Parole in viaggio - puntata #13
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Goodmorning everybody and welcome back to Parole in Viaggio. Yes, one whole year has already gone from the last broadcasting, 12 months of journeys and meetings, sharing and requests. Indeed nothing has changed in all this time, if I look at who is around me, the situation is very similar, nothing of new, we are all attached to our habits. It’s not simply to try to change, the necessary effort is very big; and if we could try, the change of an habit takes a lot, a lot of time. But why is so hard to change? Maybe is simpler to deepen its meaning, that literally shows us that habit comes from latin Habitus, simply the clothes, the dress. Now, it’s not about how many clothes we change in a day, but the first reference is more conceptual: how many of us are ready to modify our style of clothes? I suppose few, very few. And why? because the clothes represent us, or maybe it’s better saying that we project on the clothes our idea and we desire that the other could understand who we are from a first panoramic look. He doesn’t know us but he already knows something about us. We are the clothes and they drive every day of our life. After waking up it’s time to go out, using a protecting defense created exactly by clothes. It’s when we entrust to an object what we are not able to face up to alone: the fear, the fear of judgement. And the fear is the engine that makes us running to protect us, with clothes and habits: more we create them, more we control the fear. More clothes are definite, more we suppress the sense of perturbation that persecutes us. Same path by car, same bar, same time, same market, same restaurant, same friends, same actions repeated till the end. And what happens if we don’t repeat an action? We feel guilty, “perhaps I should have done that stuff…” roles reverse, habits control our life, we can’t live without them, every one of us has an habit, as Elio e le storie tese says “I’m full of habits, don’t judge me, you are like me!” And if it’s true that we are so attached to our habits, instead of changing them, maybe it’s better beginning to know them, understand why we behave in a certain way and why we are so tied to them. that’s attachement and its meaning is very interesting. Attachment, from the verb to attach, has its origin in the celtic-german language tac, that means attach, fix, grapple. In other languages the same root is about the nail, the tack and also the latin tangere is touch but also to unite, to join. Attachment therefore is a simple nail we used to fix on us one of many things we are tied to, habits included. And when we use a nail on us there is a double meaning: when we attach something on us we are getting hurt, because the nail must soak in to hold the object to us. But at the same time if we decide to remove we have to to a big effort to extract the nail. If we look around us we understand how many things we are tied to, many, maybe too many. And if we would think to a dear object, were we able to live without it? Or were we able to donate it to the less pleasant person? More we are tied to something, more we understand that we haven’t beaten only one nail, but a box of nails. And what have we to do to free us? What kind of inhuman effort have we to use? Nevertheless every day, everyone of us ties to something new, without release old connection. Every day a new nail, new habits, new ties. Is there a remedy for this? I don’t know, maybe no, or maybe yes, trying to receive the Nickelback’s suggestion: “If today was your last day, Leave old pictures in the past Donate every dime you have?” Or perhaps more simply it’s time to start to be aware, without forcing too much. We could think about what we own and what owns us. And then understand that we can let it go, freely, without expectations. We could think that we are not alone in this world and
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