Getting your child's school report can be exciting and affirming, or it can be stressful and demoralising. So in this episode I offer you ways to best manage your reactions and responses if you are disappointed or worried about your child's report. When you do this, you'll be you'll be calmer & less stressed, and so in a much better position to then support your child with whatever, if anything, they're needing. Together, you'll be able to figure it out. If you'd like help in diving...
Published 06/25/21
Be inspired with silliness and discover ways to be playful with your kids from toddlers to teens. With Chiara Rossetti, Aware Parenting Instructor You are going to LOVE this episode! So much fun & silliness with the fabulous Chiara Rossetti who's an Aware Parenting Instructor with 2 teenage children. She is amazing at bringing play to all situations and you'll be able to see how you, too, can incorporate such fun & silliness into your family. We cover a range of topics including: -...
Published 06/11/21
How are mealtimes in your family? Fun & easy? Or a battleground?! If you're struggling to help your child eat normal, healthy food and you're using TV to distract them, or offering the reward of pudding / dessert, or any forms of coercion, then this episode will help. Find out how to use play to transform mealtimes and help your child eat well both now and in the future. To discover how play and connection can help your family with other parenting challenges, join Annoying to AMAZING!...
Published 06/04/21
How do you feel about listening to your baby or child cry with you? Hear how one mum felt and the transformation she experienced with her baby In this interview with Vivien, she shares the impact Aware Parenting has had on her 13 month old daughter Nina especially around bedtimes, nappy changes, starting daycare and life in general. She shares how their relationship has deepened and how she, as a self-confessed emotional eater, now responds to her own emotions. You'll hear Nina happily...
Published 05/22/21
Do you co-sleep with your baby or child? If so, are you confident or embarrassed about it? If you don't co-sleep, but you think you'd might like to, what's your concerns about it? Are you worried that your child needs to become an independent sleeper by a certain age, or when you go back to work, or they start day care? This episode is to let you know that co-sleeping is such a beneficial and enjoyable thing to do with your baby or child/ren. And it won't last forever! I cover basic do's...
Published 05/14/21
It's horrible seeing your baby or child upset, especially when they've hurt themselves. So you can think you're doing the right thing by distracting them from the pain or the upset: "You're OK" "It's only a scratch / small bump" "Brush it off" "You're such a brave boy/girl" "Do you want a chocolate to cheer you up?" It's completely understandable that you do - of course you don't want your them to be upset. But when you distract your baby or child when they're upset, you're interrupting...
Published 05/07/21
It's heartbreaking when your child struggles to start or return to school. There's so much pressure on them to behave, learn, make friends and deal with new surroundings and it can all be overwhelming for them. It's a big time for them AND for you. So how can you best prepare and support them during this significant transition, and help them with their anxieties? In this episode, Shelley Clarke shares how she is supported her daughter when she started school. This is an ENCORE episode as...
Published 02/15/21
It can be super frustrating and bewildering when your child is being aggressive. Especially when you're not modelling that behaviour and you've told them many times that it's not kind, or to be gentle. So what's going on for your child to causes them be aggressive? And what can you do about it? FREE GUIDE: Shout Less & Connect More with 5 SIMPLE Games! Download today: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ If you want more support with your children: Website:...
Published 12/11/20
Things are going to inevitably happen to your child that are going to upset, frustrate, annoy and disappoint them. So how do you help them to become more resilient in the face of challenges? Your job as a parent is not to prevent everyday disappointments or hurts - that's just not possible or actually helpful for your child. Instead, your role is to help them cope with them in a way that's going to build their confidence & their ability to manage similar situations. The more you can...
Published 11/24/20
You know how this approach can help you with your children. But how about in the workplace? In this week's podcast episode, I chat with Caroline Ryan about how Aware Parenting / Parenting by Connection not only helped with her children, but also with her colleagues too. If your baby is under 1, doors to Aware Parenting Babies online program are now open! If you want more support with your children: Website: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ Facebook:...
Published 07/09/20
When your baby cries it can feel really stressful and most people do everything possible to stop their tears. But is that the best way to help them? And how does it impact their ability to sleep well? High School Teacher, Jenna Bujaroski, shares how she has helped her children when they've cried & tantrumed and how she sees the benefit of this approach for teenagers too.
Published 07/02/20
How are bedtimes for you? Are you focusing on finding the right routine & creating the perfect environment, thinking that that's the answer to better bedtimes for your baby or child? In this episode you'll discover that it's not the external factors that ensure your baby or child sleep better. Instead it's about focusing on how your child is - what's going on for them, and helping them with that, which is the key to ensuring bedtimes are easier and good sleep naturally follows. If you...
Published 06/26/20
Does your child get overwhelmed in certain situations, or struggles with certain items of clothings or sounds? If so, chances are your child is experiencing some form of sensory overload or sensitivity. So how can you help them to process it well, to regulate themselves, and to return to calm state? And how can you use play to do so? Shelley Clarke is a physiotherapist, a Cranial Sacral Therapist, Aware Parenting Instructor and Parenting by Connection Instructor. She shares about how the...
Published 06/19/20
Does your partner parent differently to you? Does it really annoy you?! Parenting can become a huge source of conflict within a relationship. It's super easy to find fault in what your partner does or doesn't do and berate them in not doing things 'right'. So listen in for ways on how can you navigate those challenges and bring more harmony to your relationship & family. FREE GUIDE: Shout Less & Connect More with 5 SIMPLE Games! Download today:...
Published 06/11/20
How are you feeling about coming out of Lockdown? Delighted? Anxious? How are your kids feeling about it? After spending the past weeks at home, telling your children that they can't go to school or day care, play in the local playground, see friends or Grandparents, etc, now you're telling them that it's time to go back out again and that there will be restrictions. Plus, maybe your child has enjoyed spending more time at home with you, so maybe separation is going to be hard...
Published 05/30/20
Do you ever wonder why your child does the things they do? • Why they are fine one minute, and then hitting their sibling the next. • Why they come home and kick the dog. • Why they refuse to do what you ask them to do something they were happy to do the day before. It can sometimes seem to be a mystery. Or it can be proof that they need more discipline - to learn what's acceptable behaviour and what's not. Alternatively you can think they're behaving that way because it's learned...
Published 05/19/20
I want you to know how amazing you are. I want you to know that everything you do as a mum is incredibly important and valuable - for your family, for yourself and for the world in general. I want you to celebrate yourself. Don't wait for others to acknowledge you. Start celebrating yourself, because you're amazing (and yes, I know you shout at your kids & get frustrated with them and aren't 'perfect'). It's not always easy being a mum and there's so much pressure on you. So I want...
Published 05/10/20
Would you describe your child as 'strong willed'? Probably! Children have an innate desire for self-autonomy - to do what they want & be how they want to be. Which is fantastic for later in life as they're needing to make decisions out in the world, but it means they can be very hard to live with as their parent! So how can you help your child to retain their valuable sense of who they are and what they want whilst also creating more ease and cooperation in everyday life? In this...
Published 04/30/20
This can be an incredibly overwhelming time! You're home, with your kids 24/7 - trying to work, to help your older kids with school work, to entertain your younger kids, to stop sibling fights, to cook, keep the house in some sort of order, stay in contact with family & friends, etc, etc. The more overwhelmed you feel, the more your kids play up and the more overwhelmed you feel! So why do your kids play up the most when you need to do other things? And what can you do to get out of...
Published 04/25/20
How are you? How are your children in these uncertain times? Everyone is figuring out this new situation and it's easy for our children to be scared. So how can you best help them? Especially when your words of reassurance don't seem to be sinking in and your children are becoming afraid about death and everyday things. How are you feeling about the possibility of daycares and schools shutting down so that you're all together at home for who knows how long? And how can you best help...
Published 03/16/20
Do you use Time Out with your children when they're being particularly difficult? It's a really common technique to manage behaviour. But is it ultimately helpful? In this week's episode I cover: • the lens through which we view children's behaviour: the old vs the new way • why Time Out doesn't address the reasons for your child's difficult behaviour • why it can actually be detrimental • what children need instead Links Doors are now open to my 8 week online program Annoying to...
Published 02/25/20
If you ever feel like you're "losing yourself" in motherhood and that the day to day reality is hard, then listen in to this conversation with Callie Brown to start to reframe what you're experiencing and discover how to experience more joy in the everyday reality of life with small children. Callie Brown Coach: Website: http://calliebrown.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calliecoach/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calliebrowncoach --------- Separation Anxiety FREE...
Published 02/12/20
Do you sometimes feel like you're walking on eggshells with your child? Do you want to be quite relaxed with your child, and then end up getting frustrated, cross and being harsh in your limits? Or are you not quite sure the best way to foster your child's sense of independence, curiosity and freedom whilst also restoring sanity and order to your family? Knowing how to set a "Loving Limit" with my child is one of the greatest gifts that Aware Parenting and Parenting by Connection has given...
Published 02/06/20
We're often told it's vital to be consistent in our responses to our children's behaviour so that they learn what's acceptable and what's not. But how helpful actually is it? Should it be your main approach when dealing with challenging behaviour? If we focus purely on 'being consistent' then how does that impact our intention to connect with our child and how does it actually help with their emotions which are driving their behaviour? So let's unpack 'being consistent' and look at what to...
Published 02/01/20
When your child starts school, it's a really big & important time - for your child and for you! So how can you best prepare and support them during this significant transition? And how can you help your child if they're anxious about going back for a new school year? Shelley Clarke from Embodied Therapies joins me this week to share how she is supporting her daughter before she starts school in 2 weeks' time. Shelley is a Parenting by Connection Instructor, Aware Parenting Instructor,...
Published 01/21/20