EXPLICIT CONTENT WARNING: While we have bleeped out the worst of the swear words, this episode is definitely not safe for work or those who don’t wish to hear bad language Ryan finally gets Chat GPT to swear and puts it to the test in an adventure full of grimy pirates, squawking parrots and buried treasure. After assembling a malodorous crew of cutlass-rattling sea-dogs, Ryan (AKA Captain F*ck-C*ntle) tries his luck wooing Belch-Breathed Bella. Next, he gets serious with a plan to make...
Published 08/14/23
At the first ever Olympics Keon sets out to win a gold medal and introduce some new sports to the Games, starring special guest Louise Banham as the voice of Game Master. Channelling his ‘inner Jonathan Edwards’ he gets the crowd going, but not before exploring some ancient Greek trash talking, all under the watchful supervision of Game Master’s stern moral compass. Next Keon ditches PowerPoint and uses physical demonstration to persuade the Olympic Committee to accept wheelbarrow racing as...
Published 07/31/23
Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth I feature in this episode set in 1592. Special guest Louise Banham attempts to become ruler of England by introducing the land to musical theatre. Beating the Bard to the punch, she writes Macbeth: The Musical and lures the queen into her masterplan with the promise of a role as lead lutist in her show. After securing a face to face meeting with the formidable monarch, Banham uses her famous jazz hands to beguile and bamboozle Queen Liz into considering her...
Published 07/24/23
Special guest Nick Horseman stars in a time travelling mission to kill Adolph Hitler before he can rise to prominence. Adopting the moniker of Klaus Hörsmann, Nick journeys back to the Habsburg Empire in Vienna, 1911, via a log flume time machine and heads straight to a gun shop. Finding himself penniless, Hörsmann immediately gets to work bartering for a discreet but deadly weapon with which to do the deed. After badmouthing a rival arms dealer’s business, Hörsmann gets his hands on the...
Published 07/17/23
The gang head back to ancient Egypt, this time with a cunning plan involving poles, furs and a beatboxing cat-god... With Keon away the team welcomes back special guest comedian and rapper Nick Horseman to take on the voice of Game Master. The game’s difficulty setting has been dialled up with new rules to make it much stricter and more realistic and also more cutting in its criticism of the player. Ryan tries to lose the game as quickly as possible. But will ChatGPT play ball? PastMaster...
Published 07/10/23
Special guest comedian and rapper Nick Horseman stars in a wise-cracking journey to prohibition-era Chicago. With his gangster patter down to a tee and a cunning plan to get in with the local mob boss, Nick sets out to make a name for himself as the new player in town. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our maverick AI GameMaster. Landing in the Windy City in 1926, Horseman bowls...
Published 07/03/23
Tan visits an ancient Roman amphitheatre to try and spruce up their chariot designs with some 21st-century know-how. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our maverick AI GameMaster. The thundering of hooves, the crowd baying, and the clash of steel on steel provide the soundtrack to this week’s episode! Channelling his inner Premiership footballer, Tan baits the crowd before climbing...
Published 06/26/23
We rejoin Keon (AKA Kheper) on his treacherous journey to the Egyptian underworld to see if Anubis, the god of the dead, will play ball with his theme park idea or instead extract his still-beating heart from his chest. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our maverick AI GameMaster. It is the year 1400BC and with his plans for world beard domination firmly in mind, Keon must put...
Published 06/19/23
PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history with the help of our AI GameMaster. In this episode GameMaster is given a makeover from pithy and sarcastic to a bitter, angry old man. The game’s difficulty level is dialled up, with strict instructions to deduct the player’s lives as a punishment for dangerous actions. Despite the increased danger, Keon cheerfully adopts the name Kheper and heads for the land of sphinxes...
Published 06/12/23
PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. Picking up from the knife-edge where we left off last time, in this episode we find out whether Tan’s plan to take over the saffron trade in Galilee circa 25AD pays off. With a gang of local tough-nuts and farmers now working for him and making plans to out-do rival saffron trader Mordechai at his own game, Tan takes a break...
Published 06/05/23
PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. In this episode, the team journeys back in time to the era of Jesus Christ in Galilee, circa 25AD. After getting caught stealing some bread, Tan forges an unlikely friendship with a spice merchant before setting out to become a saffron dealer in his own right. With the help of his mentor, he meets the fearsome saffron dealer...
Published 05/28/23
Tan heads all the way back to the Jurassic era to test whether he can not only avoid becoming lunch but also emerge victorious as leader of the dinosaurs. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. Pushing the parameters of the game to its limits, Tan makes friends with dinosaurs, first crafting rudimentary armour and weapons for the great lizards before introducing...
Published 05/22/23
PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. This week special guest comedian Sunil Patel joins us to take a trip back in time to the mid-15th century. Bernard Cornwell’s Azincourt and Shakespeare’s Henry V are the initial inspiration for Sunil’s adventure, but it doesn’t take long before he has decided to dodge the draft and head straight for a brothel. Despite this...
Published 05/15/23
Ryan gaslights Charles Darwin about who really wrote On The Origin of Species and orders the scientist to give him a piggyback across town. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. Under the acronym Ryland Mulchroneforth, Ryan heads to London during the Victorian Era where he bumps into eminent scientist Charles Darwin in a pub. Unable to resist taking credit for...
Published 05/08/23
Dragging our AI Gamemaster off to JRR Tolkien’s Middle Earth, Tan finds out how orc visitor ‘Thokk the Unthinkable’ gets on in the Shire and whether Gandalf will accept his plan to destroy the One Ring. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. Disregarding the principles of the game, Tan takes the adventure to The Shire in Tolkien’s Middle Earth, where he tests...
Published 04/30/23
Keon explores his inner murder hobo, journeying to Denmark at the height of the Viking empire where he seeks to be worshipped as a god and to start a feud with a rival. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. Heading to Denmark circa 900AD, Keon embraces the brutality of the age, styling himself as Jarl Olaf and headbutting a rival right off the bat to show how...
Published 04/30/23
Ryan give Guns N’ Roses a makeover on the lute and tries to seduce a lord’s wife. But could his animal training know-how prove the real key to success? PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. Materialising in a medieval marketplace, adventurer ‘Ryanardo’ tests out Johnny B Goode on the locals, catching the attention of a local bard. Introducing his new friend to the...
Published 04/30/23
On our maiden voyage back in time, Keon heads to the Wild West to make a name for himself among the cowboys with a fast food franchise that promises to be finger lickin’ good. PastMaster is the time-travel role-playing adventure show where Ryan, Keon and Tan explore a different era of history each episode with the help of our AI GameMaster. In this episode, meeting up to play PastMaster together for the first time, Ryan, Keon and Tan discuss whether AI is ‘good or bad’, where PastMaster...
Published 04/30/23
If you could go back 10 years what would you do? Buy a bunch of bitcoin probably. What about 100 years, 200, 500? Could you survive and thrive? Or would you be burnt at the stake for being a witch? Well now you can find out. PastMaster is the time-travel adventure show with a twist. Each week our hosts Ryan, Tan and Keon explore a different era of history with the help of our maverick and benevolent AI GameMaster. It’s simple. We give the AI the rules of the game and then it acts as our...
Published 04/28/23