[email protected] Ravenwood (houseofravenwood.org) Facebook Living Witchcraft by Campbell, Nancy R. (amazon.com)  Imagine stepping into a world steeped in tradition, where the essence of nature converges with spirituality. That's the journey we embark on with Lady Maia, High Priestess of Ravenwood Church of the Old Religion, as she guides us through the fascinating history of Ravenwood, a nearly 50-year-old Wiccan coven. We hear the tale of its evolution from a secluded backyard...
Published 12/27/23
Ever wondered why your Christmas tree might be a matter of religious contention? Or got puzzled over how an Easter egg hunt could be a bridge between diverging belief systems? Join us as we unravel the curious connections between Christian holidays and pagan traditions in this dynamic edition of Pagan Coffee Talk. From dissecting those viral social media posts that point out pagan practices in our holidays, to probing the precarious topic of cultural appropriation, we journey into the heart...
Published 12/20/23
Ready to challenge your understanding of prophecies, apocalypse, and religion? We take you on a journey into these intriguing topics. From dissecting the possible intentions behind prophecies, to contemplating the idea of an apocalypse as a collective suicide for humanity. Ever wondered why society is so obsessed with the apocalypse and how this obsession influences religious conversion? Join us as we grapple with these complex ideas and the assertion that accepting Christ alone guarantees...
Published 12/13/23
Are we, as a society, becoming too touchy? Join us on a spirited episode as we grapple with the constant need for disclaimers in the pagan community and its broader societal implications. We're tired of doling out endless clarifications that our beliefs aren't mandates for others, but could we be dealing with a larger issue? We argue that the pervasiveness of warning labels speaks volumes about our declining sense of personal responsibility. Get ready for a thought-provoking conversation that...
Published 12/06/23
Ready to uncover the fascinating variations within the world of paganism? Promise to be intrigued as we discuss and shed light on the unique aspects of several traditions, emphasizing the importance of respect and understanding for each individual path. Join us in recognizing the key role that often-undocumented elders have played in shaping our community. Transcending into the realm of gender dynamics, we address concerns about gender exclusivity within certain factions, and advocate for a...
Published 11/29/23
Unlock the mysteries of myth and anthropology with us as we journey through the fascinating tales deeply rooted in human culture. The profound narratives of the Lady of the Lake, Merlin, and the Picts, an early tribe of the British Isles, serve as a portal to understanding how beliefs, traditions, and lifestyles have sculpted the stories passed down through generations. We sift through the Bible, unearthing the power of shared belief and principles in preserving and disseminating...
Published 11/22/23
Are we witnessing an epidemic of self-identifying conditions, or is there more than meets the eye? Join us as we peel back the layers on the intriguing topic "has science evolved to better diagnose conditions, or are more people simply looking for attention". We explore everything from the potential evolutionary causes, to the motivations behind self-identification. We also delve into the impact of societal trends on diagnoses.  The conversation takes a turn as we question the concept of...
Published 11/15/23
Imagine being on the front line of emotional warfare every day, dealing with addictive emotional bleeding, clerical burnout and needy group members—all while trying to maintain your own mental health. That's the reality of being a spiritual advisor, and we are here to share our experiences, advice, and a few humorous anecdotes.  We dive deep into the art of setting boundaries to avoid becoming someone's emotional dumping ground; recognizing when someone is draining your energy and addressing...
Published 11/08/23
Could you be unintentionally planting seeds of intolerance in your little one's mind? Have you found yourself demeaning other faiths while praising paganism? This episode invites you to a candid conversation about the rising issue of intolerance within paganism. We'll share our observations on this worrying trend and discuss how we can focus on our own faith without belittling others. Our chat aims to highlight the importance of embracing commonalities between religions rather than...
Published 11/01/23
What's in a name? A spiritual name, to be precise. Join your hosts, Lady Alba and Lord Night, as they navigate through the fascinating world of spiritual names, their meanings, and how they shape our identities. In an exciting journey of personal revelations, they try to unravel the intricate process of choosing a spiritual name - a process steeped with tradition, yet ripe for personal interpretation. Hear firsthand about Lady Alba’s painstaking research and the grueling test she faced to...
Published 10/25/23
Are we wheel-turners, or simply walkers alongside it? Join Lady Alba and Lord Night as they delve into the riveting world of seasonal cycles, shedding light on our roles in the intertwining dance of nature and humanity. They discuss the power of rituals in helping us synchronize with the rhythmic ebb and flow of seasons. From modern professionals encouraging outdoor activities, to the sheer joy of foraging and gardening, they explore how the simplest tasks can foster a profound connection...
Published 10/18/23
Get ready to unlock your spiritual understanding as we explore the compelling world of ritual themes! It's a thrilling journey of self-discovery, encouraging you to peel back the layers of your psyche and face your fears head-on. We discuss the often-misunderstood concept of naked rites from the Charge of the Goddess, revealing how it can positively influence your spiritual journey.  We also delve into the dual nature of themes in rituals, highlighting how both positive and negative aspects...
Published 10/11/23
Are you ready to challenge the norms of modern-day spirituality? Today, we will peel back the layers of the 'buy, acquire, consume' mentality, and ponder its implications for the practices of craft, witchcraft, and paganism. Brace yourself for an exploration of how the essence of our traditions - making, growing, and gifting items for spiritual use - is being replaced by shallow, commercial interactions. The maze of commodification extends into the realm of occult book publishing. Spiritual...
Published 10/04/23
Prepare yourself for an enlightening journey where we challenge the mystical world of rocks and crystals! Brace yourself as we, your hosts Lady Alba and Lord Night, debunk the most prevalent myths and misconceptions, especially around the fascinating practice of attributing mystical properties to certain rocks, such as shungite - the truth is far more grounded in science, and we're going to explain why. We're not stopping there: we delve into the practical applications of these beautiful...
Published 09/27/23
Ready to have your perception of reality turned upside down? Prepare to be both enlightened and challenged as we take you on a riveting journey exploring the theories of manifesting reality, the intersection of science and witchcraft, and the compelling idea of manipulating the air around us. We differentiate between the tangible world and how we perceive it, probing into how it might be possible to alter physical reality - a concept both intriguing and laden with potential consequences. We...
Published 09/20/23
Unlock the true essence of 'craft' as we redefine its meaning beyond tangible creations. We challenge the stereotype of crafty witches and their spell jars, and invite you to see the artistry in our daily interactions and application of pagan values. Curious about the parallels with Christianity? You'll be surprised.  We also venture into the realm of self-reliance, envisioning a family farm model that's far from being a simple commune. Picture a co-operative where family members unite, the...
Published 09/13/23
Curious about the power of your own mind and the influence you have over your reality? Prepare to have your mind stretched as we delve into the fascinating world of Thought Forms. We'll introduce you to home guardian Thought Forms, reveal how you can infuse it with purpose, and give basic guidance on how to keep it energized.  Brace yourself as we venture further - tackling the age-old debate of nature vs nurture. We'll dissect human behaviors, tap into our basic instincts, and question if...
Published 09/06/23
Are we unknowingly hindering or cultivating potential by adopting an 'attitude of craft' in learning and teaching scenarios? Well, let's dive in and find out. Brace yourself as we challenge conventional attitudes towards learning, questioning the efficacy of self-discovery in the educational process. We evaluate the merits and the pitfalls of this approach, examining how it shapes individuals' abilities and growth.  But, we don't stop there. The conversation takes a turn towards the...
Published 08/30/23
Join us as we begin our discussion on not all old things are decrepit and not all new things are better.  All generations have questioned the older ways and viewpoints. However, it should be noted that not all of the old ways and viewpoints are irrelevant. Do we get rid of older ways simply because they are older? We delve into the idea that by knowing and understanding the old ways, we can improve the future.  We continue our discussion by going into the world of cults. We define what a...
Published 08/23/23
Ever wondered about the nuances of the human-deity relationship and the concept of souls? Ready to challenge your understanding of your place in the universe? Strap in as we shed light on a unique perspective that regards humans as mere reflections of deity, not the divine sources.  Shifting gears, we also explore the crux of symbolism and devotion in witchcraft. Listen in as we stress the value of nurturing personal intuition and decoding the energies that engulf us, rather than relying on...
Published 08/16/23
Ever wondered if magic has the potential to modify reality physically? Could ritual objects or spiritual energy exposure imbue them with mystical properties? We unravel this complex topic, beginning with an exploration of magic's impact on reality. The focus is on whether objects like Excalibur and the Holy Grail become magical through belief or if they are imbued with power through rituals and spiritual energy. We also question how exposure to ritual objects and magical energies could alter...
Published 08/09/23
Come with us on a journey as we explore the lines and rhymes the Wiccan Rede, written by Lady Gwen Thompson. We start our journey with a brief history of this famous document and how it relates or correlates to modern wicca. Then we proceed to breakdown the quatrains with a brief explanation of how we interpret each one. Hate it or love it, the real question is, are there bits of wisdom in this lovely poem from the 1960's.  Different viewpoints can give more insight, and we hope our view...
Published 08/02/23
Ever wonder if you're just a sheep following the herd? Prepare to have your mind expanded as we dive into this paradox. Get ready to question everything you thought you knew about group thinking and individuality - in an era when we're all connected through social media, it's tough to distinguish where the influence of the crowd ends and our own individuality begins. We'll be unpacking the intricacies of peer pressure, mob mentality, and the curious ways social media can sweep us along with...
Published 07/19/23
Wouldn't you love to grasp the interplay between the physical and spiritual realms, and leverage that understanding in your daily life? That's precisely what we unpack in this episode, using the enchanting concept of 'As Above So Below' as our guiding principle. We demystify how energy, held together through thought, influences both our world and the astral plane, creating a ripple effect across all realms of existence. Get ready to have your understanding of reality broadened as we...
Published 07/12/23
Can Wicca's two equal deities, once celebrated as revolutionary, make room for nonbinary believers? (msn.com) Do you ever feel like society’s perception of gender is being imposed on your spiritual beliefs? We certainly do, and that’s what we’re dissecting in our latest podcast episode. We go toe-to-toe with prevalent misconceptions about gender, beliefs and inclusion within Paganism and Witchcraft. We take a hard look at the dynamics that exist within Wicca, particularly the celebration of...
Published 07/05/23