Back to Brazil to Paint the Town Red
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The Housewives Take São Paulo Chapter 1: Desperate for Adventure Marcia Johnson slammed the dryer door shut with a sigh. Another load of her ungrateful family's laundry done. As she trudged up the stairs, the sight of scattered toys and unfinished homework only increased her frustration. Is this really all there is to my life now? she wondered. Just then, her phone buzzed with a new message in the group chat she shared with her three best friends - Linda, Gabriela and Suzanne. It was from Gabriela: "I can't take this anymore! I need a break from being a mom/chef/chauffeur/maid. Who's up for a girls trip???" Marcia couldn't reply "YES!!!" fast enough. Linda and Suzanne quickly chimed in with their enthusiastic agreement. They all felt the same pent up desire to escape the endless demands and thankless drudgery of their daily lives. But where to go? "Somewhere exotic and exciting where none of our families would ever think to look for us," Suzanne responded. Gabriela came back with a shocking suggestion: "How about São Paulo, Brazil? I found cheap direct flights. Looks like an amazing city - great food, music, nightlife, beaches nearby. And we can practice our Portuguese!" There was a moment of stunned disbelief as the magnitude of the idea sunk in. Brazil? That was certainly bold. Reckless even. Whatever would their husbands say? Not to mention the kids and all the schedules and responsibilities... But the more they considered it, the more the forbidden appeal grew. Screw it, you only live once, Marcia thought. "Let's do this!" she typed, adrenaline already starting to course through her veins at the prospect of an international adventure with her best girls by her side. And just like that, before they could second guess themselves, four desperate housewives had plane tickets to São Paulo and a whole lot of explaining to do to their families. Look out Brazil, the moms gone wild were on their way! Chapter 2: Arrival in Brazil After a grueling 10 hour red-eye flight, the four bleary-eyed friends stumbled out into the bustling arrivals hall of São Paulo–Guarulhos International Airport. They collected their bags and in halting Portuguese mixed with English, managed to convey to a taxi driver the name of their hotel in the trendy Vila Madalena neighborhood. Forty minutes later, they arrived at the chic Hotel Delfim, which came highly recommended by the TripAdvisor research Suzanne had obsessively done. While a porter whisked away their suitcases, they checked in at the front desk, marveling at their swanky surroundings. Lush greenery and contemporary Brazilian art adorned the airy lobby. "Bem-vindos a São Paulo, welcome to São Paulo!" the handsome concierge greeted them with a dazzling smile. "You are here for fun, yes? You've come to the right place! São Paulo has everything - restaurants, bars, shopping, museums, music, dancing. Something for everyone! Feel free to ask if you need any recommendations for your stay." Gabriela, who was single and always on the prowl, couldn't stop staring at him. "Oh I definitely will..." she purred as he handed over their room keys. Marcia elbowed her in the ribs and Gabriela snapped out of it. Clearly the vacation mindset was already taking hold. The women headed up to their spacious adjoining suites to freshen up. Suzanne flung open the curtains to reveal a sweeping view of the city skyline. "Just look at this place! I can't believe we're actually here!" The reality of their getaway was starting to sink in. "Someone pinch me," Linda exclaimed, sprawling out on the fluffy king bed. "24 whole hours to ourselves with no one asking me to wipe their butt or cut the crusts off their sandwich!" "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto!" Gabriela joked. "And these Brazilian Mães are ready to PAR-TAY!" Even...
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