you feel grounded in this reality and comfortable in your incarnation. As well as help you bring more strength and confidence into your...
Published 01/08/23