Why This is Our Life and How to Change It
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Few times you rasa nak change and for some reason kita tak dapat and tak berjaya. Why?  Morning walk podcast series (X)  Another episode for my morning walk series, I decided untuk share with you another audiobook that I have been listening to, Secret of Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker.  Our way of thinking define how we actually are. In this life we live in the world where cost and effect matters, thoughts create feelings and feelings create action. There are times words yang orang sekeliling tell us and define us and been conditioned in certain way also there are few aspects yang make us this way.   Try to define yourself and how you perceive people's voice to yourself and it certainly will help you to change your life.  Jangan lupa tell me your feedback and tag me on Instagram okay. Would always open up for any comments from you!
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There are times you nak find a new fresh idea but always stuck at the same place. Betul tak?  Morning walk podcast series (IX)  For this morning walk series, I nak share with you waktu I ada this idea untuk tukar arah in business I still dalam kolam yang sama iaitu content social media marketing,...
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I percaya you as a business owner pernah in the state where you nak sustain your business so you try to find new ideas and product. Betul tak? But it's not easy untuk find a fresh idea to kick it off.  Morning walk podcast series (VIII)  For this morning walk series, I nak share with you on how...
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