3.47 Ki Sovoi 5783
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1)       I have been advised to avoid gluten. Rakusens produce a gluten-free Matzo. The list of ingredients includes, maize starch, oats, tapioca starch, soya bran. Does this food warrant the full bentsching? [1] 2)      Does the Tekiah have to be a straight, level sound?[2] 3)       The Chabad-style Shevorim has an extra note added. Isn’t that an extraneous sound that would serve to interrupt between the Shevorim and the Tekiah that follows? [3] 4)       The only area available for me to build a Sukkah is partially in the shade of a tree. How should I assess if it is permissible to build my Succah there? [4] 5)       On Monday we had no Minyan for Shacharis. Is there a possibility to make up the missed Krias haTorah on Tuesday morning? [5] 6)       We recently had a wall built where previously had been sliding partition doors. In accordance with Tzavo’as Reb Yehuda haChosid, we should make a hole through this new wall. The Previous Rebbe writes that this hole should measure 1½ tefochim. What is the basis for this size? [6] 7)       A man had a tattoo on his upper left arm. He has now undergone a procedure to remove it, but for the short term he has a bandage covering the area where the Tefilin are placed. Please advise whether he should put Tefilin over the bandage? With a brocho? [7] 8)       I’m travelling and will have to leave the house before sunrise. Should I daven at home before sunrise, or in the airport after sunrise?[8] 9)       Feedback on father being Sandak twice: [9] 10)   Feedback on the brick used as a doorstopper: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9764852268 Index to previous Panorama Shiurim: Panorama Index 2 - Google Docs [1] ראה סדר ברכת הנהנין פ"ח ה"ג וד'. [2] ראה פסקי תשובות סימן תקפו אות ה'. [3] ראה נתיבים בשדה השליחות ח"ג סימן טז (ע' 198). [4] ראה שוע"ר סי' תרכו ס"ג וד'. [5] בעטרת זקנים סי' קלה מקיל לענין יום שני, לא לענין יום חמישי. המשנה ברורה (ביה"ל שם ד"ה שבת) דוחה דבריו לגמרי. וכן הורה בערוך השלחן שם ס"ז. [6] אגרות קודש של כ"ק אדמו"ר מוהריי"צ ח"ט ע' שפה; שלחן מנחם ח"ד ע' כח. יו"ד סי' שעא ס"א. [7] ראה שוע"ר סי' כז ס"ח. [8] ראה שוע"ר סי' פט ס"ט. [9] ראה  בירורי הלכות ע' קעד. 
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